Impressive start to Infiltration

Impressive Start

What an impressive start to Infiltration, book 4 in the #Consortium series. I’m impressed. Thank you fans and readers. It’s been a few weeks since I last wrote, and a lot has happened since then. With no additional fluff, here we go.

Book 5 News

impressive start
Woman in words 2
by JuanOsborne

I’ve written several chapters for book #5, the follow-up book of Infiltration as yet unnamed, and it is off to a good start too. In chatting with my muses, I’ve heard comments like, “Oh, this is getting exciting!”

I am excited to get deeper into the story. Like #Infiltration, my writing is off to an impressive start. So much is going on, that I sometimes lose track of where I am, as the ideas of scenes keep popping into my mind. I have several I want to do, but have yet to write them, or even know where in the story I should put them. I know we are all used to chronological order in our stories, but maybe this time, I need to use a couple of my ideas in flashbacks. What I know is that these ideas are perfect for the story, and they all fit right in with the development of the characters and the plot.

Yes, I am excited by the way this book is turning out so far. I can’t wait to see how it develops. I know you, my readers, are also thinking the same thing.

Other News

Of course, I’ve suffered a setback of sorts. A little over two weeks ago, my #concussion related 24x7x365 #headache that started almost five years ago asserted itself. I went 16 days with a constant #migraine level headache, yes, I used singular form on purpose. It is/was all one event lasting for way too long that never let up. As a result, I could barely do my regular job that keeps the roof over my head, and as soon as I got home, I’d collapse and rest, nap, and finally go to bed. Somewhere in there, I’d eat a little, but beyond that, I could do nothing else. I was completely and utterly worn out from dealing with the headache.

Concussion headache

Today, I finally have a bit of relief. It’s down in the 4-5 range which is manageable. I’m really tired of the 6-8 range. It might be because of a change in medication, using something that is more potent than I’ve ever used before. Don’t worry, it’s not addictive. While I have some of that addictive stuff in the house, I refuse to use it, knowing how dangerous it is, refusing to fall into that trap. I’m also concerned with the amount of over-the-counter analgesics I’ve taken. I don’t want that stuff to mess with my kidneys, liver, or other vital organs. Besides, they did little to help.

So I am working through the issue and hope to get a lot of writing done starting today.

Spring has sprung?

On the positive note, it looks like Spring arrived in my part of the world. Temperatures fluctuate wildly, but there have been enough warm days lately that I’ve seen bare legs and flip-flops on people of all ages and types. The sun shines a lot more too, which doesn’t help the headache, but helps with my mood.

Thanks for reading this article. I know it feels more like a journal entry, but I wanted you, my readers, to know that I am on top of things, and recognize your thirst for more of Avril and Sir’s story. You know what? Like me, you’re all a bloodthirsty lot. Thank you.

Have a wonderful day and enjoy the #coffee!

coffee, an impressive start to the day



Last week, my girlfriend gave me a refrigerator magnet with the definition for Coffeegasm written on it. I had never heard the word before, nor the meaning. Still, I loved the gift. Without a doubt, it’s me.

The definition reads.
Coffeegasm {noun}: that little rush you feel after the first sip of good, strong coffee.

CoffeegasmIt’s not a real word but so what. It’s an accurate depiction of what I feel when I take that first sip of coffee.

more “Coffeegasm”

Marketing and Self-Publishing

I’ve been giving a lot of thought to writing and marketing my books. I’ll tell you; I much prefer writing over marketing. As an independent publisher, I have to split my valuable time between the two. It seems that at most times, the split is not even. Rather, the nod goes to marketing rather than writing.

Everything is possible, nothing is impossible, it's all in the attitude
Changing the word impossible to possible.

Which is a curse in its own way. The best marketing tool is good inventory, though the definition of good, in this case, is broad. Spending much of my valuable time in marketing is, in some ways, an evil. A necessary evil, but an evil nonetheless.

For the average reader and customer of books, I know you don’t necessarily care about this topic, but believe me, it is the bane of most writers, even those that have made it in this competitive world. Regardless of how we market, we all do. Whether we do book signings at the behest of our publishers or spend a few minutes a day following up with our social media drills and the like, it takes time away from our real passions, writing the next great novel.

So, if there are any publishing house out there interested in exclusive rights, let’s talk. I’m open to ideas.

In the meantime, I’m going to drink another cup of coffee and muddle on. I have some ideas for my next novel. Have a great day and a better tomorrow.

I feel fortunate

I feel fortunate

That’s right. I feel fortunate and incredibly lucky. Two days ago, my area of the country and specifically my county was hit with a disastrous sustained windstorm.

Clash of the TitansBy sustained, I mean a storm raging, hour after hour, and lasting just over fifteen hours. It started slowly, teasing the people in its path, lulling us into thinking it wouldn’t be too bad. At its peak, lasting many hours, we registered eighty-plus miles per hour wind speeds. Speeds that were similar to those recorded by smaller hurricanes. Yet, this was no hurricane, just a clashing of two weather fronts. A clash of two weather fronts? I feel like it was a clash of the titans and we were insignificant casualties.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I don’t live in a hurricane region or in the tornado belt. I feel for those that do. When a tornado touches down, it reigns havoc for those in its path. However, it’s pretty localized to a rather narrow track, which can be only a couple hundred yards to a mile or more. Hurricanes are another story of course and are more akin to what our region experienced.

In my case, our windstorm encompassed dozens of counties, two or three by six to eight long. medusa transformingMeteorologists in the area report that our area hasn’t ever seen one of this magnitude in over a hundred years. The damage was incredible and extensive.

In the early stages, tractor trailer trucks were flipped over on their sides, like toys in a child’s hand. As the day progressed, roof shingles were ripped from the roofs of houses and tossed like confetti in a parade. Then, trees were uplifted out of the ground, root ball and all, toppling which way and that, often landing on houses, crushing them and their occupants.

The roof of one of the local middle schools in my town was ripped off and sailed in the wind for hundreds of feet before touching ground. States of emergency were declared in several towns in my county, including my own. Live electrical wires danced in the streets, begging for the occupants of cars they draped, to step out in a futile attempt to escape their deadly touch.

Thankfully, in all the turmoil and bad situations, no one was seriously hurt or killed. Wow!

I could go on and on. It’s bad, but I know, it could be worse. I feel fortunate that my house faired well. My roof is intact, and I didn’t lose power to my house. I have about $600 in damages in non-critical areas of my house. Not bad considering most of my neighbors have damage ranging in the thousands. Kudo’s to the builder of my development. He coordinating the immediate repair to the roofs of the quality homes he built, and within a day, all of the houses on my street had their roofs repaired. Today, as I write this, he is doing the same on the homes located the next street over.

Kudo’s Joe Sciortino of Sciortino Homes .

Over ten thousand homes and businesses in my county lost power. It is going to take a week or more to restore power to most of the region. Temperatures dropped overnight, and the thermometer outside my window informs me that we are currently at eight degrees F. It’s cold, and I pity those that do not have electricity to power their furnaces. Many of my friends lost power, and I offered them a warm bed for the night. Gratefully, their power came back on last evening. All due to the willing power workers that showed up in our region yesterday from all over the state to help out.

I feel fortunate, and I am grateful to all those that descended on my community to help out. It could have been worse. Thank you. Now, I need a cup of coffee.

What Makes One Happy, part 2

What Makes One Happy, part 2

Last time I wrote about my short-term vs. long-term happiness. Another short-term happiness is coffee. I love coffee. Sixteen years ago when I rejoined the dating scene, I had my first cup of vanilla latte. coffee latteWhile I liked coffee then, I fell in love with vanilla lattes. Today, exiting the dating scene with my long-term girlfriend, I drink several cups of coffee daily, laced with vanilla sugar-free creamer.

Which brings me to my second item in my long-term happiness list, alone time for painting, drawing, and writing. I drink coffee as I paint, draw, or write.

However, I am getting ahead of myself. Let’s back up, shall we?

As a child, I drew all sorts of spaceships and ground vehicles, making up stories as they developed. I also tended to write stories in my head that incorporated these doodles or were fresh and not related to them. I even wrote a couple down which were lost to the hands of time. As a young adult, I forgot about them and proceeded to be caught up in photography and girls. Girls turned out to be my main obsessive behaviors and I was awkward around them. It took a lot of trial and effort that lasted for decades, despite getting married and having a child in the meantime.

Sixteen years ago, I revisited my creative talents a couple of years after my marriage died and I lived alone. I loved it and I began drawing and painting in earnest. Living alone like that for all those years trained my adult mind to disappear into my creative world, feeling and living the lives of the characters I created. Later, branching out and revisiting my creative writing, I fell into the same pattern. In some ways, it was easier to disappear into my creative world as I could sit in a comfortable chair and write; all the while, my girlfriend watched her favorite shows on television.

I have to admit, I prefer my alone quiet time, apart from life and in my creative space (my office or my studio) in order to draw, write or paint. Sailing into the sunsetIt’s important to me, no question about it, and being there makes me happy. I’m free to be myself, unbeholden to anyone or anything else. Feeling what my characters feel and experience, I can develop story lines that flow. I can feel the pain and joy, torment and pleasure that they feel. It hurts at times but I am able to leave a bit of me in my creations. As I have said before, my heart and soul is embedded in each work I create, be it visual or written. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

To be honest though, it is difficult at times to separate myself from the real world, where my girlfriend is such an important part, and spend time in my creative space where I immerse myself in my fictional realities. I can recall a numerous occasions when I had to stop and ask her to wait until I finished a particular section of the story. I didn’t want to lose track of the flow of the story, extricate myself from the pretend world in order so that I could interact with her on whatever she wanted to say. Sometimes she’d acquiesce and other times, she’d fume. I can’t say I blame her. I do the same to her.

Last November, consumed with writing my latest book, ‘The Trafficking Consortium’, she really became bothered at the time I spent writing the story and disappearing into this fictional world, even when I was sitting right next to her. The Trafficking ConsortiumI took every spare moment to write, moments that she had felt were hers. I agree. Most times they were but during November, nope. It was as if I had a barking dog scratching at the door to be let out and relieve itself. Just as you can’t tell a dog to wait, else it would piss on your carpet, I couldn’t tell the story to wait. Frankly, it hurt to keep it inside instead of being let out. So, every available moment was taken to write, and write, and write some more.

My girlfriend and I are still negotiating these rules of engagement, so that I can create undisturbed and uninterrupted with time I allocate to her. Since she is very important to me, I walk a delicate line between the two worlds. In the meantime, I keep at it. I thank the universe that lately, she is okay with me blocking out significant blocks of time to create. I wonder what she will think when she figures out that some of my best creative time is well after dark and can last into the wee hours of the morning. I don’t think it is a problem though as my body can’t take it anymore. For some reason, it insists upon a decent night’s sleep.

Thanks for reading. I hope you have a great day and a better tomorrow.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Christmas girl with gift in handIt’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Best served with love, family, and friends. I wish everyone the happiest and merriest Christmas to all.

May you to be well, play well, love well, and party well. May there be love, laughter, friendship, and shiny packages for all. (nod to JessOnTheRocks)

Despite the crappy year many of us have had, I look forward to the wonderful holiday season, filled with love and cheer, and a better new year. Thank you to one and all that bought and read my books. I promise you, more are on the way. I love you all. Oh, and before I forget, thank you for coffee. I don’t know what I would do without you.

Good cheers to everyone. Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday.

Happy Monday

Happy Monday

Today in the U.S.A., is Labor Day, marking the last unofficial day of summer in my country. It’s starting out as a beautiful day. It’s six o’clock in the morning, the sun is just rising, and there’s dew damping everything not covered. A low fog clings to the ground, trying desperately to hang on to life as the rising sun burns off its moisture. It’s a losing battle and eventually, the sun will win.

Cappuccino my way

It’s wonderful to watch it happen. Life is all around me. Birds have been awake for a while now and later, the insects of the field will being to chirp, giving way to frogs croaking towards the end of the day. I love watching it all happen.

I’m drinking my morning coffee right now, savoring its delicate flavors as sip after sip washes over my tongue on its way to the back of my throat and eventually down. Speaking of coffee, be sure to check out my Twitter poll regarding Cappuccino and vote your preference. I could drink it anytime and I have. However, I surprised to find out that there is a cultural preference as to when it is acceptable to drink it and when not to. Go check it out and see how others are voting.

Well, enough ramblings. I have to get back to enjoying the morning before it slips away. In the meantime, have a wonderful day.

Good books are friends

My girlfriend and I had chinese food for dinner the other night. I’d like to share with you what my fortune cookie had hidden inside.

“Good books are friends who are always ready to talk to us.”

For the readers out there, I think you will agree. Good or bad, they talk to us, reach into our souls and stimulate emotions. I don’t know about you, but I have conversations with my books. Yes, the books themselves. I talk to them and they respond.

IMG_20160617_111433I also have conversations with other readers about books, either mine or someone else’s. We can debate whether it was a good read or a bad read. We can argue about the elements of the characters, the plot or the outcome.

My favorite books are those that I cannot predict where the story is taking me. Not just the ending either. I want to be surprised and jolted all along the way. Just when I think I figured out ‘who done it’ or whether the couple will final get together, the best stories for me those that change direction. By the time the last page is turned, I want the story wrapped up. I want all of the pieces to fit, like a jigsaw puzzle.

So far, from what people tell me, my books fit that criteria. However, I would be interested in what you, the reader of this blog, thinks. Write me. Fill out the comment field below and lay it on me. Tell me whether your favorite books talk to you and what it is about them that makes the book one of your favorites.

Till next time, have a great day and a better tomorrow.

Your’s in reading and writing, Rich.

Why does Mona love coffee so much?

heart of coffee beansFirst off, Mona just doesn’t love coffee, she adores it. She can never get enough of it, though there is nothing like the first cup of the day, prepared just right. For her, the first cup is more than a delicious drink. For her, it’s an experience. It’s sensual, even erotic. When that first few drops touch her tongue, all else around her disappears. She tends to leave the aphrodisiac liquid sit on her tongue, pressed against the roof of her mouth for as long as she can before allowing the coffee flow down her throat. Even then, the flavor is left behind, coating her tongue, her mouth, and her throat. There is nothing quite like it and only her lovers deposits rank higher on her pleasure scale.

coffee latteBut it’s not just any coffee either. Her preferred cup is a skinny free vanilla latte, which translates to a light blended coffee, topped off with steamed skim milk and dosed with a shot of sugar-free vanilla extract.

It’s a complicated recipe and it starts with the right kind of coffee bean. Not to dark or rich, it has just the right amount of flavor without assaulting the palette. To do it right takes a bit of time and generally, she likes to make it herself. However, being a senior member of her house, others have taken up the challenge to learn how to make it for her and generally they do a fine job of it.

What’s even more impressive, is watching her take that first cup of the day. Charles comments upon his impressions of her coffee experience many times throughout the books. He loves to watch her disappear inside herself, divorcing herself of everyone and everything around her as she savors the erotic experience. To him, it’s as if she is experiencing an orgasm in that moment. He should know, he has enticed many an orgasm from her in the years together. He knows exactly she expresses her pleasure. He would swear that they are too similar to be anything else than an orgasm.

spilled coffee beansNow, the question remains. Does she love coffee for the orgasmic experience, or does she love it for how it makes her feel or does she love it simply for what it really is, just coffee?

We each have our likes and dislikes. We each prefer some kinds of food and drink over another. We certainly like some people better than others. Mona prefers coffee over tea, red wine over white, bedmates who are male over female ones. The list can go on and on. The thing that makes her and her community special is that it is alright to prefer one over another. It’s a matter of preferred choices.

That doesn’t mean she won’t indulge in these other experiences. She regularly sleeps with female partners, drinks tea on occasion and drinks hard liquor over wine. The variety is what offers her the ‘spice of life’. Upon returning to her preferred tastes, the experience is enhanced and the love affair is renewed.

To Mona and her friends and community, there is no right nor wrong in any opinion or feeling. They just are and that is okay.

That my friends is a world I would love to live in.

Mona’s love affair with Coffee

Tell me about Mona’s love affair with Coffee

Brunette in white drinking coffee outdoorsMona doesn’t just love coffee. She has an intimate relationship with it. She drinks it because she enjoys the flavor and aroma. However, her love affair with the brew goes much deeper than that.

Mona drinks coffee because of how it makes her feel.

To Mona,the first cup of the day, is extraordinary. The ritual of preparing the cup is akin to foreplay. Her senses become heightened. Her body heats up. Her mind is already anticipating an explosion of smells, tastes and pleasures.Colombian coffee

She prefers preparing the first cup of the day herself. Brewing of the coffee and pre-warming the cup is a ritual foreplay in preparing her aphrodisiac. Yes, to her, the first cup is an aphrodisiac. Just thinking about it gets her wet with anticipation.

Once the brew is ready and the cup warmed, she pours the dark liquid, inhaling the aromas as it splashes about in her favorite cup. Leaning over, Mona loves to just wallow in the rising fragrances tickling her nose with anticipation of that first sip.

coffee latteAdding just a bit of sugar-free vanilla and cream to the coffee, the delicate scents change and the foreplay of anticipation grows. Now the cup is ready and her body is demanding the satisfying pleasure it knows is coming.

Mona prefers to take that cup over to the windows overlooking her home, adding pleasant visions to the dance of foreplay. Continuing to breathe in the pleasant aromas wafting up to her nostrils, she gathers in the sights of the new day, the shining sun inviting her to gaze upon the wonder of her world.

Finally, with almost agonizingly slowness, she lifts the cup closer to her mouth. Pausing to take yet another deep breath of the fragrance, her body gushes with anticipation and moisture fills her core expecting the imminent orgasmic pleasure of the coffee.

heart of coffee beansAs the cup finally touches her lips, her body responds, begging for relief. After a pause, forcing it to wait yet again, the liquid finally washes over her tongue. Pleasure explodes in her mouth and throughout her core. Closing her eyes, Mona focuses her mind and body on the hot liquid teasing her taste buds, radiating pleasure up and down her spine.

Anyone blessed with observing this ritual knows that she seems to lose herself and become one with the coffee. Disappearing right in front of their eyes, lost in pleasure, it’s easy to see that she is lost to them for the time being.

This first cup of the day is always the best. After this first one, the rest are just not quite the same. It’s this first one that starts her day off right. While subsequent cups are pleasurable, none stand up to the experience of the first cup.

The best part is, that she can repeat the experience the very next day.