Mona’s love affair with Coffee

Tell me about Mona’s love affair with Coffee

Brunette in white drinking coffee outdoorsMona doesn’t just love coffee. She has an intimate relationship with it. She drinks it because she enjoys the flavor and aroma. However, her love affair with the brew goes much deeper than that.

Mona drinks coffee because of how it makes her feel.

To Mona,the first cup of the day, is extraordinary. The ritual of preparing the cup is akin to foreplay. Her senses become heightened. Her body heats up. Her mind is already anticipating an explosion of smells, tastes and pleasures.Colombian coffee

She prefers preparing the first cup of the day herself. Brewing of the coffee and pre-warming the cup is a ritual foreplay in preparing her aphrodisiac. Yes, to her, the first cup is an aphrodisiac. Just thinking about it gets her wet with anticipation.

Once the brew is ready and the cup warmed, she pours the dark liquid, inhaling the aromas as it splashes about in her favorite cup. Leaning over, Mona loves to just wallow in the rising fragrances tickling her nose with anticipation of that first sip.

coffee latteAdding just a bit of sugar-free vanilla and cream to the coffee, the delicate scents change and the foreplay of anticipation grows. Now the cup is ready and her body is demanding the satisfying pleasure it knows is coming.

Mona prefers to take that cup over to the windows overlooking her home, adding pleasant visions to the dance of foreplay. Continuing to breathe in the pleasant aromas wafting up to her nostrils, she gathers in the sights of the new day, the shining sun inviting her to gaze upon the wonder of her world.

Finally, with almost agonizingly slowness, she lifts the cup closer to her mouth. Pausing to take yet another deep breath of the fragrance, her body gushes with anticipation and moisture fills her core expecting the imminent orgasmic pleasure of the coffee.

heart of coffee beansAs the cup finally touches her lips, her body responds, begging for relief. After a pause, forcing it to wait yet again, the liquid finally washes over her tongue. Pleasure explodes in her mouth and throughout her core. Closing her eyes, Mona focuses her mind and body on the hot liquid teasing her taste buds, radiating pleasure up and down her spine.

Anyone blessed with observing this ritual knows that she seems to lose herself and become one with the coffee. Disappearing right in front of their eyes, lost in pleasure, it’s easy to see that she is lost to them for the time being.

This first cup of the day is always the best. After this first one, the rest are just not quite the same. It’s this first one that starts her day off right. While subsequent cups are pleasurable, none stand up to the experience of the first cup.

The best part is, that she can repeat the experience the very next day.

One thought on “Mona’s love affair with Coffee

  1. Leah Reply

    I can so relate to this! Me loves coffee!

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