
Followers of the spectacularMy Followers and Fans

Good day, all of my followers and fans. You know how much I love and appreciate you.

I discovered something interesting a little while ago. I was updating my two websites, and maggicalexpressions when I uncovered a fact. On my main website, I have approximately 13,500 followers, and on my art gallery site, I have over 15,000 followers. WTF? I didn’t know this.

FollowersWhen I reviewed the numbers and sources, I realized that there was overlap. Apparently, some of you out there followed me multiple times. That’s okay too. It’s your choice, and I accept that. I also discovered that some of my followers were bots or collectors. By collectors, I mean that they followed me hoping I would follow back, giving them boasting rights over their follower counts. I don’t play that game, but for those that do, have fun.

Jennifer Aniston tits and nipplesJennifer Aniston

What I am thankful for is that you thought enough of my work you followed me, really follow me. I did more research and discovered that my recent blog on ‘Nipples and Tits’ generated a significant increase in traffic to my site. I can’t say I’m surprised as I thought it might. It surprised me that with a pic of Jennifer Aniston, people stopped by my site and spent a minute or two learning more about me.

The traffic to my site jumped. Granted, many people were just looking for news or images related to Jennifer. There was a day I did too. Should I be surprised that after all this time, she is still that popular? In a way, I am. Part of me wants to exploit that interest, but when I reflect, I’m not that kind of guy. Yes, she’s public celebrity, but geez, she deserves her privacy. I will try hard not to exploit her or anyone like her, at least not without their explicit permission.

I discovered all this by merely uploading new artwork I’ve been dabbling in as I reset my mind to write the third book in the Consortium series. Yes, my followers and fans, there will be at least one, maybe more in Avril’s stories.


I’ve just finished uploading some of my latest artwork to my online gallery. maggicalExpressions

Mermaid Below
Mermaid Below, 11×13 graphite on 90# drawing paper

They’re all drawings of various types. I am proud of a few. A couple more didn’t come out all that well but hey, so what? I sat down and drew them to reinvigorate my creative juices and write.

They are all nudes, reinforcing my opinion I wrote about in my last blog. I am a tits and nipples man. I don’t know what it is about me; I am drawn to them. So I create compositions featuring their lovely assets.

I did most in graphite on 110# Canson. I drew a couple more in charcoal. These are either unfinished or in need of a fixative to protect them. I’ll upload them when they’re ready. I hope you like them.

Let me know. Write and send me your constructive comments.


Say hi and tell me what you think. I want to know.

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