UnderCurrents: Who Will Satisfy Their Thirst?

It’s official, UnderCurrents: Who Will Satisfy Their Thirst is out and available to read today! UnderCurrents is book 3 in the Consortium Series.

In this next edition of her captivity, UnderCurrents continues Avril’s story in balancing her survival with her desire to take down the Consortium.

UnderCurrents: Who will Satisfy their Thirst?Who will satisfy their thirst, Book 3

As Sir’s twisted pleasures expand in UnderCurrents, can Avril endure long enough to satisfy his sadistic thirst? Or will she die as he overwhelms her pain tolerance? Avril’s only chance for survival depends on pleasing her callous master. Can she endure long enough to quench his thirst, or succumb to an agonizing death?

LearnMoreAmazonShe knows enough of her situation that escape is impossible. Even if she can get away, Sir would use the resources of the Consortium for hunting her down and return her to his clutches. Her only hope is taking down the Consortium, granting her a chance to return to a normal life, even if it’s not her old life.

Her strategy to keep her alive seems to work. Unfortunately, she’s no closer to taking down the organization that stole and sent her into a life of bondage. Forced to serve and submit, spending time in his dungeons extracting her screams was a necessary consequence to her plan.

Putting her plan into action requires decisions and behaviors she’s uncomfortable with, knowing they may forever damn her soul. She murdered others, knowing full well she will never forgive herself. Her only hope for redemption is her hope that God will forgive her, saving innocent souls from suffering her fate.

Who will satisfy their thirst?

Suitable for all readers 18+


Learn MoreGetting this out this summer was difficult. Thank you all for your patience. I hope you enjoy reading it. In the meantime, I’ve already started work on Book 4 in the series title as yet unknown. Time to get to work.


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