Braxton Steele, love the name and hate the character!

Broken SteeleIn this second book of the Mona Bendarova Adventures ‘Broken Steele’, the reader meets an awful and cruel man. Even when we find out what may have caused his behavior, it doesn’t change my mind. I am glad he is dead. I find myself cheering for our heroine, Mona Bendarova, that she will be investigating to find out what caused his demise.

I like that the author, Richard Verry, chose a name that oozes sexuality and uniqueness. I find that Mr. Steele had both yet I still wanted him to die. He mistreated the women in his house and they were terrified of him. His was not the typical role of the masters in this community.

His death reveals more than a hated man who I wanted dead. I was surprised where Mona’s discovery takes the reader.

Will you be surprised too? Read the second novel ‘Broken Steele’ for yourself and find out. Afterwards, I encourage you to share your thoughts with the fans of the ‘Mona Bendarova Adventures’ by commenting on the author’s website,

by Janet Maggio

As the holiday season winds down.

With the holidays winding down and I recover from a bad cold and too much food and drink, I would like to take the opportunity to thank the people who have helped me on my journey this year.21886846_s-Coctail in glass with ice and lemon on black

First off, thank you to the love of my life, Janet. She has put up with a lot of my shit this past year. Even though she grumbles and frets, she knows that I’m no slouch and what I have been trying to do this past year is for her benefit, as well as mine. I love her so much and I appreciate everything she has ever done or will do for me.

I would like to thank my sister Jean for simply believing in me. She struggles to understand and feels remorse when she can’t support me when I ask. I rarely ask Thank youanything of her, just preferring her love. Usually, she is the first in line to help yet this past year, I asked her for something that was important to me. Much to my surprise, she didn’t know how to tell me that she couldn’t and it severely distressed and anguished her. Through her tears, I retracted my request. Our love for each other is more important.

Then there’s Leah. I don’t  remember how I found her yet this fine lady has found a way to boost my confidence and help me grow. She is putting me on the right path to being a successful writer. I’ve never met her but I almost think of her as family.

Then there are those who I consider my best friends these many years who wish to remain nameless in this forum. I look forward to spending time with them soon. One of these friends has been helping me develop my story-lines. Because of her generosity, she is now a recurring character in the next major novel I am writing. She’s a loving, spiritual person who is working hard on her latest business venture. I wish her much success and try to support her as best I can in this endeavor. Another friend is busy working on her upcoming marriage and I know she is there if I need her. I can’t wait to attend her wedding. It will be the highlight of the year.

I’m also thankful to my employer. Anything that needs to be done, I am willing to do. No problemo. I’ve been jobless and hungry before and I never want to experience that ever again.

Happy New Year stars streamers vectorAs I write this, I am realizing that there are many other people who have helped me throughout the past year. I am grateful and very appreciative to all. In my head, I hear the orchestra playing the ‘Get Off the Fucking Stage’ music as if I was giving a speech at an awards ceremony. You get the idea. So in closing, thank you one and all. I hope I get the chance to tell you in person the next time I see you.

Happy New Year! May 2016 be a great one.

To find out more about me and read my blogs, check out my website,

Where do you write?

Patio table umbrella“Where do you write?”

This question was posed to me recently so I thought I would give it a stab. Everywhere, I suppose. I do remember that I started writing my initial books sitting on my deck in the middle of the summer.

Not exciting to most but I was able to soak up the sun at the same time. Sun worshiping weather is kind of rare in my area of the country. Glare on the screen hampered my ability to see the laptop so a deck umbrella was a necessary accessory.

Chocolate infused cappuccinoMoving indoors, I either sit in a chair in my living room or my studio with the game on or more likely, playing music in the background. Since I have a day job I may write while on lunch, often at a table at a nearby café. I’m used to typing while slowly munching on a sandwich or drinking a cup of coffee.

Portable ComputersThat’s the wonderful thing about today’s laptop computers and tablets. I can write almost anywhere, if I choose. I like utilizing any spare time to write including jotting down a chapter or two in the waiting room as my car was being serviced. I prefer the use of a laptop and tablets since I can later read what I wrote which is a big plus.

Mostly though, I write the bulk of my books sitting in a recliner in my bedroom. “Huh?”

Sunset sunriseWell, for me, my brain is constantly playing imagery in the background. It seems my best dialog comes to me at four in the morning while I’m half asleep. It is that sleep state between being fully awake and fully asleep where my mind floods itself with recollections of music, imagery and/or conversations. If you don’t experience it, consider yourself lucky. I might be jealous of you, though.

The dialog runs at super speeds in my semi-conscious state and if I am fortunate to realize it, I get out of bed, pick up my computer and begin furiously writing it all down before I forget it all. Trust me, if I wait until a decent hour, the scene and the dialog is lost forever. So, I’m up at four a.m., writing furiously and it often continues right on into mid-morning or later.

So, that’s how and where I write my books. How about you? Where do you write, paint or whatever you enjoy doing. Please write a comment and let me know. I would enjoy sharing common experiences with you. Thanks in advance for sharing.

Weekly Update

Progress Update

I’ve decided to begin posting progress updates on my writings. I’ll try to do this weekly but you’ll forgive me if I miss a week.

‘Her Client Trilogy’

0-Client-3DSales are still going well. I find it interesting that sales seem to be split pretty evenly between North America and Europe. If anything, the nod goes to Europe. Thank you all for support. I’m working on a marketing plan to boost those numbers. Wish me luck.

‘Lucky Bitch’

Fishnet girl with belt in handAnother 3,000 words written. Progress is slow as I’ve been sick. Preparing to market the book continues.

The Breakup Upright Book‘The Breakup’

A new novel currently in editing. In the same genre as ‘Her Client’, I have high expectations with this novel. Due to the success of ‘Her Client’ I have written story lines for at least three more books. I can’t wait to get started on writing those.

Marketing Efforts


I need visibility to my site and my works. I’ve hired Leah Hart of CreativWriter. So, here’s to the new year, full of confidence as I take the next step into the future. I’m excited.

Why? Because it’s all going to work out. Cheers!

Weekly Update

Progress Update

I’ve decided to begin posting progress updates on my writings. I’ll try to do this weekly but you’ll forgive me if I miss a week.

Her Client Trilogy book cover 3D

‘Her Client Trilogy’

Sales of my new series, the ‘Her Client Trilogy’ are going very well. For a relatively new author, I am ecstatic. 45 copies in 7 days, mostly from U.S. and Europe but in other areas of the world as well.

Thank you all for support. I’m working on a marketing plan to boost those numbers. Wish me luck.


Fishnet girl with belt in hand‘Lucky Bitch’

55,000 words written to date. Great progress, a bunch to go. I can’t wait to find out how it all turns out. I hope to write at least 5,000 words a week, more if I can. A modest goal to be sure but I expect that the holiday season will definitely impact my ability to write. Marketing efforts are slowing the progress with the novel but as long as I am writing, I don’t care. It’ll be out within the next couple of months. I hope you’ll look for it.


The Breakup Upright Book‘The Breakup’

A new novel currently in editing. In the same genre as ‘Her Client’, I have high expectations with this novel. Due to the success of ‘Her Client’ I have written storylines for at least three more books. I can’t wait to get started on writing those.


Marketing Efforts


I need visibility to my site and my works. To do that, I need to raise awareness. Since I know little of marketing, I’ve realized that I need professional help. Just as one hires a moving company to pack up one’s stuff and move it to a new home, I need to do the same thing. Therefore, I’ve decided to boost my marketing efforts but hiring a publicist.

It’s a risk. I know. I don’t want to throw hard-earned money after a bad marketing plan. The past few months, I’ve been investigating whom to hire. There are a lot of unknowns out there. To help figure it out, I’ve been testing the waters.

Now, I’ve decided what to do. I’m hiring Leah Hart of CreativWriter.

Update 10/2016: Leah Hart appears to be out of business. None of her websites are active and her social accounts, at least the ones I know of, are all inactive.

I originally started small with her. I hired her to boost my Twitter followers. I instantly went from a handful of followers to over six thousand in just six weeks. I then hired her to redesign my web site and build an e-commerce presence. Done and done. It’s time to take it the next step.

So, here’s to the new year, full of confidence as I take the next step into the future. I’m excited. Why? Because it’s all going to work out. Cheers!


Whew, I'm glad that's over!
Whew, I’m glad that’s over!

After more that a week trying to turn this new site live, it’s finally here. The usual problems surfaced but in the end, I think I have a great product for your enjoyment. I hope you will agree.

It’s hip! It’s trendy! It’s HOT! It’s sexy!

Please leave me a comment. We both would love to know what you think about the site. I look forward to reading your comments.

The site has a brand new look and a new brand. I’ve replaced the brand I built over the years to one that is truly suitable to whom I am. The site also is geared to both my blog and my books. I urge you to buy and read them. I believe you will find them an excellent read.

I must give thanks to my web designer, Leah Hart of, who worked tirelessly on the site and was my bitch’ for more than a day. It was a learning experience for both of us. The pic in this post is an homage to her. I truly hope she takes time out for herself and relishes the cup(s) of coffee she so loves.

It has not escaped my notice that she drank coffee to remain awake and alert as she worked on my site as well as take care of her other clients, her husband, her kids and her family. I don’t think I can keep up with you. Enjoy the fresh aroma Leah. You earned it.

Please know I am very pleased with the work you have done for me. I look forward to a long-term relationship building my business. I happily recommend Leah Hart and services for your business ventures. If you need help in boosting your endeavors, please hire Leah. I believe she will work as hard for you as she did for me.

In the meantime, please check out the site, its new look and buy a book or two. I have three more going through editing, a sequel to Mona’s story and I woke up with a brand new idea for a new book.

I’ve got to get back to writing. All this web redesign shit has taken away from writing. So, until next time. Salute.