Her Client

Jolene in reposeI’ve spent my entire life doing my best to help others. Rarely have I done something just for myself. Sure, I have a body to die for and I use it to my advantage. It has helped me advance, but honestly, if I don’t, there’s always someone else who will take my place.

I don’t maintain long-term relationships, I simply don’t have time. I take care of the needs of my clients and if there is enough leftover, I’ll do something for myself. Who am I kidding? I have just enough left over for a bath, a glass of wine and the occasional one-night stand.

Then why was I assaulted, beaten, raped and sold into human bondage to be tortured and murdered? I have since learned that what happened to me could happen to anyone.

It could even happen to you.


Available at smashwords.com, or check out my website for more information. RichardVerry.com

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Return to the Shelf

Her Client Book 1 cover 3DBack in mid-February, I posted an article regarding my books that comprise the ‘Her Client Trilogy’. Those books include ‘Her Client’, ‘Her Overseer’, and ‘Her Essentia’. In the article, I reported finding numerous editing mistakes missed by my editor. I was shocked to discover so many errors and inconsistencies. Therefore, I immediately pulled the entire series of books from the market so they could be re-edited.

Recently, I found a quote from an acquaintance of mine who uses it in her professional life. I love it and I subscribe to that sentiment with the works I produce. The quote reads as such.Her Overseer Book 2 cover 3D

“I strive for perfection, I’ll settle for excellence.” – Nichole Kellett.

Instinctively, I applied this concept to my artwork and when I began writing, I tried to apply the same meticulous attention to details. It’s unfortunate, in my zeal to move on to the next project, I allowed the release of a flawed product. Aghast, I pulled the books.

Her Essentia Book 3 cover 3DI’m happy to report that through numerous reviews, edits, and post edit reads, the flaws were corrected and many improvements to the flow and content of the stories were implemented.

The entire series was re-released as a new edition, along with new book covers. Those who purchased the original version will be able to download the second edition for free. If you purchased them directly from my website, I’ll be sending you and email with the revised version download instructions attached. For those who purchased them from Amazon or another retailer, please work with your retailer to get the revised edition. BTW, my experience with Amazon has taught me that when an author updates their book, they will attach a note to your list of books, allowing you to update the book. I encourage you to do so.

Her Client Trilogy book cover 3DI’m also putting together a paperback bound edition of all three books in the trilogy. The paperback edition will soon be available on my website, Amazon.com, and Createspace.com.

As a service to the rest of you, I am making the first book, absolutely free. That should make your day!

What makes me happy is the actual writing, creating the scenes, imagining the dialog that my characters might think and say, and putting all together into a cohesive story. Post production is tedious, strenuous, and frankly, sucks. I will be using a new editor for my future writings so that I can concentrate on the fun part of my novels. The creation and development of the story.

This experience has taught me a lot. I will strive hard to prevent these mistakes from reoccurring. I feel I have learned from my mistakes and I will grow from them.

Granted, my books are not for everyone. I never intended for them to be. In fact, if you’ve read some of my previous posts, you know that publishing my first book was done almost as an afterthought and after I was pressured by my beta readers to publish it.

For those who do like the genre I write in, I think you’ll appreciate the fine tuning that went into them.

‘Her Client Trilogy’ is suitable for those age 18 and above and contain scenes of graphic violence and criminal acts of assault, sexual abuse, and torture.

A concise, succinct view of my world

I read the following quote the other day on social media. Though I don’t have it as exact as it was written, I know that I’ve captured the sentiment.

“I don’t subscribe to the stuff I write about. I just have a vivid imagination.” – author unknown.

This quote rings clearly in my psyche. The sentiment allows me to explain to people about the stories I invent and capture in my writings and in my artwork. In short, it describes me in a very succinct way. It fits me to a tee.

Her Client Trilogy book cover 3DWhen you read my books, you will feel the anguish my characters suffer, male and female alike. You will feel what they do as they are tormented, brutalized, sexually assaulted and even killed. You will also live inside the minds of the perpetrators as they deliver their horrendous punishments to their unwilling victims. You will follow along inside the minds of the victims and feel their pain. You will identify with the characters and cringe as they suffer.

While I wrote these stories, I find the behaviors of my perpetrators as disturbing. I strongly believe that the idea of an act of violence against any living being, human or otherwise, as abhorrent. I cannot imagine actually doing the violence I write about. The idea that I can be thought of as someone who does, turns my stomach. I can’t imagine myself forcibly raping another person, man or woman. I can’t imagine myself as a boxer, fighter, soldier or whatever. I just can’t see it. I don’t consider myself a pacifist, I simply abhor the notion of doing violence against another.

Other people have trouble accepting my explanation. Many have said to me “If I can write it, I must be able or willing to do it.” While I understand how they made that leap, I don’t agree with it. I simply have an active imagination and I choose to document the products of my imagination. I will never, ever, do any of these behaviors for real.

What I find most interesting is the more violent the story, the more graphic and brutal it is, the better it sells. Really? I also recognize that either you like the stories or you don’t. There is no middle ground with these stories. They are not for everyone. I’m okay with that.

Whether you believe me or not, I can’t help you. I don’t subscribe, support and live this behavior and that it is just my vivid imagination. If you can’t believe it, then I can’t help you. I can only reaffirm my beliefs and core values do not include this behavior. Those closest to me, my friends, family, and lover know the truth.

In the meantime, as long as people buy it, I’ll continue to write it.

What is your favorite aspect of Mona?

Reflections BWMona is a fascinating character. I love her. There are many attributes that I could say about her but no matter how many I list, many will be missed. She’s smart, attractive, intelligent and loyal. She will do anything for her house and her Master. She loves coffee, high-heel shoes and red wine.

On top of all of her attributes, she is particularly skilled in giving pleasure as much as in receiving it. She excelled in her training during her formative years. She’d be thought of as a black belt in the sexual arts if there were such a ranking. She doesn’t even recognize it herself, but she can read the emotions and body language of her partner and respond accordingly. As a result, her talents both upright and horizontal are always in demand.

As a submissive, she defers to the wishes of her Master. She would do anything for him. He doesn’t even need to ask at times and she is there to answer his desire. However, she also expects to have her needs met by Charles. Just like the bulk of her community, she is a highly charged, sexual woman. She needs him to satisfy her just as she does for him.

woman silhouette striped stockingsBut the question is: ‘what is my favorite aspect of Mona?’ For me, that has to be her masochism.

Mona is not just a masochist, she is an extreme masochist. She not only enjoys sessions in the dungeon getting her ass whipped, she craves it. She lives for it and can’t wait for the next session, even if she is still recovering from the last session.

She is what some might call a ‘pain slut’. Physical pain is an aphrodisiac and when tormented, the endorphins in her body flood her every cell with pleasure beyond compare. Fortunately for her, she has Master Charles, a skilled sadist who enjoys tormenting her almost as much as she enjoys being tormented.

And just to be clear, I’m not referring to abuse here. There is a concept of good pain versus bad pain. Snapped bones, twisted ankles, and sprained knees are examples of bad pain. Beaten to within an inch of your life, bloody and bruised could also be considered bad pain. Bad pain is not something Mona enjoys and she would be the first to say that this was abuse. However, being beaten because you enjoy it, ask for it and negotiate a power exchange would be an example of good pain and something to be desired.

Most people won’t be able to understand the difference but I hope you will trust me when I say that ‘yes’ there is a difference. I’m not sure I understand it either but I have met and played with ‘pain sluts’ before and I have come to appreciate them. They are real, feeling people too.

woman with two floggersWhat makes her character even more complex is that she is more than a submissive. Throughout book two, she is learning that there is more to her than she understands. She is also learning that she is a dominant and at some level, a sadist. She understands just how pleasurable pain can be and is starting to realize that giving pain is just as satisfying as receiving it can be. She doesn’t understand it yet, but she really is a sadomasochist.

She begins exploring this new aspect of herself in the third book in the series, currently under development. When you read it, you’ll begin to see this other side of her psyche for yourself. Of course, I need to get off my ass and finish writing.

So, until next time, this is Richard Verry reporting to you from my computer keyboard.

Do I have a fix for you.

So, what would you football fanatics do this weekend without a meaningful game to watch? Well, here is a suggestion! It’s the three R’s. Rest, Relax and Read. The last ‘R’ is where I can help.

When you read, Richard Verry’s, ‘Her Client Trilogy’ you will find just the right amount of brutality, torture and a winning outcome. You will shudder at the incredible and unimaginable anguish suffered as the story unfolds. A gripping tale, you will not be able to put it down until the final … final outcome.

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So grab your favorite drink, put your feet up and start reading. I promise you that you will be at the edge of your seat, not knowing the ‘score’. You will care about the characters involved in this story yet this isn’t a game. The brutality is happening to a person not a team. If you can’t depend on your peers to help, who is left?

Will this give you the ‘fix’ you need this weekend?

Only you can answer that question yet as a person who can relate and will be going through the same ‘withdrawal’ as you are, I can assure you that you won’t be disappointed with your read!

Suitable for readers 18+.

Football as it relates to Her Client Trilogy

Football and Her Client Trilogy

It’s conference championship weekend as the remaining four teams battle it out for the honor to represent their conference in the Super Bowl. Just four teams remain in contention while the rest are sitting on the sidelines. This ritual got me thinking how this relates to Richard Verry’s, ‘Her Client Trilogy’.

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What happened to Jolene could happen to you.

When I think about the game, the words that come to mind include: dominance, hunt, aggressor, tied, victim, surprise, tension, hard, chains, panic, goal, interference, holding, illegal contact, roughing, fantasy, rout and shit!

I am sure you can add more yet the point is all this is acceptable in the game of football. Culturally, it has become the norm to read, watch and/or participate in this activity.

How is this different from what the author is conveying in his books and novellas?

Overall, I believe we have grown as a society yet there are still issues that we can’t accept or are willing to accept. We still hunt, torture and inflict brutal violence against each another. It is a game for some and a lifestyle for others. Yet like myself, the main character and victim Jolene will fight to survive to the bitter end.

We may have fourth and long to go, time is running out and we are out of time-outs and yet we will keep our wits and fight to the bitter end. We will not be the victim to be hunted and tackled to the ground. We may be injured and on the verge of being routed. Yet, while there are still seconds on the clock, we will not take a knee. We’ll run the screen pass and make a play for the end zone and come out on top.

We will not lay down and give up. We will overcome our trials, we will vanquish those to try to push us down and send us packing. We will do everything we can to rise to the top and hold the trophy high.

See if you agree with my thoughts. Write me a comment and let me know, one way or the other.

Insights in ‘The Revenant’

The RevenantYesterday, I went to see the movie, ‘The Revenant’ starring Leonardo Di Caprio. Now that I understand the word revenant to mean, ‘a person who has returned, especially supposedly from the dead’, I couldn’t help think of the similarities between that movie and Richard Verry’s trilogy, ‘Her Client’.

Both characters survive brutal, gruesome and violent attacks. Both Jolene, the heroine in the ‘Her Client Trilogy’ and DiCaprio’s character Hugh Glass in ‘The Revenant’, sustain continued physical and emotional breakdowns. Jolene has her past best friend’s voice playing in her mind while Glass has his dead wife doing the same for him. They are motivated not to give up and both fake their death to fool their attacker.

Her Client TrilogyFor both stories, the ending outcome is satisfying to the reader as well as the moviegoer.

The audience of one, me, is cheering forthe’ main character in both of these genré. It just takes reading the three novellas and sitting through two hours and thirty-six minutes to come to a satisfying climax. I admit it was agonizing at times, yet getting to the end where the heroes come up on top was fulfilling.

In short, the two creative works had many more similarities than I had expected. What grabs the viewer and the reader is having each main character overcoming certain obstacles and barriers. You follow their struggles through crisis after crisis. You root for them to succeed and cheer when they do.

If you liked ‘The Revenant’, you’ll like ‘Her Client ’.

What do you think? Do you see the similarities I saw or do you disagree? Write a note below and tell me your thoughts.

Where did your characters for ‘Her Client’ come from?

The characters in ‘Her Client’ developed differently from the ‘Mona Bendarova Adventures’. In ‘Her Client’, I had an idea for the story-line and I started writing the first lines of the story without naming the main character. When it came time for a name, the name Jolene just popped into my head. Great, I thought, and kept on writing.

Her Client Book 1 cover 3D
Her Client, Book 1 in the Her Client Trilogy

Jolene’s character was somewhat well-defined in my head as I wrote the story. I wanted her to be up and coming in the business world. She was to be intelligent, beautiful and sexy. When I thought about what careers she might be involved in, I shied away from the media related professions. More ideas like pharmaceuticals, legal, Wall Street et. all came to mind. I decided to make her an account executive in charge of handling people’s money. I also wanted her to be overburdened, trying to make a name for herself in her chosen industry. Just as doctors, lawyers and stock brokers work long and late hours to rise above the rest, so would Jolene.

Unfortunately, it also gets her into trouble as she attracts the wrong kind of interest. Enter Jeremy.

When I started writing about her adversary, I asked myself, “Hmmm, what name could I use here?” I didn’t want to choose a name of anyone I was familiar with and after thinking about it for a few minutes, I stumbled upon the name Jeremy. And no, before you ask, this character is not based upon anyone at all. He is purely fictional and he’s pure evil. He can be your best friend and a snake in the grass waiting to pounce.

Her Overseer Book 2 cover 3D
Her Overseer, Book 2 in the Her Client Trilogy

Both characters have many layers to them. Jeremy has several businesses but the one he is most proud of and makes the most money from is his illicit business … human trafficking. The phrase is never used yet the reader knows it at the end of the first book. Jolene’s starts out as a naïve woman, intent only on doing what is right for her clients. She is a giver and a cheerleader. Yet, she is also damaged and has spent the last ten years working out a past tragedy that in her mind  feels was her fault. It’s not but the human mind is not logical or reasonable.

After she is sold off into bondage, she encounters her next nemesis, Jon in ‘Her Overseer’. Originally, I had not intended to write a follow-up book to Jolene. However, as the first book ended, it seemed logical to continue her story with what happens after she unwillingly enters the world as a trafficked victim. Jon’s name just happened to appear in my head as I wrote the second story. I liked it and it stuck.

Her Essentia Book 3 cover 3D
Her Essentia, Book 3 in the Her Client Trilogy

Again, as in the first book, when I finished this story, I asked myself “What might happen if Jolene survives and returns for a third story?” Enter Jules in ‘Her Essentia’. Jules is Jolene’s childhood best friend who was killed in a tragic traffic accident. Jules convinces Jolene not to give into death but to return to earth and finish the vow she made in the first two books. You’ll need to read the books to find out how it turns out. Suffice to say, all three are gruesome, violent and graphic.

It wasn’t until the books were in the editing stages that I realized that all of the characters names began with the letter ‘J’. How about that? I’m not sure how or why that happened. It just did. Since then, I’ve been taking pains to avoid use of the letter ‘J’ in defining new characters, though I almost fell into that trap with another story, ‘The Breakup’ which is due out soon.

I hope you enjoy reading my answers to these interview questions. It’s been fun to remind myself of the processes I went through to create these characters.

For those of you who are writers, how do you come up with your characters. Or, if you are an artist, how do you come up with your vision? If you’re a musician, what process do you use to come up with your next song, composition or symphony?

I’m curious. Please, share your thought processes. I’d love to read them.

Hot pepper sauce. Holy S#!$

Cleaning out the fridge.

Today, we were cleaning out the refrigerator. You know how some stuff tends to collect after months. Well sometime ago, a family member brought one of those small little bottles of hot sauce. You know the kind. A single drop goes a long, long way.

So far …  so good.

Fire hot pepperThat is until the bottle falls on its way to the garbage pail. Yup, that’s right, it falls on the floor in the kitchen and the top breaks off. A decent amount spills on to the floor. I picked up the bottle and since it was spilling all over the garbage pail I tried to contain it from getting all over.0

What I did next is what I normally would do in this situation. I dumped the balance of the bottle down the sink to flush it down the drain. Oops. Within seconds, the water mixed with the hot sauce, sending the main chemical in the pepper that makes it hot — air-borne.

Within seconds, it permeated the room. I was breathing it in. It clogged my sinuses, my air ways, my chest. As I tried to wash it down the drain, I touched it with my hands. Hours later, they are still tingling from the pepper sauce.

After sometime, coughing, sneezing and blowing my nose, I thought I was past it and I washed my hands thoroughly. That is until I needed to use the bathroom. Even after washing my hands beforehand, a minute afterwards, my junk started burning. Oh shit! What the fuck!

Hot PepperI’m trying to eat dinner and I can’t stand it. All I can think of is washing my dick. Jumping into the shower, only exasperates the problem. Holy shit. Even the water vapor from the shower is mixing with the remnants of the sauce embedded in my skin. I can’t stand it any long. I turn off the water and dry off. As I’m doing so, my girlfriend who was to this point not involved, runs into the bathroom complaining that it got into her eye.

Oh shit again. Apparently, she breathed in a little bit of the air permeated with the remnants of the smell of the sauce and had to blow her nose. As she blew, it backed up into her eyes and they’re burning. Again, washing doesn’t help but the watering in her eyes eventually settles her down. It took a while and now she’s resting. Now, as I look at her face, it looks like she’s got a black eye, almost as if someone punched her in the face.

An hour later, I’m finally able to think, though the skin that touched the sauce is still burning. The backs of my hands and fingers are still tingling. Her eyes are still sore but we’re progressing.

A word to the wise! Don’t ever … ever spill this fucking sauce. It’s murder.

One thing though. Compared to Jolene, my heroine in the ‘Her Client Trilogy’, I’d rather go through this incidence with the pepper sauce than what she had to endure. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, check out this trilogy. It’s brutal. It’s criminal. It’s savage. By all rights, Jolene should be dead and buried. Somehow, she survives. Read her story and find out how she does it.

Me, I’m glad that I nor any one of my loved ones don’t have to endure either of these assaults. And yes, I consider this episode with the pepper sauce an assault. Why the fuck would anyone want to intentionally want to eat this shit is beyond me.

Hopefully by tomorrow, we’ll be past this.

Oh, and … if anyone wants to come visit us as our house, do not and I mean it, DO NOT bring a bottle of this pepper sauce with you. You will not be allowed in my house. PERIOD.

Don’t even think about it. You hear me! I mean it. DON’T.