Consortium Book #3, UnderCurrents Nears Publication

The third book in the Consortium series, UnderCurrents nears publication. Whoo-hoo! Yes, I know I have been quiet of late. For a good reason.

UnderCurrents nears publicationI finished my first draft of the book about a month ago. Finishing it, I decided on the title ‘UnderCurrents.’ Then, I went through it again and again, working on draft 2 and then 3.

Just the other day, I got it back from the editor. Oh, my word was she ever harsh. We argued over nearly every word. She stripped out hundreds of words, had me rewrite dozens of segments, and identified inconsistencies galore.

Hey, that’s what an editor is for. I got it back from her yesterday, and I am once again, reviewing it, not just for content, but grammar, syntax, and shitloads of other aspects of a manuscript. Once done, the editor wants to reread it again, and suggest any final edits.

Do you know what she said when she turned it back over to me? I’m astounded. She said something simple and understated.

She said. “It’s good. I liked it.”

Oh my, that’s one of the nicest things anyone has said to me in recent months. I’m smiling.

More of Avril's StoryThere’s more work to do, but I’m getting to the short rows (a farming idiom.) There’s cover design, setting up advertising, website work, book formatting, beta readers, and a dozen other things to do. I’ll do them gladly as UnderCurrents nears publication. I expect it will be ready for an August release. I know you’re all looking forward to more on Avril’s story.

Soon, I’ll publish a few snippets from the book on my blog page. Look for them. As usual, Avril fights for her life, suffers while scheming, as she looks for the perfect opportunity to rejoin the community of her old life. She gets royally pissed, suffers a near-death punishment, all with the goal of freedom. Does she earn her freedom or not? Read ‘UnderCurrents’ and be the first to find out.

One thought on “

  1. Carolyn Reply

    Wow! I love your editor’s comment as well! And what a great Title, “Undercurrents”! Can’t wait for the snippets from you on this book!

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