Need help? Need to relax? Be Massage & Wellness

Do you need to relax and repair your body? Do you want to pamper yourself, giving your body a treat? You can’t go wrong trying out Be Massage & Wellness.

‘Be relaxed, Be renewed, Be restored’

Tammy, is a Licensed Massage Therapist owning and operating her own successful business.  Be Massage & Wellness is a local studio right here in the Rochester NY region. Her tagline  perfectly describes her talent. She renewed and restored me, and that’s no small feat.

As I have written in the past, I severely damaged my body over the past couple of months, pushing it to change my place of residence. In packing up, moving, and unpacking, I did some significant hurt to all parts of my body.

Tammy and Be Massage & Wellness fixed me up right well enough. The first couple of sessions after moving were quite intensive. She found and fixed issues in my muscles and joints that surprised me. The damage had me wondering how I could function at all. Between daily soaks in my hot tub and Tammy’s magical hands working on me, I am nearly back to tip-top shape.

relax, restore, renewI’ve known Tammy for many years now, seeing her for various issues related to my body. Recently, I tried her hot-stone therapy. Oh my god, was that ever sweet. As I guy, I don’t often pamper myself with spa time. Her treatment was one of those exceptions. By the end, my body felt utterly relaxed and malleable. I didn’t want to get up from the table. I might have stayed there for the rest of the day. Alas, she needed it for another client.

If you are in need of help to relax, renew or restoration, you won’t go wrong in using her services. Check out her website at: She will gladly book an appointment. I promise you, you won’t be disappointed.

Try her out and tell her Rich sent you.

Be Massage & Wellness

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