Happy at the coming of spring.

I am waking up today to what promises to be a warm spring day. Can this winter really be over? Or, does old man winter have one more surprise in store for me? Whatever the weather, I’ll deal with it. In the meantime, I’m loving the weather.

In the meantime, I have work and projects to do. Spring cleanup of the yard, thinking about cutting the grass again, open the windows and clean the house. Yet, I can’t get away from the urge to write.

I have lots of ideas, scenes and scenarios to write down. They flood my brain. Between a full-time job and the stuff I need to do around the house, there is just not enough time in a day. The bed begins calling me before nine o’clock. WTF? Nine? Really? What happened to the days when I could be up to all hours of the night and be up and about in the morning.

For me, this is the strangest thing going on with me. Frankly, I don’t understand it. I know the years are going by, seemingly faster and faster. What happened to the days when summer vacation seemed to last forever?

What about the rest of you out there? Do you worry that you’ll find your days shortened by an urge to sleep? Are you already feeling it? Or, are you the kind of person who can stay up late and sleep late? Personally, I wish I could do that. Waking at five a.m. without the benefit of an alarm clock really pisses me off.

Brunette drinking coffee outdoor cafe
Hmm, good coffee, honey!

Let me know. Write me or comment on this page. I would love to know what you do, what you fear, and what you do to postpone inevitable change.

In the meantime, it’s time to join my girlfriend (who looks every sexy lying in bed waiting for me) for a cup of coffee and start the day.

Happy Spring everyone!

Say hi and tell me what you think. I want to know.

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