I’ve given a lot of thought to updating you on my Consortium Book 8 Progress. Being honest, I don’t really know what to tell you. I’ve written a lot, continuing the story line and adding more twists and turns.
Two days ago, I realized I had left open a couple of subplots that needing followup. With thirty-seven chapters and 80% of the book written, I felt stymied. Where to insert additionally chapters in the book without disturbing the continuity of the story line so far written. I was at a loss.

Yesterday, I found a place to rectify one of those lapses. I need more work. That means I need to study what I’ve written, backtracking as necessary, and working to answer questions I know you readers will want to know.
It’s one thing to leave prey taken without dealing with the nitty-gritty details of their torment and death. It’s quite another to do the same to more regular characters. So what is bothering me, you ask?
Instead of foraging ahead and writing full-steam ahead, I am going back and figuring out what needs to be changed. Hopefully, not too much. I’m pretty proud of the story that I’m writing.
It’s now the middle of January. I had hoped to finish the draft by the end of this month. That is still my goal and I will try. But I won’t do it just to meet some arbitrary deadline. I trust you will be okay with that. Plus, it seems I’m working on my third book in less than twelve months. I think that is pretty good.
Admittedly, according to many sources I’ve researched, three quality novels a year is pretty good. And I consider my books as quality novels. Most of you write that to me, tell me the same thing. I suppose that means I’m doing well. I learned recently William H Buckley wrote entire quality novels in two weeks’ time. So proficient that his publishers asked him to slow down. They didn’t have the time to do justice to each one in the market. I consider that a good problem for the writer. Let the publishing house figure it out.
So, that is my Consortium Book 8 Progress report for January. Now, if I can only figure out what to name it. 😊
Richard Verry January 17, 2025
Thanks for the boost. I’ll keep dreaming. After all, I’m a daydreamer and a night-thinker.
dagmar January 13, 2025
I think you are doing fabulous getting all this writing done. And everyone, including me keeps wanting more and more, and what is going to happen to Avril and Sir and all the other characters
As for a title. You will come up with it. Maybe in a dream. Or if nothing else, you can name it after me, 😁