If you like the Consortium novels, read the prequel

If you like the Consortium novels, read the prequel.

A Consortium Origins Tale, Book 1

If you like the Consortium novels, read the prequel to find out how the current generation got started.

Read Shadowed Inheritance today.

The eBook and audio books are available on Amazon, Draft2Digital, Apple Books, Barnes & Nobel, Google Books and Google Play Books, Kobo, and other electronic booksellers.

I’m excited about this book. If you like the Consortium novels, read the prequel story of the Consortium Series.

Read Shadowed Inheritance today! After you do, please it a review, even if it’s only stars. Thank you.

more “If you like the Consortium novels, read the prequel”

Shadowed Inheritance is a Success

Shadowed Inheritance is a Success

A Consortium Origins Tale, Book 1

Shadowed Inheritance is a Success. If you haven’t already read it, read Shadowed Inheritance today.

The eBook (Kindle) and Audiobook versions are live on Amazon. The paperback version will be out in a couple of weeks while I await and approve the proof.

The eBook and audio book are also available on Draft2Digital, Apple Books, Barnes & Nobel, Google Books and Google Play Books, Kobo, and a dozen other electronic booksellers.

I’m excited about this book. It’s a prequel story of the Consortium Series.

Read Shadowed Inheritance today! After you do, please it a review, even if it’s only stars. Thank you.

more “Shadowed Inheritance is a Success”

Read Shadowed Inheritance today

Read Shadowed Inheritance today

A Consortium Origins Tale, Book 1

Read Shadowed Inheritance today. Yes, that’s right, you can read Shadowed Inheritance today from Amazon and Draft2Digital. I had to republish it when I found unforeseen dialog issues when converting it to an audiobook. That is now resolved.

The eBook (Kindle) and Audiobook versions are out right now on Amazon, a little earlier than I expected. The paperback version will be out in a couple of weeks while I await and approve the proof.

I’m excited about this book. It’s a prequel story of the Consortium Series. OMG, I can’t believe it. It’s out. Soon, you’ll be able to find the book on platforms like Apple books, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, OverDrive, Google Books, and many other online retailers.

Read Shadowed Inheritance today! After you do, please it a review, even if it’s only stars. Thank you.

more “Read Shadowed Inheritance today”

Shadowed Inheritance is Coming

Shadowed Inheritance, Consortium Origin Tales #1

Shadowed Inheritance is Coming

A Consortium Origins Tale, Book #1

Shadowed Inheritance is Coming, that is to say, Shadowed Inheritance gets released in July 2024. I’m excited about this book. It’s a prequel story of the Consortium Series. OMG, I can’t believe it. It’s nearly done. I still have a few tweaks to make to it, but it’s mostly finished and ready for publication.


With the Consortium, no one is safe from their favorite hunting grounds. The trouble is… it includes the entire globe and no one can hide when they select their next target. Will that be you or one of your loved ones?

more “Shadowed Inheritance is Coming”

‘Tween Holidays

‘Tween Holidays

It’s ‘Tween Holidays. Halloween is past, and Thanksgiving is just days away. After that, Christmas is next, assuming you follow retail holiday schedules. The retail Christmas season started this year before the U.S. Labor Day holiday in late August.

Tween the holidays with a variety of pumpkins

But I really do not want to write about that. I want to tell you, my faithful readers, that I will know when I can resume my writing soon. My lifelong domestic partner is dealing with a long-term fatal disease and has just been accepted into the Medicaid role. A nurse will be out tomorrow to open her case, set us up for any available services, and answer dozens of questions about now and the future.

I hope to get more help with supervised care while getting needed time off from my hectic life as a full-time home caregiver. There is no question I need help.

more “‘Tween Holidays”

A Lot Going on

A Lot Going on

That’s right, there’s a lot going on, and I know you are wondering how I’m doing and whether I’ve returned to writing. I’m sorry, the answer is no.

However, I’m feeling better emotionally. My life partner’s condition shocked me to the core. Over the last couple of months, I’ve worn many hats; full-time home caregiver, advocate, transportation driver, contractor, cook, cleaner, housekeeper, and a host of other tasks, including wiping the ass of my loved one. Sorry, honey, it’s what I do.

Mind you. I hate being a full-time home caregiver. I hate it. According to my counselor, it’s a healthy attitude. She even said, “No one likes being a home caregiver.” I smiled. Yet, there is one and only one reason I do it, which I told her out-of-town daughters. I do it because I love her. Also, there is no one else to do it.

In the months since the diagnosis, a lot has transpired. Some of it was to improve her quality of life, and some to make the house safer and more accessible. To get her the services she needs, including therapy, and signed up for Medicaid. The therapy is helping her move better and lets her feel better. All of which makes me feel better.

Who hasn’t a lot going on?

Everyone has something going on

Everyone is going through a lot. I know that. I am not alone in that. The one thing I do know is that no matter how bad it gets for me, there is always someone else worse off.

I’m starting to feel better and I’m anxious to get back to writing. This blog entry is my first attempt at writing. I can feel my creative juices starting to flow. I also started sketching. It’s nothing to sneeze at, but I’m trying. I am trusting myself to take control of my life and my creative process, preferably soon.

Hopefully, I am getting back into the swing of things. I should have published my latest book by now. I feel bad about that. All I can tell you is that I’m trying. I’m doing my best. Wish me luck.

Comments Welcome

You’ll find the comment section at the bottom of this page.

Please comment. I’m always interested in what my readers think. 

My writing and other stuff.

My writing and other stuff.

It’s been a while since I last wrote a blog entry, so you may wonder what’s happening with my writing and other stuff. Well, let’s get on with it, shall we?

I’m sorry to say, I haven’t written much in the past couple of months. I feel bad about that. However, there is a good reason, not because I suffer from writer’s block. I wish I were, but that is not the case. Were I, I would get over it and get writing.

No, the issue is much more difficult and emotionally draining.
So, what the fuck is going on, anyway?

more “My writing and other stuff.”

Halloween is in two days

Halloween is in two days

Halloween is in two days, and frankly, I don’t care. Yes, that’s right. My heart isn’t in it this year. Anyone who knows me knows that for as long as I can remember, Halloween is my favorite holiday, or is that was? I don’t know myself. I suppose I will know years from now.

What’s changed?

Let’s see. What’s changed. First, I now live in a fifty-five and up community. No one comes to the house for trick-or-treating. Only a few houses in my neighborhood decorate anything to do with the holiday. When they do, is a set of string lights and a pumpkin, which wasn’t carved into a jack-o’-lantern. How sad is that?

more “Halloween is in two days”

Writing My Ass Off

Writing my Ass Off

It’s true. I’ve been writing my ass off. But what does that mean? It means that I’ve been working on finishing Book 6 in the Consortium Series. I wrote at every opportunity and every weekend for two months. I got so into the story that I needed to find out how it ended. Therefore, writing my ass off to finish this book was very fulfilling.

Throughout this period, I kept thinking of you, my loyal readers. I wanted to update you on my progress. However, I got so involved with the story I figured you would forgive me. 

But I know you want to see where this comment is leading. Yesterday, I finished the draft of the book, and now it is off to editing. Yeah!!!!

Consortium Series
more “Writing My Ass Off”

Moderation by Amazon, again; follow-up

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about my recent experience with my advertisement for my Consortium series and suffering a Moderation by Amazon. With this article, I’d like to report on Moderation by Amazon, again; follow-up. ?‍♂️

Rinse and rewind

To those who might have missed my last post, I wrote about mother-effing Amazon moderating an advertisement I had run on their Kindle platform for years. And by moderation, they mean discontinuing distributing the advert. Suddenly, they discontinued running the ad, stating that it ‘does not comply with our current Creative Acceptance Policies.’

Their message went on to say, 

‘Please ensure your ad does not contain erotica, pornography, or explicit sexual practices or preferences.’

more “Moderation by Amazon, again; follow-up”