Tits and Nipples

Tits and Nipples

For as long as I can remember, tits and nipples fascinate me. I even have memories of admiring well-endowed chests on women of all ages before I hit puberty. I didn’t quite understand it then. As I grew older and retrospected my earlier life, I realized I didn’t know what others knew about me. Through and through, I am a boob man.Boobman

I always considered myself as a leg man, enjoying a well-trimmed ankle sitting on top of a tall pair of stilettos. I still do.

Looking back, I realized that I really am a boob man, enjoying tits and nipples whenever I can. Which is why, I suppose, I started reading Playboy and a host of other magazines to satisfy my fix for tits and nipples. Let me tell you, the real thing is far, far better. I’m sure you will agree.

Helping avoid eye contactI am cautious and shy about my admiration of a well-endowed chest. For all of my life, I took great care not to be overt about my passion, but never so much as when I was a very young adult. First, a little background. I went to school at an all-boys school. So I didn’t learn early on how to talk to girls, especially those I was interested in. When I entered the job market, I started meeting girls. I didn’t know what to do.


Tits and nipplesI can remember this one time when I was a stock boy, and there was this girl who worked as a clerk, greeting customers and assisting the sales personnel. Oh yes, I was interested. I was so shy and self-conscious I couldn’t bring myself to engage in a conversation that would lead to a first date. What I remember is that her filled out chest fascinated me. One slow night, we were in the stockroom, and I worked up the courage to talk to her as an interested guy.

I was so stupid in those days. She was wearing a tank-top and I could see the outlines of her protruding nipples through the fabric of her top. As I stumbled over my words, a growing need to know kept rising to the front of my mind. “Was she, or wasn’t she, wearing a bra that night?” It turns out she was. I couldn’t tell.

Never had I seen someone wearing a bra while her nipples poked through her top. Yet, she had the perkiest tits and nipples I had ever seen. They fascinated me. I didn’t know, and I had to know. Eventually, I worked up the courage and blurted out my question. She laughed and smiled and affirmed that she was wearing one. I got all red-faced with embarrassment and nodded before returning to my duties. I never dated her, but we remained on friendly terms.


Jennifer Aniston

Mortified that I had breached some sort of social protocol, asking that question upset with me. Yep, mama taught me right. Respect my elders and the fairer sex. I still do today, but I can’t help but admire a set of tits and nipples that turn my head.

I’ve gotten good at scanning them without making it plain. I do not want to offend the woman in my appreciation of their ladies. I assumed, rightly or not, that my reverence for their boobs would likely annoy them. I’ve concluded, that in this vast world, everyone views these furtive looks may be welcome.

The trouble is, how to tell when they would welcome the attention and when they don’t. I still don’t know the answer to that question. Does anyone? If you do, would you care to share? That’s still a question I struggle with to this day.

Guys, please remember to respect the ladies. And ladies, please let us know you appreciate our admiration.

Say hi and tell me what you think. I want to know.

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