Good day all my followers

Good day all my followers

I know it’s been awhile since I wrote to all of you. Trust me; the last five days have not been fun; issues with my post-concussion issues. My headaches climbed to stratospheric heights. Plus, this week is all about meeting with doctors and therapists. As much as I wish it, I’m not having fun, and writing stories were impossible. I’m telling you, I’m getting angry. I’m following my doctor’s orders exactly as prescribed, but I’m seriously looking at weed to allow me some semblance of a normal life.

The Taste of Honey
The Taste of Honey
Her Client Trilogy
Her Client Trilogy

That said, I want to thank all of those who purchased my books over the past week. I’ve sold several copies of ‘The Taste of Honey,’ ‘Her Client Trilogy,’ (‘Her Client,’ ‘Her Overseer,’ ‘Her Essentia,’) and ‘The Breakup.’ I’ve also seen an increase in followers and likes to my social accounts. It warms my heart and offers a bright light in my otherwise dim world. Thank you all.

What I really need to do is to work on spreading the word on my books. As much as I loved seeing the sales figures for the last week; when Amazon et. all take the bulk of your purchase price; not much is left over when all is said and done. Volume is where I can succeed so as much as many of you helped, I need to spread the word.

The Breakup
The Breakup

So, I have a mission for you, should you accept it. Please, spread the word. If you have read one of my books and liked it, please tell your friends and pass the word. And most importantly, if you have only read one of my books and liked it, how about trying another one. Can you do that for me, please?

Please, visit my Twitter (@richverry) and Facebook page ( and like/follow them. Even better, subscribe to my blog, The subscription form is at the bottom of this article as well as on my home page.

As a thank you, I’m offering a free copy of my latest novel, ‘The Trafficking Consortium,’ currently available as an Advance Release Copy on my home page. Clicking the free button will direct you to a special page where you can download it for free. All I ask that you write a review and post it on my site. You can do that, right? Free buttonJust click the envelope on my home page, This is a limited time offer. The promotion will end once the book is published.

It does deal with a tough subject, although the story is not as horrific as the ‘Her Client’ trilogy. I wrote it intentionally that way. Sure, there’s sex and death in the book but so do most suspense dramas. It’s a first person view of someone caught up in the human trafficking trade and what happens throughout their captivity. While they hate their captivity, they grow as a person and start to see their life in a whole new way. Suitable for all readers 18+. I think you’ll like it.

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Gifts for readers like you

Gifts for readers like you

If you liked my books, your friends and relatives may like them too. All of them are available on my website,,, or from your favorite eBook store.

Most are available to read for free with Amazon Unlimited.Free button

Several are also available in paperback; perfect for under the tree.

Thank you for your support.

To read the reviews by readers like you,
click on any of the book covers for more information.

The Taste of Honey
The Taste of Honey

Broken Steele book cover 3D
Broken Steele

The Breakup Upright Book
The Breakup
Mermaids Irresistible Curiosity book cover 3D
A Mermaid’s Irresistible Curiosity

Her Client Trilogy book cover 3D
Her Client Trilogy

Her Client Book 1 cover 3D
Her Client

Her Overseer Book 2 cover 3D
Her Overseer

Her Essentia Book 3 cover 3D
Her Essentia

The Trafficking Consortium
The Trafficking Consortium

Perfect Prey
Perfect Prey



Do you really know him?

Do you really know him? I have asked myself that question many of times when I was dating, engaged, hearing about my daughter’s’ date(s) and more recently playing a jurist from my couch as I watch Dateline and 48 hours!

The Breakup Upright BookThis topic came back to the forefront of my mind as I read Richard Verry’s new novella, ‘The Breakup’.

Ginny is presented to us as she leaves work and goes home to get ready for a date with Doug. She is hoping and even expecting a marriage proposal. She is so way off as he has other ideas.

He engages her and surprises her with his detail of brutality. His desire to add her to his “trophies” scares her enough to beg for her life and the reader begins to question his lack of compassion as it relates to her. He is so consumed by his own sexual needs and fantasies, that this escapade has the reader thinking that Doug is heartless and questions how he could do this to Ginny. There are sexual needs fulfilled on both sides yet the story brings me back to my original question.

I know life and choosing a life partner is a risk. Yet aren’t there some signals that one may see that are ‘red flags’? Is he a loner? Is he too good to be true? If the answer is yes, than you are warned that it must be and to keep your guard up.

Ginny fell hard for Doug and she was rewarded in such a brutal, horrific way. Her pleasure was short-lived and the end was unexpected. The reader, meaning me, hoped that had she won his heart and he would change his plans accordingly. I was surprised that his own needs won out and that his feelings for Ginny were part of a game. It’s not a game I want to be part of and yet I know it happens.

If you liked Richard Verry’s novella, ‘Her Client’, this is a must read for you. Sit back and enjoy the roller coaster ride and ask yourself the same question, ‘Do you really know him’?

What do you think?

Janet M.

Available on his website, Amazon, Smashwords and your favorite eBook retailer.
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What does going through ‘hell’ mean to you?

What does going through hell mean to you? To some, it’s missing your morning coffee. To others, it could be going through cigarette withdrawal or even a drug addiction. Still, to others, it could mean a bad day at school or work, being fired from your job, or being sent to prison for possession of pot intended for personal use. Everyone has their definition of going through hell and it can change from day-to-day, depending upon a multitude of nudges from the cosmos.

Her-Client-Trilogy-advert3aTo Jolene in ‘Her Client‘, it means having a rough day at work, coming home expecting to wind down with a glass of wine and a hot soak in the tub, only to be assaulted in her home, bound and raped before being sold into human bondage. She finds herself stolen from her home and thrown in the middle of sadistic tormentors whose happy time is defined with inflicting unspeakable torments on their victims. They live to hear others scream as they have their way with them, abuse and assault them. Success is measured in how much pleasure they feel as their victims scream, cry, and beg for their lives. The flames of their lives that are eventually snuffed out as their tormentors reach their climax.

Suffering through her ordeal, Jolene discovers the existence of an under current of sadists hell-bent on hurting her, inflicting unimaginable pain and agony upon her body, while keeping her alive for as long as possible before ending her existence in a sadistic sexual orgasm. Her discovery reveals a circle of sadists who do to others, what they are doing to her, and will do it again and again to other helpless souls. They trade their victims back and forth as market commodities and share their experiences with each other. Jolene suffers terribly, goes through hell, and is forever changed.

Read this gripping, agonizing tale. As you flip page after page, hoping against all hope that she finds her way through the onslaught of her tormentors, you pray that she lives to tell the story.

Live to tell?

If she does, will she return to being the trusting and consulate woman she was or does she become a monster herself, enjoying the screams as once delivered to the monsters who stole her life from her.

Find out for yourself and read the Her Client trilogy available at, or on Amazon at, or in paperback at


Thank you Her Client purchasers

Her-Client-Trilogy-advert3aOver the past 48 hours, the number of people buying and downloading my ‘Her Client‘ trilogy jumped significantly. Thank you to all that purchased a copy. I appreciate your support. I can only attribute this turn of events to the recent review on Amazon for the books written by Bibs. I’ve noticed significant jumps in interest and I can’t thank you all enough. You’re the best Bibs. Thank you again.

As a result, I am rejuvenated to continue my writing. The day I found the review, I ran home, kissed my girlfriend and went to my office. For several hours, I worked on my writing. In this case, I’m working a significant redesign of my website. I have come to realize that the landing page (home page) has gotten bloated, which forces the site to load more and more slowly. Plus, my analytics are showing a high bounce rate. Having everything on the home page doesn’t encourage a viewer to click links and drill down. It’s a delicate balance and while I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, I’m still a ways off to being happy with it.

In the meantime, between a full-time job, responsibilities after work, and a loving partner and girlfriend; I find that I time slice between them. What I would love to be able to do is write long into the night and be up for a new day at the crack of dawn. I used to do this years ago during my stints in drawing and painting. Unfortunately, my body doesn’t allow me this luxury any more. Crap! I have so many ideas and stories, not to mention images floating around in my head that need to get out. Can I get another life? How about clone myself and send the clone to my day job while I write or paint. Could that even work?

Wish me luck. I plan on doing significant work this weekend on all aspect of my books. Website work, several chapters in ‘Lucky Bitch‘, book three in my Mona Bendarova series, and work on another book that I started last month in the ‘Her Client‘ genre.

You’ll find my Mona Bendarova books, The Taste of Honey and Broken Steele on Amazon. You will also find Her Client, Her Overseer and Her Essentia, the three books that make up for the trilogy. They are also available as a single paperback volume from My sixth book The Breakup is available exclusively on my website for just 99 cents.

You’ll find my books on my author’s link on Amazon. In fact, you’ll find most of my books on all sorts of eBook platforms, including iBooks, B&N and a host of other sites.

I hope you’ll check these gripping tales out for yourself.

1-Her Client-Front Cover Her Overseer Book 2 coverHer Essentia Book 3 CoverThe Taste of Honey book coverBroken Steele book cover very smallThe Breakup


A Big Thank You

Her Client Trilogy book cover 3D
Her Client Trilogy

I wish to express my gratitude for the fantastic reviewsreviewsreviewsreviewsreviews 5 star reviews that Bibs left on Amazon for my trilogy, ‘Her Client’. You brought a big smile to my face. Thank you, I really appreciate the reviews. A paper back version is also available at CreateSpace logo .

Bibs is correct. These books are not for everyone. Yet, I wrote them because I saw a market and people are responding. The-Breakup-advert4aIf you liked ‘Her Client’ you may enjoy reading ‘The Breakup’, currently only available off my website, Just $0.99.

In the review, Bibs wanted to know if I would continue Jolene’s story? I have considered it. If you are, sent me your comments, including ideas on how you think Jolene should carry on. If there is enough interest, I will see what I can come up with.

Do you know what the trouble is? I have outlined over thirty stories in the same genre and I really want to bring them all to life. I’m working on two more right now, in addition to finishing up the third book in my “Mona Bendarova” series entitled ‘Lucky Bitch’.

Her Client Book 1 cover 3D
Her Client, Book 1 in the Her Client Trilogy
Her Overseer Book 2 cover 3D
Her Overseer, Book 2 in the Her Client Trilogy
Her Essentia Book 3 cover 3D
Her Essentia, Book 3 in the Her Client Trilogy

Thank you for the reviews.

I am Richard Verry and I appreciate the support.

Whirlwind nearly over, part 6

BeatlesWoke up this morning, fell out of bed, dragged a comb across my head ….

Thank you Beatles for the inspirational song ‘A Day in The Life’ to start my day off right. All of the above was true, except for the last statement. I haven’t needed to drag a comb across my head in decades. I used to have hair like that but it’s been gone since my early twenties. I did shave though, so maybe I should modify the line to “dragged a razor across my face”. Nah!

The point is, in getting up, I realized that there is nothing I have to do this afternoon and evening. I have a free night off. There’s no vendor I need to meet with, no deliveries I have to be home for, and my hot tub is slowly doing its magic on my ravaged body. Even my living room, dining room, and kitchen are starting to shape up. My office is getting there. I’m still getting used to my new writing desk.

Whoo hoo! I have nothing I have to do tonight. The very thought is wonderful in of itself.

So, what is the plan when I go home today after work? I have no fucking idea. Isn’t that great!

I might open a box or two, I’m in the market for a couple of storage cabinets so maybe I’ll shop for them. Online of course from the comfort of my easy chair. I could just sit behind my computer screen and write. ‘Lucky Bitch’ is begging for attention. I really should do that and maybe I will. Maybe I’ll just lean back, close my eyes, do nothing, and vegetate.

What I suppose I’ll do is whatever fancy’s me. That’s what I’ll do. I’ll decide when I get home and strip off my work clothes. I might even take an air bath.

Life is slowly returning to normal.

Whirlwind nearly over, part 2

The other day, I wrote about why I had been pretty quiet of late. I moved from one home to another. The big question is … why did I not write about the move before now?

Snow Bird

It all has to do with a dear friend of mine. He and his wife have been bugging me for years to sell my home and move to one near them. I love them dearly and yet, I loved the house I used to live in. Frankly, I resisted the urge to up and move. They are also snow birds. For those of you who don’t know the term, it means that they fly to their winter home in Florida and return in the spring. Yup, they roost in the warm sunshine of Florida while I live and work in the North East snows and cold weather.

17059963_sSince the decision to sell and move occurred while they were in Florida, I decided I wanted to surprise them. Since they read this blog, I couldn’t write about it till now. The more I thought about it, the more the evil in me wanted to surprise them.

Yes, you guessed it. The surprise has been sprung. Last week as a matter of fact. They returned a week ago Monday and we all met up for dinner at my place. The old place and were they ever in for a surprise. The sold sign on the front lawn and closing happening the following day. They were shocked and speechless.

Together, we all went out from dinner, saying goodbye for the last time to the old house, ate a fabulous meal while we spilled the beans on everything we had hidden from them. After dinner, we all went to the new house and introduced them to it.

Can you feel the evil grin on my face throughout all this?

They also surprised us by showing up with a new car, which they bought while still in Florida. I am looking forward to entertaining and playing domino’s with them and the lady in my life long into the evening. Their closing comment to the two of us was ‘You done good.’

I couldn’t be happier.


Her Client

Jolene in reposeI’ve spent my entire life doing my best to help others. Rarely have I done something just for myself. Sure, I have a body to die for and I use it to my advantage. It has helped me advance, but honestly, if I don’t, there’s always someone else who will take my place.

I don’t maintain long-term relationships, I simply don’t have time. I take care of the needs of my clients and if there is enough leftover, I’ll do something for myself. Who am I kidding? I have just enough left over for a bath, a glass of wine and the occasional one-night stand.

Then why was I assaulted, beaten, raped and sold into human bondage to be tortured and murdered? I have since learned that what happened to me could happen to anyone.

It could even happen to you.


Available at, or check out my website for more information.

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