Halloween is in two days

Halloween is in two days

Halloween is in two days, and frankly, I don’t care. Yes, that’s right. My heart isn’t in it this year. Anyone who knows me knows that for as long as I can remember, Halloween is my favorite holiday, or is that was? I don’t know myself. I suppose I will know years from now.

What’s changed?

Let’s see. What’s changed. First, I now live in a fifty-five and up community. No one comes to the house for trick-or-treating. Only a few houses in my neighborhood decorate anything to do with the holiday. When they do, is a set of string lights and a pumpkin, which wasn’t carved into a jack-o’-lantern. How sad is that?

more “Halloween is in two days”

Retribution is out

Retribution is out

That’s right; Retribution is out. Retribution is book 6 in the Consortium Series. Published on October 13, a few of my readers found it before I could announce it. As of this writing, 84 readers like you have already read it. That’s only ten days. OMG. What’s even cooler is that I have already received nothing less than a couple of 5-star reviews.

Thank you, readers. I love you and appreciate you sticking with me.

I’ve also received some comments on the book on my website. One commenter starts they were very disappointed that I didn’t end the series but went on to say they are happy to find out there will be a book 7 in the series.

Yes, there will be another book, Virginia. Sorry, I used the phrase from the popular holiday story, Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. I’ve already begun work on it.

How to read Retribution.

If you’ve missed it, it’s available to read for free on Kindle Unlimited. Shhh! You don’t need a Kindle to read it. You can read it on your phone, tablet, and computer by downloading the app to your device. I read all my books on either, using them as the situation fits. I usually use my android phone to read my books. It’s small, compact, always charged, and always with me.

However, sometimes an actual book comes in handy, and I’ll read it that way. A regular book is often better suited when riding the bus or train to work and back. That’s what my father did his entire career. There’s no need to charge the device, and it fits neatly in most briefcases, purses, and handbags.

more “Retribution is out”

Last Month Today

Hello friends, welcome to Last Month Today, a quick update on what’s been going on with my writing.

Before I continue, let me say that the title of this update is, without a doubt, a nod to John Oliver’s multi-Emmy-winning show, ‘Last Week Tonight with John Oliver,’ which airs weekly on HBO. If you’ve never seen the show, I urge you to check it out. It’s funny but deals with serious topics affecting our lives. It’s roughly 30 minutes a week. Come on, try it, you will like it.

Last Week Tonight

Last Month Today

It’s been over a month since I last wrote to you. Well, it’s been a busy one. Doing my initial edits and working with my editor on my latest book, ‘Retribution,’ takes time. I’m happy to report that we’ve completed the editing, and I’m moving on to the final stages of getting it published.

more “Last Month Today”

Writing My Ass Off

Writing my Ass Off

It’s true. I’ve been writing my ass off. But what does that mean? It means that I’ve been working on finishing Book 6 in the Consortium Series. I wrote at every opportunity and every weekend for two months. I got so into the story that I needed to find out how it ended. Therefore, writing my ass off to finish this book was very fulfilling.

Throughout this period, I kept thinking of you, my loyal readers. I wanted to update you on my progress. However, I got so involved with the story I figured you would forgive me. 

But I know you want to see where this comment is leading. Yesterday, I finished the draft of the book, and now it is off to editing. Yeah!!!!

Consortium Series
more “Writing My Ass Off”

I’ve been on a Bender

That’s right, I’ve been on a bender.

I don’t mean drinking or the Futurama character, although there are days I miss the drink. No, the bender I mean is writing, putting quality time into research, putting words down and writing a story.


Last week, I took several days off from work as a staycation. And I put it to good use. I won’t take the time to count the words written, but I assure you, it was well over ten thousand words among five chapters for the next book in the Consortium series. My readers know it can take too long to release the next book. Sorry about that. I sometimes think that as well. However, I don’t want to sacrifice quality for quantity.

It’s funny. When I first sat behind my writing desk, I stared at the screen, down to my keyboard, and back up at the screen. I didn’t know where to start. I knew where I wanted the book to end up. It was getting there where I struggled.

more “I’ve been on a Bender”

Moderation by Amazon, again; follow-up

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about my recent experience with my advertisement for my Consortium series and suffering a Moderation by Amazon. With this article, I’d like to report on Moderation by Amazon, again; follow-up. ?‍♂️

Rinse and rewind

To those who might have missed my last post, I wrote about mother-effing Amazon moderating an advertisement I had run on their Kindle platform for years. And by moderation, they mean discontinuing distributing the advert. Suddenly, they discontinued running the ad, stating that it ‘does not comply with our current Creative Acceptance Policies.’

Their message went on to say, 

‘Please ensure your ad does not contain erotica, pornography, or explicit sexual practices or preferences.’

more “Moderation by Amazon, again; follow-up”

Moderation by Amazon…again

Yep, earlier this week, I was hit with a moderation by Amazon…again. Mother effing Amazon. This time, it was for an advertisement for The Trafficking Consortium running for years. Why now? I have no idea.

Of course, they have rules and regulations on appropriate content. The advertisement followed them and stayed within the boundaries of their rules. I even paid a consultant who was well versed in their rules and practices to write the ad. I even got Facebook and Twitter copy I could use, although I don’t use their advertising services very much due to cost. The ad should have been safe. 

Think again. 

At first, they just shut down the ad and notified me with a stupid generic moderation statement. Amazon’s message did not identify what was specifically wrong with the ad. I had to file an appeal to the moderation to dig into it. I ended up speaking to an Amazon Advertising Service Representative on the phone. After reviewing the ad, he agreed with me that it did NOT violate their rules and regulations. He then forwarded the appeal to someone up the chain.

more “Moderation by Amazon…again”

What’s new in my writing

Good morning readers and followers, I know you’re wondering what’s new in my writing. I can’t say I blame you. I’m always curious myself—odd when you think about it. 

I reflected upon my progress in writing book six of the Consortium series with friends the other night. I won’t say much about the plot so far so as not to spoil the surprise when it gets published. But I mentioned that I’m about a third of the way done with writing it and said the following. “It’s funny. I still haven’t written a hot sex scene or any graphic violence yet.”

what's new in my writing

Sex and Violence

My friends were shocked. As in a chorus, they exclaimed. “What do you mean? Really? You haven’t?”

Up until that moment, I hadn’t thought it to be a problem. But then, based on their reaction, and they have all read my stories, I realized something. My readers and followers expect hot, graphic sex and violence.

Who am I to disappoint?

What did I do?

Well, I went back to the last chapter I had written and wrote a hot sex scene. That chapter was a perfect lead-in to such a scene, so I added it. It’s so long now that I may break it into two chapters during the editing phase. For now, it’s staying right where it is.

As for the graphic violence, don’t worry. That’s coming. 

more “What’s new in my writing”

Picking up my computer

Would you believe this is the first time I’m picking up my computer in almost two weeks? Really? Yes, it is true. I’ve been under the weather since a week ago Monday. I’m also drinking my first cup of coffee in all this time as well. Those that know me, know that if I’m not drinking coffee, I’m sick.

How it started

It all started with what I thought was a sinus infection. I’d bend over and pain shot through my head, which went away as soon as I stood up. Uh, oh! The next morning, Tuesday, those symptoms disappeared. I breathed a sigh of relief. I was wrong. But then, I started feeling a malaise, a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or uneasiness whose exact cause is difficult to identify. That triggered a ‘uh oh’ in my mind, and I paid a lot closer attention to what was going on with me. By Wednesday, I knew I was getting sick, but I could still go to work and do my job.

more “Picking up my computer”

Writing is like Sex

Writing is like sex...Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf

Writing is like sex. First, you do it for love, then you do it for your friends, and then you do it for money.

— Virginia Woolf, British Writer

Recently, I came across this quote beginning with “Writing is like sex.” Anyone who knows me knows I like sex. I also like to write. Two of my favorite activities all rolled up into one short sentence. So naturally, this quote caught my eye. Who am I to argue with Virginia Woolf?

But then I started thinking about the full context of the quote. I began breaking it down into three components.

Writing is like sex

Hmm, that’s an easy one. I already wrote about the combination above. Of course, there’s more to it. 

For me, writing is like sex. When I am in the zone and know in my brain exactly what the scene I’m writing about is, I get that euphoric high that is akin to a good, satisfying orgasm. Most of you out there know what I mean by the high one gets from climaxing. Endorphins flood your bloodstream, and you feel as if you’re leaving your real-life behind. All you can sense is your partner and the euphoria they are giving you.

more “Writing is like Sex”