
Woke up this morning with even more snow on the ground. Still not enough to justify having the snow plow clean out my driveway. I don’t know which is worse, having a lot of snow or just enough to make driving treacherous.

Don’t get me wrong, I like snow and I don’t worry about driving in it. I’ve driven a car or truck most of my life and I consider myself a good driver. Still, a thin layer of snow seems to me to be more dangerous than a significant snow fall.

Why? I don’t think most drivers understand just how dangerous it can be. That thin layer easily converts to ice or worse black ice. For those who don’t know, black ice is prevalent in western NY and consists of a slippery thin layer of frozen water that is impossible to see. It’s so thin that one does realize that they are on it until they spin-out. It’s slippery as hell.

coffee latteSo, what’s the best way to deal with it? Go slow or don’t go out at all. Me? I don’t care what you do, just don’t lose control and smash into me. Stay home had have a hot chocolate, a glass of wine or a stiff drink.

What would Mona do? Well, she would either stay home and have that drink, enjoy the company of her household members or enjoy a good romp in the bed. If she had to drive, she would keep her wits about her and allow the road conditions dictate her speed. Better yet, as a senior member of her house, she would have someone else do all the driving while she sat in the back, enjoying the ride.

I’ll be enjoying the snow from the comfort of my living room, a nice drink in my hand and a fire burning in the fireplace. Enjoy the evening everyone. And for those south of the equator, enjoy the summer sun.


Today, instead of answering my interview questions, I’d like to mention stuff that comes to mind.

Broken SteeleFirst and foremost, thank you — thank you to those who have been purchasing my books. The bulk have been sold both in the UK and in the US. Thank you. A big thank you to whomever purchased my sequel to the Mona Bendarova Adventures, called ‘Broken Steele’. It’s really nice to see the appreciation of someone who took the time to buy and read it. Thank you.

To everyone who has read my books, in addition to my thanks, I would ask that you write a review on the site from which you purchased the book(s). Seems that Amazon and the like tend to not promote a book until a certain number of reviews have been published for it. I really would appreciate it.

Now, on to other stuff.

Snow finally comes to Rochester, NY. We’ve been extremely lucky this year. Last year, we were buried under many feet of snow for the bulk of the season. Houses, mine included, took a big hit from ice and snow damage. This year, nothing, zippo, nada until today. Any yet, it’s not a lot, under an inch or so and most melted under the afternoon sun.

Now, as I write the Mona Bendarova Adventures, I am constantly wondering what her weather is like. So far, except for the occasional rain or thunderstorm, it’s been pretty temperate. After all, if I want my characters naked much of the time, indoors and out, it has to be warm enough to allow it. (Or, does it? I wonder.)

As I write the third book in the series, I have definitely introduced a change in climate. It’s the end of the growing season and the days are getting shorter and the temperatures are dropping. How low should I take them is the question. Will there be snow on the ground at some point? I haven’t decided.

What do you think? Should there be? Should the members of Mona’s house and community have to deal with in climate weather? Should they have to deal with snow, ice, tornado’s and or hurricanes? Do I put the community in a temperate zone, the equatorial zone or closer to the poles where seasons are more dramatic? Part of me wants them in a temperate zone, where it’s not too hot or too cold. Yet, for drama sake, more extreme weather can lead to more interesting plot lines.

The nice thing is, my characters will have to deal with anything I write into the stories.

I am interested in hearing what you have to say. Send me a comment from the link below and let me know your thoughts and why you think that. At this point, I can bend it in whatever direction you like.

Normal? What is normal?

Do you consider yourself ‘Normal’?

Of course I do. I feel that I am the most normal guy one could meet.

Sometimes, my girlfriend has a different opinion. From reading, editing to discussing my books and novellas, she thinks I’m something different. I suppose and hope that is why she likes me. Just to remind everyone, we’ve been together for over twelve years.

Having said all that, let’s get back to the question. I spoke recently about the imagery that flies around in my head all day. I suppose that makes me different, since I am convinced that most others don’t have those experiences yet abnormal? No way!

Webster’s Dictionary defines normal as:

  1. a: according with, constituting, or not deviating from a norm, rule, or principle
    b: conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern
  2. occurring naturally <normal immunity>
  3. a: of, relating to, or characterized by average intelligence or development
    b: free from mental disorder

Open bookWhen I compare myself to Webster, if there is any question, then by definition, I am normal. While I am unique, I also personally know hundreds of people and by extrapolation, millions who think like me and enjoy similar interests as I do and follow the same shows, hobbies and genres. In so many ways I conform to standards and patterns that society expects of me. I work for a living, pay my taxes, maintain my own home, take the garbage out and enjoy a daily shower. That last is really important.

My mother carried and delivered me naturally, though she told me later that I almost killed her as I wanted to come out sideways. She tells me that they had to push me back in, turn me around before delivering me. Does that make me abnormal? No, I don’t believe so. Breech births do happen. Of what I know now, if I was born more than a hundred years ago, neither me, mom or my sisters might not be around. Medicine back then wouldn’t be equipped to handle the difference from a normal birth.

psychiatric hospitalAm I categorized as of having average intelligence? I think so. I definitely know that there are people smarter than myself and others who are not. That makes me normal.

That leaves ‘free of mental disorder’. That’s a subjective term in so … many ways. While I know that there is scientific, medical definitions of various mental disorders, no one has ever accused or diagnosed me of having one.

I can only conclude I am normal. What about you? Do you consider yourself normal? If so, why? If not, really? I want to hear from you. Perhaps I can turn your story into a book. We should chat. You can use the comment section below to get started. I would so enjoy hearing your story.

Will men love in the Mona Bendarova Adventures? (part 2)

What aspect of the book will men love in the Mona Bendarova Adventures? (part 2)

Being so few of them, the community ensures that they become the master of their own house with hundreds of women there to serve and attend to them. But is it really serving? Sure, a Master of the house can snap his fingers and there is someone instantly available to attend to their needs, whether that being delivering a drink, some food or their bodies.

But why? Why would the women willing submit like that?  Women enjoy their role and love sex as much as men do. The  masters have responsibilities and at times it can be overwhelming and the women understand this.

First, masters’ of a house have to find enough food and water to support hundreds of mouths to feed, three times a day, everyday. Can anyone today envision the idea of providing three meals a day for hundreds of your community?

Theirs is a feudal style community where the concept of money and taxes are extinct. They barter goods and services to provide for their house and community. Commodities useful for acquiring food and drink are few.  

Pregnant giftNot only do they provide for their household, they have to ensure the survival of the species. With so few males around, their responsibilities include an obligation to impregnate as many women as possible. With a significant portion of all women being infertile, they have to regularly make the rounds with the breeding centers, depositing their seed into ovulating women, again and again. It’s their work. It’s their job to impregnate dozens of women in a short period of time, every week, month after month, year after year. Whew!

Why? Why not use in vitro or similar? As a result of the ‘Purge Plague’, people within Mona’s world are aghast at the idea of repeating the mistakes of the past. They’re scared of genetic manipulation and the idea of anything other than natural propagation is just not done. They also don’t go for C-Sections or doing any extraordinary measures to prolong life. They truly feel that survival of the fittest is the only way to insure the survival of the species.

For me, as the creator of this universe, I love the idea of being the Master of my House. I understand Charles and his responsibilities. He is the epitome of maleness in my books. Woman bend over backwards, literally, to please him. He knows how to please them and give them what they need. Some simply like sex. Some prefer the taste of a whip or feeling cocooned in tight bindings. All live to serve.

Then, in the end, when the men can no longer perform their duties, nor deposit viable seed in the wombs of fertile females, their role in the community is over.

The ride to get there is awesome. It’s a fun, long ride filled with pleasures, drink and sex. What’s not to like?

To learn more about this universe I’ve created, check out my site, where you’ll find all sorts of more information, a free preview of each of my books you can read so you can see for yourself and where you can buy the full books.

Will men love in the Mona Bendarova Adventures? (part 1)

What aspect will men love in the Mona Bendarova Adventures? (part 1)

Garters Thigh High Stockings vectorWhat’s not to love about the role men have in these books. They have all the sex they could ever want, any time of day or night. They have a bevy of women who by their very nature are submissive. They serve, attend and even die for their head of households. Once accepted into a house, they yearn to please the Master of the house. They have sex, often with several women at the same time. They enjoy playtime in the dungeons where women willingly submit to their Masters in kinky pleasures. They take care of all of the household chores. What’s not to like?

And yet, men in the community are few in number. The odds of being born and surviving to maturity are extremely low. Only one in fifteen thousand births results in a male making it to adulthood. In the early stages of life, assuming they survive their traumatic birth, they are sickly and prone to severe illness. Of those that survive their birth, most will die before their first birthday. Assuming they survive to adulthood, they are by nature, the strongest and the most viral. They are the epitome of Darwin’s law of survival of the fittest.

Just imagine. You’re born and somehow, against all odds, manage to reach adulthood. You are given a house of your own, filled with women willing to lie and have sex with you . They are eager to please your every fantasy. Additionally, you don’t have to find a job, fret each and every day whether you can make a career and earn a living.

Today, most of us men struggle to figure out our place in life. A rare few, figure it out early. Most, figure it out just when we wish we could start again, with what we learned along the way. Many never figure it out at all.

I’m one of those that took decades to figure out just who I am and what my talents are. I love the idea of being given my own house, a stable of women to fuck and a household to love. I would enjoy being the uncontested Master of my house. To never have to worry where my next meal was coming from, whether I would have a roof over my head or a community I can be a part of, all appeals to me.

Yet, I’ve not spoken about the other side of the coin. Stay tuned to tomorrow’s followup to this entry. Part two talks about the responsibilities they must deal with and how it affects their house and community should he not live up to their responsibilities.

To learn more about this universe I’ve created, check out my site, where you’ll find all sorts of more information, a free preview of each of my books you can read so you can see for yourself and where you can buy the full books.

Fantasies Realized!

Did you write these books as a way to experience fantasies that you could never experience for real?


When I heard this question, I started laughing. I suppose that all creative people, writers, artists, musicians etc. all express their fantasies in their art.

Silhouette in redNo, I don’t want to experience most of the scenes I write about. The sex, sure. The kinky stuff,  I admit, some. I enjoy many forms of adult play. No, I have no desire to experience some of what my characters go through, either as a perpetrator or victim. I abhor violence. I always have. Some even have accused me as someone who avoids conflict. I suppose there is some truth in that. The thought that I could inflict that kind of suffering on another living creäture, human or not, offends me.

But that doesn’t stop the scenes from playing out in my head nor stop trying to capture them in either the visual or written form. For whatever reason, I find the fantasies I dream up fascinating. Without them, I couldn’t write my books or paint my scenes. Good or bad, tame or horrendous, they’re just fantasies. I recognize they’re not real. What concerns me more is what would happen if I didn’t get them out. Now, that’s some scary shit.

This is Richard Verry, reporting from Rochester, NY. Be sure to check out my website at

Under the weather – followup

Under the weather – followup

Yesterday, I wrote about my month-long cold/whatever it is/was. However, since I wrote about my ills over the last month, I feel the need to write a followup.

Most important of all is … thank you for all of the kind words sent to me wishing me get well soon. I really appreciate them. It means a lot to me. I don’t normally like to write or talk about health related issues. Normally, it’s no ones business. To demonstrate how I feel about that, when I broke my leg a 15 years ago, I didn’t tell a soul. Even though I was living alone at the time, I kept that private. That’s life and I dealt with it.

As I wrote yesterday, I did go see the doctor and go through several tests. Doc tells me that I am presenting a very strange case, one that doesn’t seem to fit normal progressions of winter colds and flu. Yes, I did get my flu shot this year. The tests came back either negative or within normal ranges. So, no help there other than discount the norms.

So, what’s going on?

No one knows. She suspects that I am the victim of serial multiple cold or other viral infections. She suspects that this is the case as each one, taken along presents differently and is treated differently.

Today, I am feeling much better. She’s put me on a new stronger regime of antibiotics, which seems to be doing the trick. And while I’ve heard this before, I am crossing my fingers. I plan on returning to work tomorrow. And after that, get back to writing. Whoo hoo!


I have a long way to go to finish up my next novel, ‘Lucky Bitch’, the third book in the Mona Bendarova Adventures. Time to buckle down and get writing.

Wow! I’m a serial victim? Sounds interesting. It could even an idea for a book or story. I’ll have to give it some thought.


Under the weather – followup

Under the weather – followup

Yesterday, I wrote about my month-long cold/whatever it is/was. However, since I wrote about my ills over the last month, I feel the need to write a followup.

Most important of all is … thank you for all of the kind words sent to me wishing me get well soon. I really appreciate them. It means a lot to me. I don’t normally like to write or talk about health related issues. Normally, it’s no ones business. To demonstrate how I feel about that, when I broke my leg a 15 years ago, I didn’t tell a soul. Even though I was living alone at the time, I kept that private. That’s life and I dealt with it.

As I wrote yesterday, I did go see the doctor and go through several tests. Doc tells me that I am presenting a very strange case, one that doesn’t seem to fit normal progressions of winter colds and flu. Yes, I did get my flu shot this year. The tests came back either negative or within normal ranges. So, no help there other than discount the norms.

So, what’s going on?

No one knows. She suspects that I am the victim of serial multiple cold or other viral infections. She suspects that this is the case as each one, taken along presents differently and is treated differently.

Today, I am feeling much better. She’s put me on a new stronger regime of antibiotics, which seems to be doing the trick. And while I’ve heard this before, I am crossing my fingers. I plan on returning to work tomorrow. And after that, get back to writing. Whoo hoo!


I have a long way to go to finish up my next novel, ‘Lucky Bitch’, the third book in the Mona Bendarova Adventures. Time to buckle down and get writing.

Wow! I’m a serial victim? Sounds interesting. It could even an idea for a book or story. I’ll have to give it some thought.


Under the weather – followup

Under the weather – followup

Yesterday, I wrote about my month-long cold/whatever it is/was. However, since I wrote about my ills over the last month, I feel the need to write a followup.

Most important of all is … thank you for all of the kind words sent to me wishing me get well soon. I really appreciate them. It means a lot to me. I don’t normally like to write or talk about health related issues. Normally, it’s no ones business. To demonstrate how I feel about that, when I broke my leg a 15 years ago, I didn’t tell a soul. Even though I was living alone at the time, I kept that private. That’s life and I dealt with it.

As I wrote yesterday, I did go see the doctor and go through several tests. Doc tells me that I am presenting a very strange case, one that doesn’t seem to fit normal progressions of winter colds and flu. Yes, I did get my flu shot this year. The tests came back either negative or within normal ranges. So, no help there other than discount the norms.

So, what’s going on?

No one knows. She suspects that I am the victim of serial multiple cold or other viral infections. She suspects that this is the case as each one, taken along presents differently and is treated differently.

Today, I am feeling much better. She’s put me on a new stronger regime of antibiotics, which seems to be doing the trick. And while I’ve heard this before, I am crossing my fingers. I plan on returning to work tomorrow. And after that, get back to writing. Whoo hoo!


I have a long way to go to finish up my next novel, ‘Lucky Bitch’, the third book in the Mona Bendarova Adventures. Time to buckle down and get writing.

Wow! I’m a serial victim? Sounds interesting. It could even an idea for a book or story. I’ll have to give it some thought.

Under the weather – followup

Under the weather – followup

Yesterday, I wrote about my month-long cold/whatever it is/was. However, since I wrote about my ills over the last month, I feel the need to write a followup.

Most important of all is … thank you for all of the kind words sent to me wishing me get well soon. I really appreciate them. It means a lot to me. I don’t normally like to write or talk about health related issues. Normally, it’s no ones business. To demonstrate how I feel about that, when I broke my leg a 15 years ago, I didn’t tell a soul. Even though I was living alone at the time, I kept that private. That’s life and I dealt with it.

As I wrote yesterday, I did go see the doctor and go through several tests. Doc tells me that I am presenting a very strange case, one that doesn’t seem to fit normal progressions of winter colds and flu. Yes, I did get my flu shot this year. The tests came back either negative or within normal ranges. So, no help there other than discount the norms.

So, what’s going on?

No one knows. She suspects that I am the victim of serial multiple cold or other viral infections. She suspects that this is the case as each one, taken along presents differently and is treated differently.

Today, I am feeling much better. She’s put me on a new stronger regime of antibiotics, which seems to be doing the trick. And while I’ve heard this before, I am crossing my fingers. I plan on returning to work tomorrow. And after that, get back to writing. Whoo hoo!


I have a long way to go to finish up my next novel, ‘Lucky Bitch’, the third book in the Mona Bendarova Adventures. Time to buckle down and get writing.

Wow! I’m a serial victim? Sounds interesting. It could even an idea for a book or story. I’ll have to give it some thought.