What would you do?

Have you ever found yourself in a situation in which you had absolutely ZERO control? You wake up in the morning, refreshed and ready to take on the world, only to have the day end with you being assaulted, clinging to life and barely able to hold on?

Generally, you look upon life with optimism and faith in your fellow man. Sure, there are ups and downs but overall, life is good. You make a decent living, earn an honest wage and live life to the fullest.

In this scenario, a woman works hard, tries the best that she can and makes the best of life. She’s attractive and knows that her goods looks has helped her in advancing her career. Not that she has abused the power she has but realized when she was a young girl that others made it easy for her. All in all, she tries to live a good life and insists upon living by the morals taught to her as a child.

Then, someone comes into her life and turns it upside down. WTF does she do then?

0-Client-3DThat is what happens to Jolene, the heroine in my latest books, ‘Her Client Trilogy’, available everywhere, including Amazon and my website https://richardverry.com/her-client-trilogy/.

One day, she returns home to kick off her shoes, drink some wine and relax in the privacy of her home. From the moment she walks in the door, her world is shattered.

She is beaten, sexually assaulted, brutalized and sold into the dark world of human trafficking. A world in which she realizes that they have no intention of letting her live, let alone escape. Through her brutal torments and trials, the innocence she once had is ripped from her forever. Her torturers hurt her and one of them even leaves her for dead.

What emerges is a hardened, vengeful woman. A woman who no longer recognizes herself when she looks in the mirror. What she sees is beyond comprehension.

Follow her journey into the dark world of human trafficking and slavery. Feel with her, every torment, every ache and pain, every evil that can be inflicted on a body.

Can you survive? Can you manage to find an exit on the other side? Find out if Jolene does and if so, how she does it.

It’s a scary thought yet , remember ,what happened to Jolene could happen to anyone … it could even happen to you!



2016 May it be a great one!

2016 scratched in sand2016 A great one to come?

You’ll note that the image I’ve used for this post is one where the year is scratched into the sand.

It’s beach sand and I wonder, will it be washed away from the surf, scraped away by some angry foot or harden and turn to stone for all eternity.

I wish that 2016 will be a superb year, filled with promise and hope for the future of our species. If anything, the past several years makes me wonder whether we as a species will be around a millennium from now. I wonder. There seems to be so much hate in the world, closed-minded people who insist that everyone believe and act as they do, whether we as a species can surmount these challenges and boldly move forward into the 21st century.

Girl with Santa hat in forestEven if we do survive to the 22nd and 23rd centuries, what will they say about our current period on this planet. I can’t help wonder that they would say “Just how the hell did the species survive?”

Mona and Honey live sometime in the next millennium, 35th century perhaps, and somehow, their community has figured out a way to accept each other for whom they are. They are opened minded enough to realize that all members of our species have something to contribute to society as a whole.

Let’s see if we can emulate their example and accept that each of us, have something to contribute to the global community.

If you have a greeting or a wish you wish to extend to someone, please feel free to share it here. I’ll be happy to repost it to all of my followers. In the meantime, may 2016 be a great one for you.

Her Client Trilogy, an editor’s viewpoint

0-Client-3DAn Editor’s Viewpoint

by Janet Maggio

After editing the novellas included in ‘Her Client Trilogy’ I found that I look forward to editing Richard Verry’s stories. I see first hand what a great author he is becoming, especially with character development.

As in any book, I like to define myself with one of the characters. ‘Her Client Trilogy’ was difficult for me. It identifies with one of my greatest fears against the female gender and it is so timely with what is happening in the world today, Human Trafficking.

I like reading and editing with Rich. Those sessions have created heated discussions and since Richard knows I am impatient, he keeps telling me to hang on and “you will feel better” after reading ‘Her Essentia’. I hate to admit it yet he was right! I do feel better.

I hope you enjoy the series too. Please read all three and I implore all women to get through them all. It is now available on his site, www.richardverry.com.

As I write this passage, I couldn’t help wonder what those of you who are contemplating on reading this trilogy but haven’t taken the plunge on what you think. I welcome your thoughts. Please post a comment on this blog and let me know what you think. I am looking forward to reading and commenting on them.

Mona’s love affair with Coffee

Tell me about Mona’s love affair with Coffee

Brunette in white drinking coffee outdoorsMona doesn’t just love coffee. She has an intimate relationship with it. She drinks it because she enjoys the flavor and aroma. However, her love affair with the brew goes much deeper than that.

Mona drinks coffee because of how it makes her feel.

To Mona,the first cup of the day, is extraordinary. The ritual of preparing the cup is akin to foreplay. Her senses become heightened. Her body heats up. Her mind is already anticipating an explosion of smells, tastes and pleasures.Colombian coffee

She prefers preparing the first cup of the day herself. Brewing of the coffee and pre-warming the cup is a ritual foreplay in preparing her aphrodisiac. Yes, to her, the first cup is an aphrodisiac. Just thinking about it gets her wet with anticipation.

Once the brew is ready and the cup warmed, she pours the dark liquid, inhaling the aromas as it splashes about in her favorite cup. Leaning over, Mona loves to just wallow in the rising fragrances tickling her nose with anticipation of that first sip.

coffee latteAdding just a bit of sugar-free vanilla and cream to the coffee, the delicate scents change and the foreplay of anticipation grows. Now the cup is ready and her body is demanding the satisfying pleasure it knows is coming.

Mona prefers to take that cup over to the windows overlooking her home, adding pleasant visions to the dance of foreplay. Continuing to breathe in the pleasant aromas wafting up to her nostrils, she gathers in the sights of the new day, the shining sun inviting her to gaze upon the wonder of her world.

Finally, with almost agonizingly slowness, she lifts the cup closer to her mouth. Pausing to take yet another deep breath of the fragrance, her body gushes with anticipation and moisture fills her core expecting the imminent orgasmic pleasure of the coffee.

heart of coffee beansAs the cup finally touches her lips, her body responds, begging for relief. After a pause, forcing it to wait yet again, the liquid finally washes over her tongue. Pleasure explodes in her mouth and throughout her core. Closing her eyes, Mona focuses her mind and body on the hot liquid teasing her taste buds, radiating pleasure up and down her spine.

Anyone blessed with observing this ritual knows that she seems to lose herself and become one with the coffee. Disappearing right in front of their eyes, lost in pleasure, it’s easy to see that she is lost to them for the time being.

This first cup of the day is always the best. After this first one, the rest are just not quite the same. It’s this first one that starts her day off right. While subsequent cups are pleasurable, none stand up to the experience of the first cup.

The best part is, that she can repeat the experience the very next day.

Free Pass

Free Pass

What would you do if you had a free pass?

Can you just be with one person or if you have the chance to have a free pass, would you take it? Most of our contemporaries are comfortable being in a monogamous relationship. Our culture dictates that as the norm but could it be different in another world? What if it was acceptable in that culture?

Bette Midler interviewMy partner and I have had discussions about this and we have given each other a free pass. It appears unlikely either will be used yet that is why we have a mind to fantasize, to ask ourselves, what if?

For me, it’s Bette Midler. I find her fun, bawdy and an interesting free spirit. Bette however, as free-spirited she is, has been in a committed monogamous relationship far longer than I have been.

Ah, it’s fun to dream and fantasize.

Bette Midler mermaid on pianoIn the books, ‘The Taste of Honey’ and ‘Broken Steele’ , Mona has no such constraints. She lives in an environment that is open-minded and sexual activity is about enjoying each others bodies and desires. The community believes in a culture of no restrictions when it comes to enjoying the joys of life.

Open liaisons are common in Mona’s world and it’s not unusual for such activity to occur during a business meeting or a social gathering.  Her family and community are people who know how to enjoy sex and may use it for more than simple fun. They see it as a fantastic way to ease stress and tension or to cure illness and similar maladies.

I do think about the differences in the two worlds. I enjoy and love being in a committed relationship yet I do admit the thought of a free pass makes me think more of Mona’s world. I would love to live in a world of open sexuality where it is considered normal without judgement. Both cultures have their pluses and minuses.

What do you think? I encourage you to chime in on the discussion.

Her Client Trilogy, an editor’s viewpoint

0-Client-3DAn Editor’s Viewpoint

by Janet Maggio

After editing the novellas included in ‘Her Client Trilogy’ I found that I look forward to editing Richard Verry’s stories. I see first hand what a great author he is becoming, especially with character development.

As in any book, I like to define myself with one of the characters. ‘Her Client Trilogy’ was difficult for me. It identifies with one of my greatest fears against the female gender and it is so timely with what is happening in the world today, Human Trafficking.

I like reading and editing with Rich. Those sessions have created heated discussions and since Richard knows I am impatient, he keeps telling me to hang on and “you will feel better” after reading ‘Her Essentia’. I hate to admit it yet he was right! I do feel better.

I hope you enjoy the series too. Please read all three and I implore all women to get through them all.

It is now available on his site, www.richardverry.com.

A Woman Reader’s Perspective on ‘Her Essentia’

3-Her-Essentia-3DFrom a reader regarding ‘Her Essentia’

Revenge is seen as a negative characteristic yet I was cheering for Jolene in the third story, ‘Her Essentia’. Again, as I finished the story, I needed time to reflect on what I read and think beyond the applause of Jolene getting revenge on her “takers”.

I believe the experience she went through changed her persona. The nice, friendly woman became a killer and maybe even a vigilante if the author, Richard Verry continues Jolene’s story. Once I thought of those ramifications for Jolene, it made me feel sorry for her as well as feel a sense of loss. A loss in the sense that her resurrection may have created a new monster. Poor Jolene, we will never know really how this experience changes her world.

I am happy that she got revenge for the torture she endured and hope killing her attackers will give her some peace in her new world.

Janet Maggio

‘Her Client’, a woman reader’s perspective

1-Her-Client-3DFrom a reader regarding ‘Her Client’

A lesson was learned when reading ‘Her Client’ than just the terror and fright I felt. Now that I completed the series, I can reflect on a small part of the initial novella. It is the knowledge of making each person I meet to feel special and to take the time to make that happen.

I am not saying if Jolene did that, it might have prevented her subsequent torture. I am just referring to myself and saying I need to stop and take the time to make my family, friends, co-workers and the consumers I come in contact with every day to feel special from our interaction.

I know it is harder than just writing these words and we all have days like Jolene. We all feel we are busy and we just want to go home, make a drink or have a good soak. Yet, the point Jolene and I need to understand is that everyone is important.

I need to make my clients feel special even when I want to leave the office and go home like Jolene. Money may not be lost in my business like in Jolene’s case yet for all our clients they need to know they are being heard and how they feel matters.

Janet Maggio

Her Client Trilogy, an editor’s viewpoint

0-Client-3DAn Editor’s Viewpoint

by Janet Maggio

I just completed editing the novellas included in ‘Her Client Trilogy’. I look forward to editing Richard Verry’s writings since I see first hand what a great author he is becoming, especially with character development. As in any book, I like to define myself with one of the characters. ‘Her Client Trilogy’ was difficult for me. It identifies with one of my greatest fears against the female gender and it is so timely with what is happening in the world today, Human Trafficking.

I like reading and editing with Rich. Those sessions have created heated discussions and since Richard knows I am impatient, he keeps telling me to hang on and “you will feel better” after reading ‘Her Essentia’. I hate to admit it yet he was right! I do feel better.

I hope you enjoy the series too. Please read all three and I implore all women to get through them all.

It is now available on his site, www.richardverry.com.

I’m Ecstatic

Her Client Trilogy book cover 3D
Her Client Trilogy

I’m ecstatic!

My latest books, all part of the ‘Her Client Trilogy’ published just this past weekend is off to a great start. They are selling well. The books are:

  1. Her Client : Don’t Ignore your Clients
  2. Her Overseer : Don’t Piss off your Owner
  3. Her Essentia : Make sure She stays Dead

So, thank you to everyone who has purchased the books or even read the previews. I’m very happy that you have chosen to be introduced to my stories. I hope more people will read the previews and then enjoy reading all three novellas.

They are available right here on my site, richardverry.com as well as Amazon, B&N, Kobo, iBook and many other eBook distributors. If you are so inclined, please post a review at the site of purchase. I would love to hear your thoughts and reactions to my writings.

buy now from amazon yellow small images

Be sure to read this new trilogy by Richard Verry.


Meet Jolene, an attractive account executive who manages numerous accounts for a number of high maintenance clients. On one particular day, she is unable to personally return calls from many of her clients. Exhausted, she leaves the office with every intent to follow-up first thing in the morning.

One client in particular is livid that he never got a return call. What happens next is the client’s response as he puts into action his plan of revenge and compensation.

Follow Jolene as she is trapped and punished for simply being who she is. She suffers unimaginable acts of violence and torment before finding a way out of her situation.

This trilogy is a dark, gritty, realistic depiction of the darker side of human depravity. It contains criminal scenes of sexual assault, violence, bondage, brutality, sadism and strong language.

It is not suitable for readers under the age of 18 or who are offended by realistic dark topics. It is part erotica and part suspense thriller.