Sales are the best review but are they really?

Hello friends and fans. Yesterday afternoon I got a pleasant surprise. Someone bought a copy of my book, ‘Broken Steele‘ from Smashwords. Thank you.

Book-2D-loopHowever, that one little revelation got me poking around all of my sales outlets. To my surprise, over the past three months, unbeknownst to me, hundreds of copies of all of my books have been downloaded from various sites. Many are free copies of my book ‘Her Client’ but many of you out there bought your own copies of my other books from various sources. I noted sales on iBooks for the Apple platform, B&N for the Nook platform and even Kobo for who knows what eBook reader.

I’m ecstatic.

Thanks to all who have purchased and downloaded one of my books. I hope you enjoy them. Please, I would be interested in a review or two from you. Of course sales are the best review so I must be doing something right.

Read what others have said about my books. Many are summarized right here. Feel free to read them and decide for yourself. Thank you for giving me a slice of your valuable time. I appreciate it.



Someone just purchased Broken Steele, thank you.

I just received notice that someone purchased a copy of my book ‘Broken Steele‘. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It would be fantastic if you would post a review of the book. I’ll give you a gold star should you do. This book, as well as all of my books, are available on my website, and at book retailers such as Amazon, Smashwords, iBooks, B&N and a host of ebook retailers all over the world.


When you read this erotic, kinky, and captivating, tale, you will wonder who your friends are and can they be trusted.

For those of you who might not be aware, ‘Broken Steele‘ is the gripping sequel to ‘The Taste of Honey‘ and is the second book in the Mona Bendarova Adventures. It picks up after Honey is rescued and before she delivers her first male child. It is another mystery for Mona to solve when she is called upon to find out who brutally murdered the master of another estate in her community. Along the way, she uncovers a plot that is threatening the entire community. A community who for years has experienced peace and tranquility which is now shattered with fear, angst, and unrest.

She solves the mystery but now her own life is in great peril as many in her community are ignorant of the growing threat and simply can’t deal with the consequences. Mona’s own life is now in jeopardy as well as those who are close to her.

Good luck Mona. It appears you have a long and perilous journey ahead of you. Book three in the series, ‘Lucky Bitch’ is in the works. Be sure to look for it.

Suitable for readers 18+.

What does going through ‘hell’ mean to you?

What does going through hell mean to you? To some, it’s missing your morning coffee. To others, it could be going through cigarette withdrawal or even a drug addiction. Still, to others, it could mean a bad day at school or work, being fired from your job, or being sent to prison for possession of pot intended for personal use. Everyone has their definition of going through hell and it can change from day-to-day, depending upon a multitude of nudges from the cosmos.

Her-Client-Trilogy-advert3aTo Jolene in ‘Her Client‘, it means having a rough day at work, coming home expecting to wind down with a glass of wine and a hot soak in the tub, only to be assaulted in her home, bound and raped before being sold into human bondage. She finds herself stolen from her home and thrown in the middle of sadistic tormentors whose happy time is defined with inflicting unspeakable torments on their victims. They live to hear others scream as they have their way with them, abuse and assault them. Success is measured in how much pleasure they feel as their victims scream, cry, and beg for their lives. The flames of their lives that are eventually snuffed out as their tormentors reach their climax.

Suffering through her ordeal, Jolene discovers the existence of an under current of sadists hell-bent on hurting her, inflicting unimaginable pain and agony upon her body, while keeping her alive for as long as possible before ending her existence in a sadistic sexual orgasm. Her discovery reveals a circle of sadists who do to others, what they are doing to her, and will do it again and again to other helpless souls. They trade their victims back and forth as market commodities and share their experiences with each other. Jolene suffers terribly, goes through hell, and is forever changed.

Read this gripping, agonizing tale. As you flip page after page, hoping against all hope that she finds her way through the onslaught of her tormentors, you pray that she lives to tell the story.

Live to tell?

If she does, will she return to being the trusting and consulate woman she was or does she become a monster herself, enjoying the screams as once delivered to the monsters who stole her life from her.

Find out for yourself and read the Her Client trilogy available at, or on Amazon at, or in paperback at


Thank you Her Client purchasers

Her-Client-Trilogy-advert3aOver the past 48 hours, the number of people buying and downloading my ‘Her Client‘ trilogy jumped significantly. Thank you to all that purchased a copy. I appreciate your support. I can only attribute this turn of events to the recent review on Amazon for the books written by Bibs. I’ve noticed significant jumps in interest and I can’t thank you all enough. You’re the best Bibs. Thank you again.

As a result, I am rejuvenated to continue my writing. The day I found the review, I ran home, kissed my girlfriend and went to my office. For several hours, I worked on my writing. In this case, I’m working a significant redesign of my website. I have come to realize that the landing page (home page) has gotten bloated, which forces the site to load more and more slowly. Plus, my analytics are showing a high bounce rate. Having everything on the home page doesn’t encourage a viewer to click links and drill down. It’s a delicate balance and while I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, I’m still a ways off to being happy with it.

In the meantime, between a full-time job, responsibilities after work, and a loving partner and girlfriend; I find that I time slice between them. What I would love to be able to do is write long into the night and be up for a new day at the crack of dawn. I used to do this years ago during my stints in drawing and painting. Unfortunately, my body doesn’t allow me this luxury any more. Crap! I have so many ideas and stories, not to mention images floating around in my head that need to get out. Can I get another life? How about clone myself and send the clone to my day job while I write or paint. Could that even work?

Wish me luck. I plan on doing significant work this weekend on all aspect of my books. Website work, several chapters in ‘Lucky Bitch‘, book three in my Mona Bendarova series, and work on another book that I started last month in the ‘Her Client‘ genre.

You’ll find my Mona Bendarova books, The Taste of Honey and Broken Steele on Amazon. You will also find Her Client, Her Overseer and Her Essentia, the three books that make up for the trilogy. They are also available as a single paperback volume from My sixth book The Breakup is available exclusively on my website for just 99 cents.

You’ll find my books on my author’s link on Amazon. In fact, you’ll find most of my books on all sorts of eBook platforms, including iBooks, B&N and a host of other sites.

I hope you’ll check these gripping tales out for yourself.

1-Her Client-Front Cover Her Overseer Book 2 coverHer Essentia Book 3 CoverThe Taste of Honey book coverBroken Steele book cover very smallThe Breakup


A Big Thank You

Her Client Trilogy book cover 3D
Her Client Trilogy

I wish to express my gratitude for the fantastic reviewsreviewsreviewsreviewsreviews 5 star reviews that Bibs left on Amazon for my trilogy, ‘Her Client’. You brought a big smile to my face. Thank you, I really appreciate the reviews. A paper back version is also available at CreateSpace logo .

Bibs is correct. These books are not for everyone. Yet, I wrote them because I saw a market and people are responding. The-Breakup-advert4aIf you liked ‘Her Client’ you may enjoy reading ‘The Breakup’, currently only available off my website, Just $0.99.

In the review, Bibs wanted to know if I would continue Jolene’s story? I have considered it. If you are, sent me your comments, including ideas on how you think Jolene should carry on. If there is enough interest, I will see what I can come up with.

Do you know what the trouble is? I have outlined over thirty stories in the same genre and I really want to bring them all to life. I’m working on two more right now, in addition to finishing up the third book in my “Mona Bendarova” series entitled ‘Lucky Bitch’.

Her Client Book 1 cover 3D
Her Client, Book 1 in the Her Client Trilogy
Her Overseer Book 2 cover 3D
Her Overseer, Book 2 in the Her Client Trilogy
Her Essentia Book 3 cover 3D
Her Essentia, Book 3 in the Her Client Trilogy

Thank you for the reviews.

I am Richard Verry and I appreciate the support.

Need help? Need to relax? Be Massage & Wellness

Do you need to relax and repair your body? Do you want to pamper yourself, giving your body a treat? You can’t go wrong trying out Be Massage & Wellness.

‘Be relaxed, Be renewed, Be restored’

Tammy, is a Licensed Massage Therapist owning and operating her own successful business.  Be Massage & Wellness is a local studio right here in the Rochester NY region. Her tagline  perfectly describes her talent. She renewed and restored me, and that’s no small feat.

As I have written in the past, I severely damaged my body over the past couple of months, pushing it to change my place of residence. In packing up, moving, and unpacking, I did some significant hurt to all parts of my body.

Tammy and Be Massage & Wellness fixed me up right well enough. The first couple of sessions after moving were quite intensive. She found and fixed issues in my muscles and joints that surprised me. The damage had me wondering how I could function at all. Between daily soaks in my hot tub and Tammy’s magical hands working on me, I am nearly back to tip-top shape.

relax, restore, renewI’ve known Tammy for many years now, seeing her for various issues related to my body. Recently, I tried her hot-stone therapy. Oh my god, was that ever sweet. As I guy, I don’t often pamper myself with spa time. Her treatment was one of those exceptions. By the end, my body felt utterly relaxed and malleable. I didn’t want to get up from the table. I might have stayed there for the rest of the day. Alas, she needed it for another client.

If you are in need of help to relax, renew or restoration, you won’t go wrong in using her services. Check out her website at: She will gladly book an appointment. I promise you, you won’t be disappointed.

Try her out and tell her Rich sent you.

Be Massage & Wellness

Holiday weekend with Charles Bendarova

It’s 97 degrees Fahrenheit or 36 degrees Celsius. It’s hot. Really hot. Stifling hot on a cloudless day, the hot sun beating down on everyone and everything. Going outside is something I don’t relish. Yet, I had the opportunity to invite Charles Bendarova over to share a beer and catch up.

Charles is a good friend of mine. Of course he’s a fictional characters in my Mona Bendarova Adventure series. Yet, he is a dear friend. Tomorrow, he will be going to his communities Summer Start festivities but today, he could give me a couple of hours to kibitz, shoot the breeze and share stories.

Taste-Of-Honey--advert4aTogether, we sat on the porch and shared a beer. Well, several as it turned out. As the afternoon wore on, we talked about a lot of things. Take tomorrow for example. He told me the barbecue tomorrow was going to be a big affair. Several competitions were planned and he intended to win the dance competition. He had once again entered Jewel, his latest personal sub in training, to compete and this time, he had high expectations of her winning. Of course, I wished the two of them luck.

Soon enough, we got on to the talk of sex. I felt bad that I couldn’t offer him an attendant. Especially knowing that if the tables were turned and he had been hosting my visit to his home, we would be sharing beers while any number of gorgeous women attended to our desires. A big part of me wanted to go with him to his barbecue on the morrow but then again, who would then write the stories that come out of it. Yes, Charles knows full well that we are a team. Without me, his stories could not be told and without him, I wouldn’t have stories to tell.

Broken-Steele-advert2aEventually, we got to talking about Mona. Charles is really worried about her. He’s worried because she’s on her own and no longer under his protection. Officially, that is. He confessed that he still looks after her, watches out for her, and does his best to protect her ass. Still, she’s on her own and he’s very worried. I am too. Mona has challenges to overcome just learning how to run her own estate. Yet, Charles and I know different. Many segments of the community don’t like the fact that a woman is now in charge of her own estate. She is the boss. She is the master of the house and mistress to hundreds of people under her. She must figure out how to feed everyone, take care of their needs, and care of the welfare of her housemates.

I feel for Charles, I do. Yet, I don’t know how to help him. He needs to figure it out for himself. I can only report the stories as it unfolds. I agreed with him, Mona has much to learn and she doesn’t need obstructive behaviors of members of her house and community working against her and making it even harder for everyone.

What I didn’t know until recently, Mona has had to deal with acts of terrorism within her own house. I was surprised, to say the least. Mona’s community hasn’t known behaviors like this for centuries. Charles is dumbfounded, to say the least. He reported to me that he suspects that several of Mona’s household have been assaulted and killed. He was shocked and nearly powerless to help.

I felt for him but I didn’t know what to say. Except to say, I tilted my glass of beer towards him, clinked the together and we each drained them. After draining a few more beers, he bade me goodbye. I wished him well.

Tomorrow, while Charles is partying it up at the barbecue, I’ll be writing more of his stories. Stay tuned.

Thank you, one and all

Thank you, one and all

A big thank you to David who gave me a pair of reviewsreviewsreviewsreviewsreviews for The Taste of Honey and Broken Steele. You’re awesome man. A big thank you also to everyone who bought my books these last couple of weeks. Apparently, the ‘Her Client Series’ is quite popular and a lot of you around the world are reading them.

My books and more, including another free one, are available on my website, as well as on Amazon for your Kindle, Smashwords, B&N, or at your favorite eBook retailer for your iPhone, iPad, Nook or what have you. You can even purchase paperback copies from these sites.

To get a taste of my stories, feel free to read the opening chapter from ‘The Taste of Honey‘.

Taste-Of-Honey--advert4aAs one reader wrote:

I’ve been under the comforter most nights, reading Richard Verry’s title, “The Taste of Honey” and calling out from under there, saying “go ask Daddy” and returning promptly to my hot and steamy read.

Hot and steamy? I couldn’t agree more and I’m confident you’ll agree. Right now, I’m working on the third book in the series, ‘Lucky Bitch’ which promises to be just as hot and steamy. All three books have intrigue, suspense, mystery, kink, and lots of sex with a healthy dose of romance.

As another review wrote:

The plot is intriguing and kept me spell-bound throughout the book. I found it to be well-written & the author draws you in with not only his clever storyline but also his complex characters. The more I read, the more I understood the emotional turmoil the various characters were going thru. I am excited to see where this author takes us in the next adventure!

So, if you are looking for a good book to read this weekend, download a copy of ‘The Taste of Honey’ and it’s sequel, ‘Broken Steele’. You’ll be sucked-in and captivated all weekend long. Then, be sure to look for ‘Lucky Bitch’ which is in the works.

Thanks again for your support and drop me a line with your thoughts. I look forward to hearing from you.

Suitable for readers 18+.

Unofficial start of summer in America

Unofficial Start of Summer

In the United States, we are about to celebrate the start of summer. The unofficial start of summer that is. Memorial Day is an official national holiday created to commemorate our fallen soldiers in past and present military actions. Unofficially, it is our unofficial start of summer.

But I wonder, the same occasion remembers our fallen dead while we celebrate the coming of summer. Interesting, isn’t it?

Mona Bendarova’s Community Holidays

Celebrating the unofficial start of summer
Find out how the human race survives

I can’t help wonder what Mona Bendarova and her community would do to celebrate the coming of summer. I refer to of course to my books, ‘The Taste of Honey’, ‘Broken Steele’, and  the soon to be released ‘Lucky Bitch’.

Mona and her community would celebrate one of the biggest parties of the year. While roasting meats over a number of barbecue pits, they would prepare tables of delicacies, and imbibe on all sorts of hard and soft beverages.

Competitions abound as cheering audiences root for their favorite contestants and betting flows freely celebrating both winners and losers. Capping the holiday off everyone enjoys wild group sex among a number of partners well into the next day.

Reading her stories, you will get a sense of what I am referring to. It’s a time everyone looks forward too. Sounds like a fun time. Eat, drink, fornicate, and be merry.

I’m looking forward to my celebration of the coming summer in a completely different way. There will be many similarities yet, there will be significant differences, especially when it comes to the menu. As I eat my share this weekend, I can promise you that I will think about Mona and her housemates, friends and acquaintances.

FrankenFood, are we playing with fire?

USAToday published an article entitled “Genetic ‘frankenfood’ found not harmful to human health”. The article goes on to state that a committee of 50+ experts compared disease reports from North America where Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are commonly used in food sources with disease reports from UK and Western Europe. According to these experts, there is no significant difference or increases in the incidence of specific health problems.

Good news, right?

Not so fast. I do understand that GMOs are being used with good intentions. They are being introduced to promote greater yield per acre, more drought & insect resistant, and other similar reasons. All good on the face of it.

For me, the problem is more to do with those behind the modifications being made to the genomes of our food supply. They are run and paid for by major corporations. Their motives are not to benefit the human race (or their customers). Rather, they are profit motivated. The stockholders in these corporations want bigger and bigger profits so they can increase their overall wealth.

I’m sorry but that is not a reason to mess with our food supply. I disagree with the practice. I would prefer that it stop but I know it won’t. I can only hope and pray that nothing goes wrong.

While I am not a fanatic on a cause, I can’t believe this report. Why you may ask?

Taste of Honey book cover small
Find out how the human race survives

Something going wrong is the underlying basis of my ‘Mona Bendarova’ series of books which opens with the ‘Taste of Honey’. Granted this is fiction but I based the books on the very concept that something goes wrong with playing with the genomes of our food supply.

To me, there are too many unknowns. My books are set a millennium in the future where we lose control of GMO’s and they wreak havoc on the food supply. We lose control of how the organisms replicate and they destroy our food sources ability to provide the proteins we need to survive. The ‘Purge Plague’ as it became known in the stories, caused the extinction of every consumable protein source on the planet. Every insect, plant, and animal died out within 100 years. Towards the end, humans managed to survive with a last-ditch effort to prevent their own extinction by radically changing their genome. However, to survive and move forward, a major sacrifice was required. A thousand years later, a social system arose to ensure the long-term survival of their species. Read ‘The Taste of Honey’ and it’s sequel, ‘Broken Steele’ to find out more.

In the meantime, I am a staunch believer that playing with our food sources and their genomes is akin to playing with fire. One day, we will get burned. I believe we will suffer a major catastrophe related to this practice. I only hope that we or our children never see the day.