Do you really know him?

Do you really know him? I have asked myself that question many of times when I was dating, engaged, hearing about my daughter’s’ date(s) and more recently playing a jurist from my couch as I watch Dateline and 48 hours!

The Breakup Upright BookThis topic came back to the forefront of my mind as I read Richard Verry’s new novella, ‘The Breakup’.

Ginny is presented to us as she leaves work and goes home to get ready for a date with Doug. She is hoping and even expecting a marriage proposal. She is so way off as he has other ideas.

He engages her and surprises her with his detail of brutality. His desire to add her to his “trophies” scares her enough to beg for her life and the reader begins to question his lack of compassion as it relates to her. He is so consumed by his own sexual needs and fantasies, that this escapade has the reader thinking that Doug is heartless and questions how he could do this to Ginny. There are sexual needs fulfilled on both sides yet the story brings me back to my original question.

I know life and choosing a life partner is a risk. Yet aren’t there some signals that one may see that are ‘red flags’? Is he a loner? Is he too good to be true? If the answer is yes, than you are warned that it must be and to keep your guard up.

Ginny fell hard for Doug and she was rewarded in such a brutal, horrific way. Her pleasure was short-lived and the end was unexpected. The reader, meaning me, hoped that had she won his heart and he would change his plans accordingly. I was surprised that his own needs won out and that his feelings for Ginny were part of a game. It’s not a game I want to be part of and yet I know it happens.

If you liked Richard Verry’s novella, ‘Her Client’, this is a must read for you. Sit back and enjoy the roller coaster ride and ask yourself the same question, ‘Do you really know him’?

What do you think?

Janet M.

Available on his website, Amazon, Smashwords and your favorite eBook retailer.
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