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Did you know? My book ‘Her Client’ is available for free. That’s right, this free book is yours to own your personal copy.

Click the book cover to get and read Jolene’s story today.

Yes, free. It’s my way of introducing myself and my books. All I ask is that if you like it, write a review and post it to your favorite bookseller or right here, on my website.

In line with the weather this summer, it’s a hot story and not your usual crime drama. Not at all. Unlike other stories in this genre, it doesn’t gloss over the crime. This story describes the attack in all its awful detail, alternating from both the victim’s and perpetrator’s point of view.

You’ll cringe as you turn page after page, biting your knuckles as Jolene suffers, right in her own home. Find out how she deals with this home invasion, and what happens next.

Click the book cover, download and read ‘Her Client’ for free today.

If you like it, write a review or send me a note. Then, download the sequels and find out what is next for Jolene. That’s right; when this story ends, it’s not over for Jolene.

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