“The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not [had the] pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid.”
Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey
Mona Bendarova Series
The Taste of Honey
Book 1 in the Mona Bendarova Series
Imagine what it would be like to live in a world unlike the one we take for granted. Discover how humanity survives. Envision genuinely enjoying an office meeting. Appreciate & enjoy community sanctioned public recreational sex. Find out why their culture endorses their means of survival embraced for centuries. Undoubtedly, you will know where your next meal comes.
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Broken Steele
Book 2 in the Mona Bendarova Series
Six months after Honey’s tragic abduction, the community has settled down, until the body of the Master of another estate is found, brutally tortured and murdered. Once again, Mona is called upon to take up the challenge to find the culprit. Can she do it in a society that considers most of the population as property?
Tap the book cover to read it today!
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Lucky Bitch
Book 3 in the Mona Bendarova Series
Born and bred as a submissive to serve a Master, Mona is now the Mistress of a house she never wanted and is is ill-prepared. Mona struggles to safeguard her stable from conversion. The problem is, they are starving. Convert your own so the rest can survive or go hungry and starve off humanity’s slow extinction. It’s an irreconcilable quandary. What must she do?
Tap the book cover to read it today!
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Angry Bitch
Book 4 in the Mona Bendarova Series
As Mistress of House Alveolus, Mona is finally in charge of her life. Bred as a submissive to serve others, she’s now the top authority of her house where the buck stops with her. It’s a role she must learn and understand. It’s slow going, but she’s making progress. The caring, feeding, and housing of her stable of hundreds of dependents is her priority. She’s the bitch in charge.
Tap the book cover to read it today!
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Book 5 in the Mona Bendarova Series
This book in the works but without a release date. Stay Tuned.

Mona Bendarova’s stories explore a dystopian future where humanity barely escapes extinction. Long in the past, a devastating plague, which later became known as the ‘Purge Plague,’ nearly caused the annihilation of humanity.
Scientists and corporate agendas set to increase profits did not consider that nature has its way of dealing with changes.
Mona Bendarova’s stories explore a dystopian future where humanity barely escapes extinction. Long in the past, a devastating plague, which later became known as the ‘Purge Plague,’ nearly caused the annihilation of humanity.
Scientists and corporate agendas set to increase profits did not consider that nature has its way of dealing with changes.

Modifications in the DNA of food stock to increase yields were so commonplace they took shortcuts in testing for consequences. Corporate greed and well-minded scientists believed what they accomplished would benefit humanity and enrich their bank accounts.
They couldn’t be more wrong.
They lost control of these Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), releasing a wildfire of destruction.
A global pandemic attacked the genetic structures of protein-based life, resulting in a mass extinction. Humanity survived by the sheer luck and determination, but at a severe cost to the survivors.
Can humanity recover? Can you wreak havoc on Mother Nature and not let it come back and kill you?
Read the stories to find out how nature fought back against today’s abuse and reset the balance between her and her biggest foe ever… namely, humanity. The lessons we refuse to learn will kill us.

Within one hundred years, the devastation eradicated all animal life. Vegetable sources of protein also suffered, dying off by the thousands of species every year. Proteins needed to sustain life disappeared from the planet, along with all species dependent upon consuming those proteins.
Humans now lacked the critical consumable proteins necessary to maintain life. Where once there were seven billion people on the planet, only a few million survived. These last few were on the brink of obsolescence. Only by sheer luck and determination, scientists saved humans from extinction. However, it came at a great expense to the survivors.
Jump ahead a thousand years. Following the chaos and anarchy that ensued, the surviving community of humans eventually developed a culture whereby they could stave off the extinction of the entire species. From the day one was born, men and women alike, each knew from where their next meal came from, and exactly what their eventual fate was.

I wanted to touch base and tell you how much I’ve been enjoying the Mona books.
I find the character of Mona extremely relatable (much as I found Avril relatable in The Consortium series). Perhaps even more so. I see much of Mona in myself. And the story is quite compelling.
I’ve just started book three and am looking forward to see how the rest of the tale unfolds.
Emmie, 5/29/2022
This book really got me. From the very beginning, I had the feeling something wasn’t typical….and Mr. Verry certainly came through with that as the plot develops…. Read this one for yourself…. very entertaining!!
Helena Price, 6/15/2015
Want to learn more about Mona’s world. Maybe find out how the author came up with the idea and the society she lives in. Click the ‘Learn More’ button.

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