I finished Infiltration, Consortium Book 4

I finished Infiltration

It’s official. I finished Infiltration, book 4 in my Consortium Series last week. I think the draft turned out pretty well. It’s now in editing. I’ll talk more about that and more later in this blog. I know many of you are anxiously waiting for it. I get it. Avril is in a deep world of trouble, and despite her secret plans, no one knows whether she can extricate herself from the clutches of the cabal known as The Consortium.

From its name, I think anyone who’s read my earlier books, I think you can tell the overall theme of this segment in Avril’s life. It took me about eight months to write, which is longer than I had hoped. However, I like the way it turned out, and now, it’s on to editing, cover creation, and a host of other details that need to managing before publication. more “I finished Infiltration, Consortium Book 4”