How I came to write ‘The Taste of Honey’ (part 1)

I wrote ‘The Taste of Honey’ at a time in my life when I was bored with painting and was taking a break. That’s about the time I stepped up my reading, voraciously consuming book after book.

At the same time, my brain kept intruding my thoughts with imagery and scenarios that I captured with my drawings and paintings. I couldn’t capture them fast enough and so many slipped away.

Taking a break from drawing and painting, I started browsing the net for anything that might interest me.  I was reviewing the things I used to do as a young man and realized that I used to write stories. Keeping that in mind as I browsed the net, I stumbled upon a series of adult graphic stories that I absolutely loved. As I devoured them, I thought, I can write this, too. I began by keeping a running dialog in my mind of possible topics.

Whenever I thought of a fresh story idea, I would research the subject and usually found that many people had already written and published a story that was too similar to my idea. So … I went back and kept looking.

Somewhere along the way, the title ‘The Taste of Honey’ jumped into my head. I had the title, now I just needed the story! As I thought more about the title, the story started to materialize. I don’t know how other authors do this, but this is how I did it. I would enjoy reading about various methods used so feel free to share.

More to come tomorrow. Please join me then.

Please check out ‘The Taste of Honey’. The first chapter is available for free on this site as well as on Amazon and other e-book retailers. ‘The Taste of Honey’ is available right now on this website as well as Amazon and other book online retailers.

Who is Lee Marks?

Lee Marks is also a master of his own estate. In a feudal like community of large, sprawling estates, he oversees an average estate of sows and bitches, much smaller than the Bendarova estate.

Honey and Kristin have been his favorite bed-mates for the past year. He tends to supplement his favorites in bed with a regular rotation of several others from his stables. It is not unusual that he retires with three or more from his household at night. Frankly, he enjoys the competition from his bed-mates as they attempt to out do each other in pleasing him.

A younger man, he has still managed to make an impression upon the rest of the community.  He has the distinct honor of being the youngest ever to have an executive seat on the council at Club Lothario. The pressure to do well is overwhelming at times yet he seems to be capable of handling the stress of the position.

He meets his obligations to the community. He supplies his quota of fresh meat and makes his rounds of the breeding centers as per custom within the community. He also enjoys spirited competition at the auctions, games and celebrations. He is an avid fan of the monthly barbecue roasts held at the Club.

He is generous in his sponsorship of the community celebrations. His constant variety of different entertainment segments are always a hit with the community members. There is never a shortage of food, beverage or attendants to offer the celebrants. It is not unheard of that celebrations last well into the next day when he sponsors them.

His passion though, is hunting. He has become a fervent hunter and has several times taken home the top prize. As Master of his own house, he proudly mounts and displays his trophies in his trophy room. He likes to share the display to his guests but rarely gloats over his accomplishments. He is mindful of comparing his wins against theirs. To other hunters around the community, he is the hunter to beat.

If you are curious and want to learn more about Lee, I invite you to read the book, ‘The Taste of Honey’. I look forward to reading your comments.

Who is Charles Bendarova?

Charles Bendarova is a man who has many facets.

Charles is the master of his own household. In a feudal like community of large sprawling estates, he maintains one of the largest when compared to others within the community. His stable consists of hundreds of sows and bitches. He feels responsible for each of them. He recognizes having that responsibility comes with making the hard decision(s) that will benefit his own interest(s) as well as his household. If that means condemning an individual for the good of his estate, so be it!

He is comfortable in his position and expects one day that he will become Chairman of the community ruling body, Club Lothario. Currently, he maintains a position on the executive committee where his opinions are held in high regard in resolving disputes and promoting the strategic direction of the community.

Charles is a tall, dark-haired male in his late forties with broad shoulders who is the epitome of the species. He is a sadist at his core but he is also a nurturing father figure to his stable stock. He prefers mentoring and guiding rather than directing. Others, however usually take his opinion and suggestions as directives due to his standing within the community. I wouldn’t be surprised if many of you may know someone like him. 

Like all males within the community, he maintains an entourage of attendants who take care of his every need, sexual and otherwise. He also ensures his guests have their own attendants from his stable when they come to visit. He likes to wager on contests, whether he is actively involved or not. He loves his single malt scotch, a stuffed breast appetizer paired with a great steak filet.

He has his own responsibilities that have been delegated to him by the community. To ensure the continuation of the species, he needs to make twice monthly rounds at the breeding centers. He meets his meat quotas and regularly sponsors the monthly community celebrations.

He likes to play golf and sip his favorite cocktail while a sexy attendant sits on his lap. He especially likes going unnoticed as he watches his stock lounge by the pool during their off hours. He watches privately so as to not intrude upon their free time.

If you are curious and want to learn more about Charles, I invite you to read the book, ‘The Taste of Honey’. I look forward to reading your constructive comments.

Mona and Honey give thanks

BeautyYesterday, BFF’s Mona and Honey spent the day together, sharing memories and creating new ones. Since Honey is carrying, Mona took it upon herself to go visit her friend. A lot has happened since they first met six months ago.

They talk about everything, from the smallest little details of their daily life to the big ones involving their respective Masters. The one thing they do not talk about is how they came to meet. Honey was stalked, attacked, kidnapped and almost killed. Everyone else thought that she had simply run away from home, shirking her duties to her family and community.

010-ReflectionsBWMona found her, rescued her and saved her from almost certain death. She discovered who the perpetrator, who was later punished. As a result of the events, the traumatized Honey and Mona became best friends. Neither would have it any other way.

In sharing time together yesterday, they relished the opportunity to be thankful for finding each other and their respective lives, their housemates and their Masters. Sharing a superb meal together, they talked, laughed and even cried long into the evening.

Not to be left out, they also included many of Honey’s housemates into their circle of fellowship. Till now, most of them would usually leave them alone, knowing that they needed their time together alone. Besides, most of them were in awe with a bit of hero-worship towards Mona. Their honor restored through Mona’s relentless search to discover the truth of Honey’s disappearance, they believed they owed a debt to Mona. Mona didn’t think so. She was just doing what she does what she does.

So, yesterday, the two women invited them into their circle, answered questions, posed some their own and enjoyed each others company well into the night.

As Mona drove home afterwards, she reflected upon the warm feelings, emotions and fellowship offered her that day. She couldn’t help but feel grateful by their attentions. After all, in her mind, what she did for that family was a very small thing indeed. She would have done it for anyone.

But one thing could be said for the day. She was very thankful that Honey was forever, a part of her life.

What I am Thankful For

Throughout my country of the United States, we are celebrating Thanksgiving. This holiday was established to celebrate a day of thanks, from our earliest days through today and into the future. It is my belief that it is a day to thank our maker, our family, our friends and everyone who touched our lives in one way or another.

Thank you one and all. Happy Thanksgiving!!

Why did I write ‘The Taste of Honey’ (part 2)

‘The Taste of Honey’ is a tale that everyone can find something in it for them. Whether they describe themselves kinky or not, they can connect to the characters and place themselves in the middle of the action.

My books are not meant for everyone yet I am pleased with my writings and most importantly staying true to myself. You will definitely find something that will connect you to my books.

For my ‘vanilla’ friends, I would like to share a comment from my traditional sister. She struggled to get through the book yet by the end she came to realize that she was crying. She exclaims that it was  due to the love story that reveals itself along the way. I thought if she was able to find a connection to my characters, so will you.

It is my belief that there is something for everyone in the book. Whether you’re monogamous or poly-amorous, gay or straight, kinky or vanilla, there’s something for you. There’s romance, suspense, mystery, crime and punishment. The only topics that I will never include in my books are religion, terrorism and war. These are concepts that I believe the human race has experienced and now it’s time to move forward.

Honey’s story contains violence and pacifism. There is also a spiritualism to Honey that is hinted in this book and expanded upon in the sequel,’Broken Steele’. It will grow deeper in the third book, ‘Lucky Bitch’ which I’m currently writing.

These books are ultimately, a paranormal fantasy. Some of the scenes you may want to partake and enjoy yourselves. Others, may feel that they will forever remain in the realm of fantasy. Either way is fine though I am hoping Chapter One will one day become a reality for me! (Yep, my mind will always go there!)

In my mind, that is how all business should be conducted. If you ever get to participate in a similar meeting, please share your experiences. I am also interested in reading your constructive critiques. Maybe even a dialogue over each of our thoughts will occur. I will look forward to that discussion.

Please check out ‘The Taste of Honey’ and when you are ready to move on, try ‘Broken Steele’. The first chapter for each is available for free on this site as well as on Amazon and other e-book retailers. ‘The Taste of Honey’ and ‘Broken Steele’ are available now on this website as well as Amazon and other book online retailers.

Why did I write ‘The Taste of Honey’ (part 1)

Why did I write this book? The answer is well … complicated. The quick answer is that I am horny, all the time, every day and every night. So, I need and like to write stories with adult themes.

Just ask anyone who knows me. I enjoy watching  movies and television shows that include some level of nudity. There are a rare few that I will override that requirement, if they intrigue me in some other way.

I’m also deeply into science, sci-fi, crime and mystery, especially if they include historical or future dramas. I’ve been reading all my life and used to write my own stories as an adolescent and young adult.

The longer or more thoughtful answer is I strive to take every opportunity to enjoy the finer pleasures of life. I absolutely love the female form. She is Mother Nature (and God if you’re believer) gift to the species. To me, to believe in God is to believe that she is a woman. There is something about that gender that turns my eye and encourages me to engage with women. I enjoy finding out who they are and getting to know the person behind their breasts, legs, lips and asses.

Now that I’ve found a person to share that passion with, life is grand. She allows me to be who I am and doesn’t try to change me.

I’m also kinky. What does that mean, you might be thinking? Well, as you read my books, you’ll find that some of the scenes that I write about are based upon real life experiences.

When I was a young lad, I always thought that the thoughts I had in my head were very different from those of my family. I kept them private, fearing that I would be labeled as a deviant and outcast. Over the years, I buried those thoughts and feelings. I thought that they existed solely in the realm of fantasy. Something that they do “only on the west coast” but never in my traditional home.

I suffered during those years, though I maintained my grasp on my love of sex and free love. Early in my first marriage, we shared experiences together that I will never regret to this day. They were fun, exciting but never fulfilling. Then one day, I realized that the mask I wore would put me looking at the grass brown side up for all eternity. I also discovered that she had been wearing a mask. Once we shed those masks, we each discovered we had married the wrong person and we moved on.

From that point on, I grieved for many years. As I healed, I vowed to be the person who I knew I was. How to get there was a mystery. It wasn’t until I met someone who said to me, “Rich, you may be kinky. I think you should look into it”. After she gave me pointers, I discovered that I’m not strange, different or sick. I also found an entire community who lived a life I was always meant to live.. They share the same beliefs and morals as I do.They were honorable, healthy and well-rounded. They were just like me!

Jump ahead a few years and many experiences later, I resumed the writing that had slipped from my life. After struggling with finding an exciting and titillating topic that was different from other authors, I began writing, ‘The Taste of Honey’.

I hope I have peaked your curiosity that you will return tomorrow as I continue to explain why I wrote, “The Taste of Honey”!

My follow-up to Leah Hart’s thoughts on reading ‘The Taste of Honey’

Having read Leah’s comments on her experiences in growing up reading trashy romance novels, I was struck with how similar our backgrounds are. Even though we are from different parts of the country. I can remember the same drive to read anything and everything, even under the covers with a flashlight.

What a wonderful memory Leah. Thanks for reminding me of those days. As a young boy, I tended to read YA books that involved solving mysteries, investigating the universe or simply the human body. Yes, like Leah, I was a rebel. Searching for my identity, I can remember the day when I noticed girls and became infatuated with the female form.

I distinctly remember when in seventh grade, I realized that the girl across from me, I won’t reveal her name here, sat there in a skirt with her knees wildly parted. I remember thinking “What was it that I found so interesting?” as I concentrated on looking up her skirt. To this day, I have no idea if she was doing it on purpose or not.

From that day forward, I read more adult fare, including steamy romance novels. While I didn’t care for those at first, I read them anyway in order to find the sexy steamy scenes that permeate the genre. I read almost every Harold Robbins novels by the time I was seventeen. Others followed as well.

What really hit me though was discovering the ‘The Harrod Experiment’ by Robert H Rimmer. Now that was something right up my alley. I still have that original copy in my collection and I pull it out and read it every so often. I can recall how I yearned to become a part of that experiment. Imaging, a college course that encouraged young adults to sleep around and learn about the human body in a controlled, safe way.

Writing ‘The Taste of Honey’ stems from those days. My roots in writing, in fact in all aspects of my life, branches out from there. My tree of my life is based in the seeds planted those days. Writing my stories reflects upon actual, real life experiences or fantasies made up in my mind in a fervent desire to experience as much as I can before I leave this earth forever.

If you can put yourselves in my shoes or have been where I’ve been, I know you will enjoy ‘The Taste of Honey’ and it’s sequel ‘Broken Steele’. The third book in the series, ‘Lucky Bitch’ will be out early 2016.

LGBT Readers Will LOVE “The Taste of Honey”

LGBT readers are going to LOVE “The Taste of Honey” by Richard Verry. Is it because it’s sexy and delicious? Suspenseful? Tantalizing? Imaginative? Probably all of the above. Escape into this secret world of romance, passion, lust, ecstasy, and a whole lot of lesbian action.

Here are some readers’  favorite lines from the book “The Taste of Honey”:

“Your first loyalty is to your Master.”

“I wonder why she had hid it from our prying eyes.”

“Can you tell me if Honey had any unfulfilled wishes or desires she aspired too?” 

“There was no evidence of the moon in the sky, thereby allowing the stars to shine brightly, filling the night sky with thousands of friendly pin dots.”

If you’ve had a chance to read the book, select your favorite quote and post it in the comments section on the blog (not on the Facebook post) as a comment below!

A Guest Post by Leah Hart at About “The Taste of Honey”

I’m about as sheltered as they come – VERY strict upbringing and reading romance novels in my childhood home was practically forbidden.

Then I became a rebel.

I was the kid checking out trashy romance novels on the Bookmobile when it drove through my neighborhood. I’d carry a satchel for my books and treasures, and at night, made sure I had batteries in my… flashlight. (Get your head out of the gutter!)

Midnight hours flew by and 2 a.m. would roll around within what seemed like minutes. Steamy romance novels filled my head with all sorts of allusion of what it would be like to be a sexy grown-up. That was then, and this is now. I find myself doing the same thing with Richard’s book only I have kids playing in the background. So I’m hiding so I can concentrate on reading! I’ve been under the comforter most nights, reading Richard Verry’s title, “The Taste of Honey” and calling out from under there saying “go ask Daddy” and returning promptly to my hot and steamy read.

I actually enjoyed Richard’s book very much, from beginning to end. His books were a bit of a stretch for my usual taste, but I’m glad I delved in and had a read. Right now I’m finishing up “Broken Steele”.

Have YOU read Richard’s books yet?

LEAH HART is a fellow author.