If you like the Consortium novels, read the prequel

If you like the Consortium novels, read the prequel.

A Consortium Origins Tale, Book 1

If you like the Consortium novels, read the prequel to find out how the current generation got started.

Read Shadowed Inheritance today.

The eBook and audio books are available on Amazon, Draft2Digital, Apple Books, Barnes & Nobel, Google Books and Google Play Books, Kobo, and other electronic booksellers.

I’m excited about this book. If you like the Consortium novels, read the prequel story of the Consortium Series.

Read Shadowed Inheritance today! After you do, please it a review, even if it’s only stars. Thank you.

more “If you like the Consortium novels, read the prequel”

Shadowed Inheritance is a Success

Shadowed Inheritance is a Success

A Consortium Origins Tale, Book 1

Shadowed Inheritance is a Success. If you haven’t already read it, read Shadowed Inheritance today.

The eBook (Kindle) and Audiobook versions are live on Amazon. The paperback version will be out in a couple of weeks while I await and approve the proof.

The eBook and audio book are also available on Draft2Digital, Apple Books, Barnes & Nobel, Google Books and Google Play Books, Kobo, and a dozen other electronic booksellers.

I’m excited about this book. It’s a prequel story of the Consortium Series.

Read Shadowed Inheritance today! After you do, please it a review, even if it’s only stars. Thank you.

more “Shadowed Inheritance is a Success”

Read Shadowed Inheritance today

Read Shadowed Inheritance today

A Consortium Origins Tale, Book 1

Read Shadowed Inheritance today. Yes, that’s right, you can read Shadowed Inheritance today from Amazon and Draft2Digital. I had to republish it when I found unforeseen dialog issues when converting it to an audiobook. That is now resolved.

The eBook (Kindle) and Audiobook versions are out right now on Amazon, a little earlier than I expected. The paperback version will be out in a couple of weeks while I await and approve the proof.

I’m excited about this book. It’s a prequel story of the Consortium Series. OMG, I can’t believe it. It’s out. Soon, you’ll be able to find the book on platforms like Apple books, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, OverDrive, Google Books, and many other online retailers.

Read Shadowed Inheritance today! After you do, please it a review, even if it’s only stars. Thank you.

more “Read Shadowed Inheritance today”

Shadowed Inheritance is Coming

Shadowed Inheritance, Consortium Origin Tales #1

Shadowed Inheritance is Coming

A Consortium Origins Tale, Book #1

Shadowed Inheritance is Coming, that is to say, Shadowed Inheritance gets released in July 2024. I’m excited about this book. It’s a prequel story of the Consortium Series. OMG, I can’t believe it. It’s nearly done. I still have a few tweaks to make to it, but it’s mostly finished and ready for publication.


With the Consortium, no one is safe from their favorite hunting grounds. The trouble is… it includes the entire globe and no one can hide when they select their next target. Will that be you or one of your loved ones?

more “Shadowed Inheritance is Coming”

Making Progress with the Consortium Prequel

more “Making Progress with the Consortium Prequel”

Announcing my new novel

The Trafficking ConsortiumAnnouncing my new novel

I am proud and excited to announce the release of my new novel,

‘The Trafficking Consortium’

available exclusively at


Click on the book cover to take you right to my web page for the book.

You can read the first chapter for free before you decide to get your own copy and read the story. It’s available in all eBook formats as well as in pdf. If you’re not comfortable with eBooks, early next year, I will make available a printed version of the book.

If you liked my ‘Her Client’ series and ‘The Breakup,’ you will love this story. Pure fiction, this story follows the development of a young, intelligent woman in her mid-twenties, who is caught up in an unexpected life of love, happiness, sadness, anger, pain, and anguish.

It’s the gritty, gripping, disturbing, and even terrifying tale of a woman who unintentionally catches the eye of an international human trafficking ring. After being snatched off the streets, she is auctioned off to the highest bidder where she learns to live a life as a slave, suffering torment at the hands of her master, while still finding peace, joy, happiness and possibly finding the love of her life.

The question is, can she survive long enough to escape, assuming she still wants to?

You can only get a copy from my site. I’m experimenting with this book, seeing if I can raise interest in my works without paying exorbitant royalties to the various retailers.

Suitable for adult readers 18+.

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Ramblings and such

Ramblings and such

We’ve just closed out the month of August and the unofficial end to summer is this weekend. At least in the northern hemisphere. Those down under are about to move from winter to spring. As far as I’m concerned, all good times of years.

I have mixed feelings about the month of August 2016. It’s been one of the hottest on record. Not that I am complaining but it would have been nice to have had a bit more rain. Though, the south-west U.S. could use it more. I just wish I could have enjoyed the warm (hot) weather more. It just wasn’t to be.

Why? Well, as you may recall, I suffered a severe concussion in mid July. (See my post ‘I saw Stars‘.) Since then, I’ve been out of work much of the time, while I deal with the after effects. They include a constant headache ranging from 1 – 6 on the pain scale. I’ve also had to deal with a diminished ability to formulate several sentences together into a cognitive thought. When I write, I often fat fingered my typing or misspell words that I know how to spell. Then there are the times when I can’t think of the word I want to say, even though it is sitting right there on the tip of my tongue. I still have trouble maintaining my balance when standing still.

All of this sucks. I am so tired of the headache. My love tells me that she’d rather deal with the pain of childbirth rather than have the headache I have had for the past seven weeks. I can get irritable, and I’m restless — anxious to get back to a normal life. Most certainly, my quality of life has diminished. All I can do is follow my doctor’s instructions and continue to rest.

“Hey Doc, do you know what it’s like for a writer to deal with growing headaches simply because he’s writing?” Let me tell you all, it sucks. Guess how long it took me to write these short paragraphs. Too long, I tell you. Almost an hour. F*&K.

41943863 - black diagram on pc screen. financial data on background.On a good note, I was looking at my sales figures for the month of August. Pretty decent. Amazon alone posted nearly 300 copies of my books, mostly in the Her Client trilogy. That’s 9.7 books per day. My other outlets also showed good sales figures. I guess word is getting around. Not bad for a new author, considering I published my very first book June 2015. Who knows what will happen in the next couple of years. So …

THANK YOU for reading my stories. It means a lot to me.

Next on my agenda, I plan on posting about my novellas. I haven’t quite figured out what I am going to write about but since they are selling well, I’m thinking you may be interested in how I came to write them, plus I may write about my character development, and so forth.

Until next time, have a great weekend and I’ll talk to you soon. Feel free to write me by clicking on the comment button. I look forward to reading them.

What’s on Tap

What’s on Tap

Yesterday, Saturday, did in fact turn out fantastic. Except for my ongoing, continuous headache, I couldn’t be more pleased. I am trusting that today will be more of the same, regardless of the weather, sun and heat. Whatever it turns out to be, I’m ready for a glorious day. Perhaps I’ll go see a movie?

InterviewOver the past month, I have been posting portions of an interview I gave several months back. Frankly, I was happy to transcribe portions into my blog. It not only helps my readers to more fully understand the basis of the books I write but it’s been helping me get back into sync with these stories. I have many more planned and I need ways to keep them fresh in my mind.

Starting tomorrow, I will be posting a number of smaller snippets from the interview. Generally, they are short answers to individual questions that move from topic to topic. I hope you enjoy them. Look forward to them starting Monday.

As always, I look forward to your comments. Please feel free to write me and let me know what you think. I always enjoy reading them.

Feel free to comment and agree or dispute my opinions. I love a challenge. Till next time, have a great day!

Tired of the Olympics

Tired of the Olympics?

Tired of the Olympics?Have you had enough of the Olympics? After more than two weeks of competition, the last medal has been awarded, the last anthem played and the venues sit empty.

If you’re tired of the games or simply anxious to replace them with something else, might I suggest reading a book. Perhaps, one of my mine or someone else’s. Anything that cuts your fancy. For a few hours, you’ll find yourself lost in a story that will captivate you, intrigue you, or take you to another world.

Mine are available right here on my site RichardVerry.com, at Amazon or Smashwords, or your favorite eBook retailer. Don’t like eBooks? Most of them are available in paperback. Check them out and write a review. I would love to read it.

No matter what you do, enjoy a good story, one that you can see yourself as one of the characters, feel what they feel, smile, cry, laugh or scream. It doesn’t matter. It’s the journey that counts. The journey to the podium and the party.

Club Lothario

Club Lothario

How did you come up with the name Club Lothario?

When I wrote the first book, ‘The Taste of Honey’, I did not have a name for the club. I simply referred to it as ‘The Club’. In the first book, it was simply a vehicle to support a couple of scenes I wanted to write outside of a house. For the second book, ‘Broken Steele’, I decided the club was going to take on a larger part in the stories. I needed a vehicle to foster conflict as well as resolution. I needed a place estate masters could go to argue issues, meet in private and coördinate effort for the community. I needed a champion for Mona, separate from Master Charles. The Club needed a name. more “Club Lothario”