Under the weather-followup #2

Under the weather – followup

The other day, I wrote about my month-long cold/whatever it is/was. However, since I wrote about my ills over the last month, I feel the need to write a followup.

Most important of all is … thank you for all of the kind words sent to me wishing me get well soon. I really appreciate them. It means a lot to me. I don’t normally like to write or talk about health related issues. Normally, it’s no ones business. To demonstrate how I feel about that, when I broke my leg a 15 years ago, I didn’t tell a soul. Even though I was living alone at the time, I kept that private. That’s life and I dealt with it.

As I wrote yesterday, I did go see the doctor and go through several tests. Doc tells me that I am presenting a very strange case, one that doesn’t seem to fit normal progressions of winter colds and flu. Yes, I did get my flu shot this year. The tests came back either negative or within normal ranges. So, no help there other than discount the norms.

So, what’s going on?

No one knows. She suspects that I am the victim of serial multiple cold or other viral infections. She suspects that this is the case as each one, taken along presents differently and is treated differently.

Today, I am feeling much better. She’s put me on a new stronger regime of antibiotics, which seems to be doing the trick. And while I’ve heard this before, I am crossing my fingers. I plan on returning to work tomorrow. And after that, get back to writing. Whoo hoo!

I have a long way to go to finish up my next novel, ‘Lucky Bitch’, the third book in the Mona Bendarova Adventures. Time to buckle down and get writing.

Wow! I’m a serial victim? Sounds interesting. It could even an idea for a book or story. I’ll have to give it some thought.


Why do you think you have these images and scenes bombarding your mind every day?

Every day of my life, for as long as I can remember, I’ve had constant imagery flooding my thoughts, night and day. As a child, the images reflected my interests or extended the experiences of the day. I can remember watching new episodes of ‘Star Trek’, ‘Sea Hunt’, ‘Fireball XL5’, or even ‘Diver Dan’. Do you remember ‘Diver Dan’, a series targeting the very young about life under the sea. Maybe that’s when my fascination with mermaids began … or maybe not? The imagery extended from the books I was reading of the day. They include ‘The Adventures of Tom Swift’, ‘The Hardy Boys’ and even ‘Nancy Drew’. I read them all and lots more.

In thinking about this question, I can’t help but wonder whether the stories of my youth helped create the constant pattern of images floating through my mind. I remember dreaming up and sketching fantastic ships flying through the air, traveling between the stars and diving into the depths of the earth.

10829335_s-Vector illustration silhouette of women in striped stockingsThen later, as I went through puberty, the imagery changed. Girls caught my eye and the female form took over. I’ve been fascinated with ‘her’, both mentally and physically. You can see my fascination in my drawings, paintings and stories.

Today having many more experiences under my belt, I’ve learned a thing or two. I still have a lot to learn yet one thing I do know is that I will never get to capture, experience or write about all of images that invade my everyday thoughts.

I don’t know why I have these images flooding my mind. Until recently, I thought that everyone had them. Even though I have been around for many decades, it’s only been in the last five years or so that I realized that most people don’t experience this. I am asking myself, why is that? Am I unique? Am I so very different? No, I don’t think so yet I realize that I am not like many people.

Then who or what am I?  Do I rule my images or am I ruled by them? Most days I believe it’s the later rather than the former. What I do know is that I am me and I embrace my images. They give me insights into myself and provide inspiration for my creative output.

So, should I find a way to escape my imagery? I feel these images are a part of me so I’m not sure I want to even try.I would probably be lost without them.

I would be pleased to read about others who share similar experiences. Or, am I truly a rare bird? Leave a comment on my website, RichardVerry.com and let me know. I sure would like to know what others think.

A Reader’s Perspective.

A Reader’s Perspective

by Janet Maggio

I ask myself why readers are buying the ‘Her Client Trilogy’ en-mass compared to the ‘Mona Bendarova Adventures’?

1-Her-Client-3DThe ‘Her Client Trilogy’ are short novellas depicting a woman, Jolene who is tortured, brutalized and sold into Human Trafficking. Is it because this subject is relevant to today and the Mona Bendarova Adventures are depicted in a futuristic setting?

I hear from the author, Richard Verry, that his latest book in the Mona Bendarova Adventures, ‘Lucky Bitch’ deals with terrorism on Mona and her household. That is relevant in today’s society with what is going on globally and for some in our own city.

The Taste of HoneyI also believe that Mona herself represents today’s woman. She is powerful, independent and dominant in her own right. She may not realize it in the first book, ‘The Taste of Honey’ yet as the reader reads through her adventures, it becomes apparent that is what the author had in mind for Mona. She doesn’t recognize it early on as some women in today’s society don’t yet they don’t call us the stronger sex for nothing!

Do you feel the same or have a different perspective?

Read the ‘Her Client Trilogy’ and the first two books in the Mona Bendarova Adventures, ‘The Taste of Honey’ and ‘Broken Steele’ and compare them.

Afterwards, I encourage you to share your thoughts by commenting on the author’s website, RichardVerry.com.

Normalcy returns to Rochester, NY?

Normalcy returns to Rochester, NY?

Firework burstOn New Year’s Eve, like everyone in town, I was surprised that our New Year’s fireworks celebration was cancelled at the last-minute. Huh? Why?

Yep, after a lot of hype by the local media and city officials promoting the event, a five o’clock news conference announced that they were CANCELLED. Apparently, terrorism has come to our community. The day before, a terrorist attack was thwarted when the FBI detained and arrested a person of interest who was planning an attack on a bar full of patrons celebrating the new year. He was alleged to have been operating under orders from ISIS.

After he was taken in custody, a search of his abode turned up a pressure cooker bomb similar to what was used in the Boston Marathon bombings. I wasn’t too surprised to note that the incidence made the national news.

Later, while attending a family party to ring in the New Year, the incident sparked heated arguments in the wee hours leading up to midnight. No one was upset by the arrest itself but the big question was “How could he be arrested before he actually did anything?” The group was divided on the question. Some said, “Why not? They had enough evidence supporting the arrest.” Others said, “What? Arrest a guy without actually doing anything? What are we, in a police state?”

I’m glad they stopped the terrorist attack before it became a reality. But it did prompt me to reflect upon the question. Should I be arrested for the thoughts that I bring to life in my books? Should John Carpenter for his ‘Halloween’ story be arrested for writing a story about a serial killer targeting teenagers? Should Stephen King be arrested for writing his huge volume of works? Should anyone who delivers creative works of criminal acts be arrested, simply for crafting a well put together recollection of their fantasies?

I wouldn’t want to be part of a world that makes that distinction.

I’m Richard Verry, reporting to you from Rochester, NY. I hope you have a very happy and safe 2016.

Braxton Steele, love the name and hate the character!

Broken SteeleIn this second book of the Mona Bendarova Adventures ‘Broken Steele’, the reader meets an awful and cruel man. Even when we find out what may have caused his behavior, it doesn’t change my mind. I am glad he is dead. I find myself cheering for our heroine, Mona Bendarova, that she will be investigating to find out what caused his demise.

I like that the author, Richard Verry, chose a name that oozes sexuality and uniqueness. I find that Mr. Steele had both yet I still wanted him to die. He mistreated the women in his house and they were terrified of him. His was not the typical role of the masters in this community.

His death reveals more than a hated man who I wanted dead. I was surprised where Mona’s discovery takes the reader.

Will you be surprised too? Read the second novel ‘Broken Steele’ for yourself and find out. Afterwards, I encourage you to share your thoughts with the fans of the ‘Mona Bendarova Adventures’ by commenting on the author’s website, RichardVerry.com.

by Janet Maggio

What would you do?

Have you ever found yourself in a situation in which you had absolutely ZERO control? You wake up in the morning, refreshed and ready to take on the world, only to have the day end with you being assaulted, clinging to life and barely able to hold on?

Generally, you look upon life with optimism and faith in your fellow man. Sure, there are ups and downs but overall, life is good. You make a decent living, earn an honest wage and live life to the fullest.

In this scenario, a woman works hard, tries the best that she can and makes the best of life. She’s attractive and knows that her goods looks has helped her in advancing her career. Not that she has abused the power she has but realized when she was a young girl that others made it easy for her. All in all, she tries to live a good life and insists upon living by the morals taught to her as a child.

Then, someone comes into her life and turns it upside down. WTF does she do then?

0-Client-3DThat is what happens to Jolene, the heroine in my latest books, ‘Her Client Trilogy’, available everywhere, including Amazon and my website https://richardverry.com/her-client-trilogy/.

One day, she returns home to kick off her shoes, drink some wine and relax in the privacy of her home. From the moment she walks in the door, her world is shattered.

She is beaten, sexually assaulted, brutalized and sold into the dark world of human trafficking. A world in which she realizes that they have no intention of letting her live, let alone escape. Through her brutal torments and trials, the innocence she once had is ripped from her forever. Her torturers hurt her and one of them even leaves her for dead.

What emerges is a hardened, vengeful woman. A woman who no longer recognizes herself when she looks in the mirror. What she sees is beyond comprehension.

Follow her journey into the dark world of human trafficking and slavery. Feel with her, every torment, every ache and pain, every evil that can be inflicted on a body.

Can you survive? Can you manage to find an exit on the other side? Find out if Jolene does and if so, how she does it.

It’s a scary thought yet , remember ,what happened to Jolene could happen to anyone … it could even happen to you!



2016 May it be a great one!

2016 scratched in sand2016 A great one to come?

You’ll note that the image I’ve used for this post is one where the year is scratched into the sand.

It’s beach sand and I wonder, will it be washed away from the surf, scraped away by some angry foot or harden and turn to stone for all eternity.

I wish that 2016 will be a superb year, filled with promise and hope for the future of our species. If anything, the past several years makes me wonder whether we as a species will be around a millennium from now. I wonder. There seems to be so much hate in the world, closed-minded people who insist that everyone believe and act as they do, whether we as a species can surmount these challenges and boldly move forward into the 21st century.

Girl with Santa hat in forestEven if we do survive to the 22nd and 23rd centuries, what will they say about our current period on this planet. I can’t help wonder that they would say “Just how the hell did the species survive?”

Mona and Honey live sometime in the next millennium, 35th century perhaps, and somehow, their community has figured out a way to accept each other for whom they are. They are opened minded enough to realize that all members of our species have something to contribute to society as a whole.

Let’s see if we can emulate their example and accept that each of us, have something to contribute to the global community.

If you have a greeting or a wish you wish to extend to someone, please feel free to share it here. I’ll be happy to repost it to all of my followers. In the meantime, may 2016 be a great one for you.

As 2015 winds down

Countdown to 2016As 2015 gives way to 2016

As the year 2015 winds down and as we prepare to welcome 2016, I plan on remembering both the good and the bad that happened in my life this past year.

If there is any one thing I’ve learned this past year, it’s that our failures as well as our successes that make me the person I am today. Those experiences will also shape the person I will become tomorrow.

As we celebrate this new year, it is my sincerest wish that our celebrations are done with love, compassion and fellowship with our neighbors, both near and far. Even if they live on the other side of the globe, we all deserve the respect of being who we are.

If you are looking for a New Year’s Resolution, I would offer you this one.

Find a way to accept your neighbor into your heart, regardless of their race, sex, nationality or religious belief.

Where do you write?

Patio table umbrella“Where do you write?”

This question was posed to me recently so I thought I would give it a stab. Everywhere, I suppose. I do remember that I started writing my initial books sitting on my deck in the middle of the summer.

Not exciting to most but I was able to soak up the sun at the same time. Sun worshiping weather is kind of rare in my area of the country. Glare on the screen hampered my ability to see the laptop so a deck umbrella was a necessary accessory.

Chocolate infused cappuccinoMoving indoors, I either sit in a chair in my living room or my studio with the game on or more likely, playing music in the background. Since I have a day job I may write while on lunch, often at a table at a nearby café. I’m used to typing while slowly munching on a sandwich or drinking a cup of coffee.

Portable ComputersThat’s the wonderful thing about today’s laptop computers and tablets. I can write almost anywhere, if I choose. I like utilizing any spare time to write including jotting down a chapter or two in the waiting room as my car was being serviced. I prefer the use of a laptop and tablets since I can later read what I wrote which is a big plus.

Mostly though, I write the bulk of my books sitting in a recliner in my bedroom. “Huh?”

Sunset sunriseWell, for me, my brain is constantly playing imagery in the background. It seems my best dialog comes to me at four in the morning while I’m half asleep. It is that sleep state between being fully awake and fully asleep where my mind floods itself with recollections of music, imagery and/or conversations. If you don’t experience it, consider yourself lucky. I might be jealous of you, though.

The dialog runs at super speeds in my semi-conscious state and if I am fortunate to realize it, I get out of bed, pick up my computer and begin furiously writing it all down before I forget it all. Trust me, if I wait until a decent hour, the scene and the dialog is lost forever. So, I’m up at four a.m., writing furiously and it often continues right on into mid-morning or later.

So, that’s how and where I write my books. How about you? Where do you write, paint or whatever you enjoy doing. Please write a comment and let me know. I would enjoy sharing common experiences with you. Thanks in advance for sharing.

Her Client Trilogy, an editor’s viewpoint

0-Client-3DAn Editor’s Viewpoint

by Janet Maggio

After editing the novellas included in ‘Her Client Trilogy’ I found that I look forward to editing Richard Verry’s stories. I see first hand what a great author he is becoming, especially with character development.

As in any book, I like to define myself with one of the characters. ‘Her Client Trilogy’ was difficult for me. It identifies with one of my greatest fears against the female gender and it is so timely with what is happening in the world today, Human Trafficking.

I like reading and editing with Rich. Those sessions have created heated discussions and since Richard knows I am impatient, he keeps telling me to hang on and “you will feel better” after reading ‘Her Essentia’. I hate to admit it yet he was right! I do feel better.

I hope you enjoy the series too. Please read all three and I implore all women to get through them all. It is now available on his site, www.richardverry.com.

As I write this passage, I couldn’t help wonder what those of you who are contemplating on reading this trilogy but haven’t taken the plunge on what you think. I welcome your thoughts. Please post a comment on this blog and let me know what you think. I am looking forward to reading and commenting on them.