I finished Infiltration, Consortium Book 4

I finished Infiltration

It’s official. I finished Infiltration, book 4 in my Consortium Series last week. I think the draft turned out pretty well. It’s now in editing. I’ll talk more about that and more later in this blog. I know many of you are anxiously waiting for it. I get it. Avril is in a deep world of trouble, and despite her secret plans, no one knows whether she can extricate herself from the clutches of the cabal known as The Consortium.

From its name, I think anyone who’s read my earlier books, I think you can tell the overall theme of this segment in Avril’s life. It took me about eight months to write, which is longer than I had hoped. However, I like the way it turned out, and now, it’s on to editing, cover creation, and a host of other details that need to managing before publication. more “I finished Infiltration, Consortium Book 4”



What is the definition of tardy or tardiness? According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, they define it as the following.

Definition of Tardy

1: moving slowly : SLUGGISH
// the tardy pace at which she was obliged to walk
— Charles Dickens

2: delayed beyond the expected or proper time : LATE
// a tardy arrival

3: an instance of being tardy (as to a class)


Dictionary.com defines it this way.

adjective, tar·di·er, tar·di·est.

    • late; behind time; not on time:
    • moving or acting slowly; slow; sluggish.
    • delaying through reluctance.


belated, delayed, delinquent, overdue, sluggish, not done, procrastinating, slack, slow, strapped for time, too late, unpunctual

What’s my point with ‘Tardy?’

Why am I writing about #tardy and #tardiness? It’s because I am tardy in delivering Book 4 four in the Consortium Series. I only have a few more chapters to write, minor compared to the rest of the book, but unwritten for many weeks. more “Tardy”

Amazon’s Kindle Quality Notice Update

Amazon’s Kindle Quality Notice Update


Amazon’s Kindle Quality Notice
Copyright (c) Richard Verry 2017-2020

I’ve published a second edition of ‘The Trafficking Consortium,’ fully revised and edited, along with a bonus of new material for my reader’s enjoyment. Thank you to everyone for your patience while I set aside my other responsibilities to take care of dealing with Amazon’s Kindle Quality Notice. Not only did Amazon approve my #kindle version of the book, but they did the same for the paperback version. Read #TheTraffickingConsortium today, knowing you are getting some of my best work.

To catch you up

If you read my last couple of posts, you know I received notice from Amazon of defects in my book, ‘The Trafficking Consortium.’ The news shocked me initially, but then as I reviewed the reported flaws in the story, I realized, whoever wrote them, was spot-on correct. They were apparent, and between my editor and I, we should have found them four years ago before I published the book. more “Amazon’s Kindle Quality Notice Update”


Thrown for a Loop

What a month and thrown for a loop. My newly acquired partial blindness in my left eye threw me for another loop this past month. Yes, I have trouble seeing much in that eye, and the conflicting signals between my right and left eye confuse my brain. The result? It has to work in ways it never has, elevating headaches and fatigue. I’ve also suffered from severe fatigue by getting less than five hours a night for a month straight. At least with sleep, I’m improving, now getting a minimum of seven hours of restful sleep a night.

Blindness thrown for a loopBut that’s not the loop I referred to in the opening line. Nope, not at all. Since last May when I suffered my #CRAO, I’ve been telling my doctors my eye was sore all the time. They noted it in my assessment and moved on to more pressing issues. Over the last month, the soreness continued to get worse. Last week, it opened the turbocharger and knocked me for a loop. Now my eye was visibly red, my eyelid partially closed, and I felt outright pain. WTF? more “Loop”

Sir and the fire drill

Sir & a fire drill

Sir’s bio

Weeks ago, after I published my last book, ‘UnderCurrents,’ I started writing a blog on Sir, the main antagonist in my Consortium books. I intended it to be a short synopsis of the character addressing the question. What makes him tick? Before I knew it, it was over two thousand words long, much too long to use as a blog entry.

I decided to create a page on my site dedicated to this character. After all, his victim and primary interest in the books, Avril has a page. Before long, I added another couple of hundred words to his biography, and I’ve only touched the surface of this complicated and intriguing character. Which means, it needs editing and sifting just as what happens when I write a new story. What am I, a glutton for punishment? Don’t answer that. Still in rough draft form, and the bio needing more work, I ran into a health issue. more “Sir and the fire drill”

UnderCurrents: Who will Satisfy their Thirst?

UnderCurrents: Who Will Satisfy Their Thirst?

It’s official, UnderCurrents: Who Will Satisfy Their Thirst is out and available to read today! UnderCurrents is book 3 in the Consortium Series.

In this next edition of her captivity, UnderCurrents continues Avril’s story in balancing her survival with her desire to take down the Consortium. more “UnderCurrents: Who will Satisfy their Thirst?”

A Ring of Truth

A Ring of Truth

After I wrote my story, The Trafficking Consortium, I started looking over my shoulder, wondering I had stumbled upon a ring of truth. Was I being watched and followed. I can’t tell you how many times I debated with myself whether to finish the story and then again, to publish it. I may not fit their profile of acceptable prey, but I believe that if I get too close to the truth, they may want to remove me as a threat. more “A Ring of Truth”

Writing during a Holiday Season

A Quick Update

Good day to you all, I’ve missed you. Writing during a holiday season is a challenge for sure. However, I can tell you that all of you, my readers, fans, friends and family alike, I think of you frequently day after day.

We came out of a four-day holiday in November, and I put it to good use, writing several chapters in my latest book, the sequel to ‘Perfect Prey,’ book 2 in the Consortium series. I’m excited about how this book is shaping up. more “Writing during a Holiday Season”

Announcing: Perfect Prey arrives today

Perfect Prey arrives todayPerfect Prey arrives today on Amazon for your Kindle or Kindle reader. Yep, that’s right. It’s out. Perfect Prey is Book 2 in the next suspenseful, thrilling chapter in the Consortium Series.

Announcing Perfect Prey arrives today

Check out the blurb on the book page at Amazon.

“Are you being hunted? Are you their perfect prey? What will you do after the Consortium takes you and sells you at auction? What happens after they sell and transport you across the world like cargo? Can you imagine your new life as owned property, with no hope of ever returning to your old life? To suffer and die at the whim of your owner. After you read this novel, you will never, ever stop looking over your shoulder.”

Scary, huh?

more “Announcing: Perfect Prey arrives today”

The Trafficking Consortium comes to life

How did I come up with ‘The Trafficking Consortium?’

The Trafficking ConsortiumComing up with the idea for my novel ‘The Trafficking Consortium’ occurred quite by accident. In the summer of 2016, I suffered a severe concussion which lay laid me for months. After a trip to the hospital, I started seeing doctors and therapists four to five days a week. In the beginning, I didn’t care. They helped me get better.

About three months after my injury, I realized that I was missing something in my brain, that being the creative stream of images and ideas that flow through my mind every hour and every day of my conscious life. Frankly, I was getting scared. Would it ever return? Would I have to live my life without my favorite friend in my mind? After another two months, I was still wondering.

As a change of pace and to get out of the house, I accompanied my girlfriend when she needed to attend a conference in Washington DC area with her daughter. After arriving, while she was out for the day, I stayed behind and pulled out my drawing tablet and pencils. For three days straight, I drew. Not from imagery in my mind but from photographs and what I saw out the window of my hotel room. All well and good, and it was a change of pace that I needed. Still, though, the creative stream remained elusive.


A couple of weeks after I returned home, I found myself sitting in yet another doctor’s office waiting to be called in for an assessment. As I sat there, I watched people come up to the check-in window, hand over their personal information, and sit down to wait. Some of the people I saw were quite attractive, decked out in outfits that emphasized their bodies designed to appeal to potential lovers and bedmates.

Watching them, I suddenly had a thought. “What if?” I asked myself.

  • “What if the secretary handed over my personal information to those whose agendas were unrelated to the doctor’s business?”
  • “What could happen?” “Do I really want to share my personal information?”
  • “Can I trust them?”
  • “What can I do if I can’t trust them?”

And for a brief time, my mind ran rampant with the possibilities. On that day and in that instant, a story idea exploded in my mind and consumed me. I had to write it down. In about five weeks, I had written the first draft of ‘The Trafficking Consortium.’ After that, I began the refinement process and six months later, the story was published to outstanding reviews.

Oh my, poor Avril!

Avril GilliosPoor Avril Gillios, the heroine in this story. I wrapped her story around the people I observed while waiting to see my doctor. To no fault of her own, she was tagged, kidnapped, and sold into bondage half a world away. Fighting for her life, she never gave up looking for an opportunity to escape. More horrifying, is that she was not alone. Hundreds of people; men and women alike; are taken by the Consortium each year. Most are dead within months. All of them become objects of Consortium members depraved desires. Have you ever wondered how many adults go missing over the years, you should

Her story is one of determination to survive and to return to her old life. Along the way, something buried inside her awakens, and she discovers that despite her disgust towards the organization, she finds that her new owner and master isn’t so bad after all. She struggles with the paradox that she can’t seem to resolve. Her Surviving her ordeal and keeping her soul unstained; drives her work within the system, determined to escape and return to her old life.

In the coming weeks, I’ll talk more about Avril and the Consortium. How I came up with her character, as well as those exposed to her. I’ll write about the motivations of those behind the counter and their private agendas. In the meantime, you can discover for yourself, some of what drives Avril on her webpage at my site.

You can also read the book ‘The Trafficking Consortium’ for yourself. Get it on
