Good morning all my fans and followers. I appreciate you taking the time to read my ramblings and thoughts of the day. With this post, I will be closing this thread on what a whirlwind this last month has been. Whew! I really thought I was going to close it down several days ago but then my lady’s job vaporized.
Speaking about her job et. all, she is doing fine. In many ways, she seems relieved and calm about everything. Her job, while stressful only some of the time, has taken a great weight off her shoulders. She is much more animated and lively. She is sleeping better and living life to the fullest. I like this new lady that I have committed to.
Thanks to all of you out there that sent me well wishes, concerns and offered advice on moving forward. I am taking them all to heart and will definitely use them to help me. In turn, that will allow me to help her as needed.

As I reflected upon the past week, I couldn’t help but compare this experience to Mona Bendarova’s world. Just to recap, Mona is the main character in my books in the Mona Bendarova Adventure series. In the first book, ‘The Taste of Honey’, she solves the mysterious disappearance of a woman, only to find out that she was kidnapped and imprisoned against her will by a jealous competitor.

In the second book, ‘Broken Steele’, she solves the mystery of the brutal and violent murder. In turn, she is rewarded with her own estate and in the third book ‘Lucky Bitch’ currently in development, she moves out of the only home she has known her entire adult life to take the helm of mastery of her own home. She is out of her depth here, struggling to figure out her new environment while caring for and feeding her large estate.
Early in this thread, I wrote that I will incorporate my experiences with Mona’s move to her her estate. I can’t help compare Mona’s struggles with her new home with my new home and the household’s sudden job loss. Throughout the third book, she deals with passive aggression, acts of terrorism, and emotional and physical fatigue of her new situation.
A core group of friends and lovers are there to help but it’s obvious that the community around her are split on whether to support her or aggressively work against her. Mona feels the pressure of many who want to oust her from her new position. She is unprepared to deal with it. Their community prides themselves on collaborative support, in both work and play. This growing conflict is an unknown and she struggles with how to deal with it.
Even members of her own estate, people she would do anything for, even defend them to the death if necessary, seem to be against her. Yet, she may have to defend her house to the death. She is attacked, assaulted, suffered the brutal killing of supportive friends with their bodies put on public display as a warning message to others. The message being of course, “This is what could happen to you should you side with Mona.”
The main issue here is that she is a woman occupying what has become thought of as a man’s entitlement. For almost two hundred years, no woman has become the Master of an estate. She was granted the estate for her guiding work on a job well done, benefiting the entire community around her. Yet, much of the community hates the idea of a ‘woman’ in charge of an estate. What’s next? Will she rise to the ‘Head of State’ of the entire community? It could happen. The current character who holds the title is nearing the end of his tenure and people are looking for a change.
Sound familiar? What will happen if my own country elects a woman president this coming November? What will happen if they don’t and instead, elect her opponent? I have my own opinions which I will not write about. What I do know is that my country, USA, is going through some interesting times. It remains to be seen whether these are good times or bad.
Mona, what would you do? What will you do?
Crossing my fingers.