Word of the Day: beatific

blissful soak
Source: rednotebotanica.com/

Word of the Day: beatific

beatific (adjective) bee-uh-TIFF-ik


1 : of, possessing, or imparting a state of utmost bliss

2 : having a blissful appearance


angelic; blissful; cherubic; delightful; divine; elated; ethereal; euphoric; happy; heavenly; joyful; lovely; rapturous; saintly


“She was Italian, funny, a beatific tomboy, with just the hint of a lazy eye, and wore a pair of glasses that made me think of the wonders of the library.” — Bruce Springsteen, Born to Run, 2016

“Maybe it was the unexpected warmth of the gesture….  Maybe it was his response, the beatific expression on his face, eyes almost closed, head tilted toward her shoulder.… But when Michelle Obama hugged former President George W. Bush … at a ceremony to open the National Museum of African American History and Culture, the image quickly took flight online.” — Mark Landler, The New York Times, 26 Sept. 2016

Did You Know?

Beatific—which derives from Latin beatificus, meaning “making happy”—has graced the English language as a word describing things that impart consummate bliss since the 17th century. In theology, the phrase “beatific vision” gained meaning as an allusion to the direct sight of God enjoyed by the blessed in heaven. Today, the word more frequently describes a blissful look or appearance. A closely related word is beatitude, which can refer to a state of utmost bliss or to any of the declarations made by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount.

My Take

In researching today’s word, I found a plethora of religious images. While I do consider myself spiritual and I talk to him/her all the time, I am not religious. Filtering out the Judeo/Christian symbology was daunting. I think I managed it. What do you think?

Source: Unknown

When I think of this word, I think of the happy couple on their wedding day. The bride especially, wearing her emotions on her face and in her light-footed gait. I think of soaking in a deep hot bath, surrounded by bubbles, candles, and a glass or wine. Sharing the bath with a companion is optional. I think of lying in bed, post-coitus, reveling in the contentment permeating within every cell of your body. I think of standing over the crib or bed of your sleeping child. The child content in the instinct that no matter what, you will protect them and take care of them. I think of a quiet, summer morning, the air still, and dew just about to disappear for the day.

I could go on and on. Is there something you would like to share? I’m sure we would all enjoy reading the contributions.

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My Take

Words can make you feel
Source: elephantjournal.com

My Take

I found out recently that some of my followers don’t know that I add ‘My Take‘ to my Word of the Day posts.

My Take? What does that mean you ask? What good would it do if I just spit out what someone else wrote? I ask you. It’s a waste of time and energy. You could subscribe to that feed and get the same content.

What makes my version worthwhile is that I add a commentary that I hope you will find inspiring, interesting, or just plain cool. I research the word, adding images that I believe are pertinent to the meaning of the term and that you, the reader, will find interesting.

So, please, scroll down from the definition and read my take. There are tidbits in each and every one that you will find interesting. Plus, in many cases, I include a gift if you would share the post on Twitter. Of course, to get the gift, you have to share it using the Twitter buttons displayed on my post. Psst! There’s one on this post. Share it from this page on Twitter to see what it is.

Thanks for continuing to read my posts.

Woman in words 2 by JuanOsborne
Woman in words 2
by JuanOsborne, inspiration from Michale Ezra

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Word of the Day: imbue

Source: omnilexica.com

Word of the Day: imbue

imbue (verb) im-BYOO


1 : to permeate or influence as if by dyeing

2 : to tinge or dye deeply

3 : to provide with something freely or naturally : endow


endow, inculcate, ingrain, instill, leaven, permeate, pervade, saturate, steep, suffuse


The children were imbued with a passion for nature by their parents, both biologists.

“For a 23-year-old newly imbued with national fame, Jacoby Brissett is a man of few vices. One of them is chocolate chip cookies, which in college he baked for his offensive linemen.” — Adam Kilgore, The Washington Post, 22 Sept. 2016

IMBUE - Not So White
Artist: Imbue (source: retrome.bigcartel.com)

My Take

It never ceases to amaze me. No matter how obscure, how removed a word is from common day language, I can find hundreds or thousands of images on the net related to the term. What surprises me even more, are the number of companies use the word in their name or marketing for products. While I strive hard to avoid promoting products in my take on the Word of the Day, I sometimes find it hard to do so.

Imbue is one such term. I found it hard to filter out a couple of images that to me, represent the word, while at the same time did not promote a product.

I do have an exception to that rule. Being an artist as well as a writer, if I find painting, drawing or sketch done by an artist that represents the word, I’ll be happy to use it. The image of the girl in this post is one such image. My Twitter sharing link will give you an even more risque image related to the word, one not suitable for Facebook, LinkedIn or my other social media sites.

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If you share this post by clicking one of the twitter buttons, I will treat you with a sexier image related to the word. My gift to you.

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Word of the Day: domicile

Couple at home in their domicile
Source: thebalance.com

Word of the Day: domicile

domicile (noun) DAH-muh-syle


1 : a dwelling place : place of residence : home

2 a : a person’s fixed, permanent, and principal home for legal purposes

    b : the place where a corporation is actually or officially established

Dark Blue Bedroom
Source: Pininterest


“I got married, when I was 66, to David Bale…. I thought the women’s movement has struggled for 25 years to allow marriage to be an equal partnership, so I no longer had to give up my name, my domicile, my credit rating, so why not? — Gloria Steinem, quoted in The Scottish Daily Mail, 29 Feb. 2016

“Meese estimates he moved 20 times during his 32-year military career. While he could have chosen a number of states for his residence, he elected to keep Texas—where he bought his first house—as his domicile.” — Maryalene LaPonsie, U.S. News & World Report, 11 Mar. 2016

brown purple regal bedroom
Source: home-designing.com

Did You Know?

Domicile traces to Latin domus, meaning “home,” and English speakers have been using it as a word for “home” since at least the 15th century. In the eyes of the law, a domicile can also be a legal residence, the address from which one registers to vote, licenses a car, and pays income tax. Wealthy people may have several homes in which they live at different times of the year, but only one of their homes can be their official domicile for all legal purposes.

Source: Anina MutterMy Take

When I think of the word domicile, I automatically think of home. My home, your home, anyone’s home. Homes are different for everyone. They may be the grandest estate in the country, or it may be a cardboard box in an abandoned subway tunnel. It may be a long haul truckers cab, or it may be the RV roaming the back roads from city to city. Domiciles are personal preferences for where a person lives, whether by desire or necessity.

But domiciles can be much more than that. In my house, a modest 55+ ranch, our domicile is not so much the house, it’s the bedroom. We spend a lot of time there. It’s a place to sleep; it’s a place to hang out; it’s a place to make love, and it’s an erotic playroom for consenting adults.

A domicile is one’s home and their castle. Most importantly, home is where the heart is.

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Word of the Day: glaucous

Grey Eyes
Source: PEI Magazine

Word of the Day: glaucous

glaucous (adjective) GLAW-kus


1 a : of a pale yellow-green color

   b : of a light bluish-gray or bluish-white color

2 : having a powdery or waxy coating that gives a frosted appearance and tends to rub off

Faery Realm
Source: FaeryRealm


“Her eyes, a clear, glaucous gray, express unambiguous yearning.” — Amanda Petrusich, The New Yorker, 26 May 2016

“Waxy, hard, hairy and glaucous leaves help prevent water loss.” — Patrice Hanlon,The Mercury News (California), 10 Aug. 2016

Did You Know?

Glaucous came to English—by way of Latin glaucus—from Greek glaukos, meaning “gleaming” or “gray,” and has been used to describe a range of pale colors from a yellow-green to a bluish-gray. The word is often found in horticultural writing describing the pale color of the leaves of various plants as well as the powdery bloom that can be found on some fruits and leaves. The stem glauc- appears in some other English words, the most familiar of which is glaucoma, referring to a disease of the eye that can result in gradual loss of vision. Glauc- also appears in the not-so-familiar glaucope, a word used to describe someone with fair hair and blue eyes (and a companion to cyanope, the term for someone with fair hair and brown eyes).

Imagenes y Carteles - Sirenas
Source: Imagenes y Carteles

My Take

I doubt I will use this word much. In my research, I found that in current times, glaucous mostly refers to makeup colors, especially eye makeup. Stretching further, I found other images but rarely associated with the word. I did find one synonym for it, opaque, which M-W did not list. Theauraus.com failed to have it in its database. In my experience, this is not unusual, but enlightening.

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Word of the Day: frieze

Source: drxelaandarchitecture.wordpress.com

Word of the Day: frieze

frieze (noun) FREEZ


1 : the part of an entablature between the architrave and the cornice

2 : a sculptured or richly ornamented band (as on a building or piece of furniture)

3 : a band, line, or series suggesting a frieze


“The house commands a hilltop and is forbidding, imposing, but softened with a frieze of beautiful American elms.” — Lady Bird Johnson, A White House Diary, 1970

“But many of the iconic features of the old ballpark, such as the curved frieze atop the three-tiered grandstand, have been preserved.” — Kevin Baxter, The Los Angeles Times, 17 Aug. 2016

Source: www.aoc.gov/art/other-paintings-and-murals/frieze-american-history

Did You Know?

Today’s word is not the only frieze in English. The other frieze refers to a kind of heavy wool fabric. Both of the frieze homographs derive from French, but each entered that language through a different channel. The woolen homograph is from the Middle Dutch word vriese, which also refers to coarse wool. The frieze that we are featuring as our word today is from the Latin word frisium, meaning “embroidered cloth.” That word evolved from phrygium and Phrygia, the name of an ancient country of Asia Minor whose people excelled in metalwork, wood carving, and (unsurprisingly) embroidery. That embroidery lineage influenced the use of frieze for the middle division of an entablature, which commonly has a decorated surface resembling embroidered cloth.

Acanthus frieze 1st century A.D. Domus Aurae, Rome.
Source: orientalist-art.org

My Take

I must admit, the moment I saw the word, the geek in me went to the character Dr. Frieze from DC Comics and Batman. However, I knew that M-W wouldn’t take me in that direction. I was pleased to find out just what they meant.

I always wondered what you call those bands of sculpted or painted artwork banding a building. Now I know. Be it interior or exterior, friezes fascinate me. I was in Las Vegas two years ago, touring the Venetian and Caesars Palace to gape in wonder at the reproductions and representations of the originals. I love this stuff. I must admit. As I wandered the hallways and foyers of these hotels, I lagged behind my friends and family as I stood and stared at the works of art. Yes, in my opinion, though reproductions, they are works of art.

Yet, I can’t help wonder whether today’s comic strips could be considered friezes. Do they meet the definition of a frieze? Long painted panel scenes organized side by side. I wonder. What about you?

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Word of the Day: evanescent

Cloud Busting — Steve Richard Photography
Source: Steve Richard Photography

Word of the Day: evanescent

evanescent (adjective) ev-uh-NESS-unt


: tending to vanish like vapor


brief; disappearing; elusive; elusory; ephemeral; fading; fleeting; illusory; indefinable; insubstantial; intangible; momentary; passing; short-lived; temporary; tenuous; transitory; vanishing


“As stunning as his dishes could be, in the end, the maestro understood its evanescent nature. Furstenberg remembers Richard telling him, ‘It’s supposed to be food.'” — Tom Sietsema, The Washington Post, 15 Aug. 2016

“I think because we are young, issues we encounter with mental health are often excused as evanescent, and therefore not something to be taken seriously.” — Morgan Hughes, The Marquette Tribune (Marquette University), 6 Sept. 2016

Did You Know?

The fragile, airy quality of things evanescent reflects the etymology of the wordevanescent itself. It derives from a form of the Latin verb evanescere, which means “to evaporate” or “to vanish.” Given the similarity in spelling between the two words, you might expect evaporate to come from the same Latin root, but it actually grew out of another steamy Latin root, evaporare. Evanescere did give us vanish, however, by way of Anglo-French and Vulgar Latin.

My Take

Surprisingly, I like researching words of the day. Why? I find so many related interesting things. Today’s word, evanescent is a fabulous word, full of innuendos, subtleties, and possibilities. Today, I found a wonderful photographer by the name of Steve Richards. Is he a kindred soul perhaps? I don’t know, and I don’t care. I just love the pieces I found on the web and his site. Check him out.

Getting back to the word, meaning to tend to vanish like vapor. I like the wispiness of the word. To me, it seems that I can use in many, interesting ways. Not just with the images I found, but in other areas as well. Typically, the word can describe anything that seems to disappear as you watch. In actuality, it can be used to describe a receding sound, thought or idea, or feeling. Anything that involves the five senses can, in many circumstances, be described by the word evanescent. Just look at the list of synonyms I included. The possibilities are endless.

What other ways do you think one can use it? I challenge you to try it out. I will. I hope you will too.

If you share this post by clicking any of the twitter buttons, you will offered a second, sexier image from Steve Richards gallery. My gift to you. Thanks for stopping by.

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Word of the Day: hoick

Hoicking up the dress
Source: webphoto.co

Work of the Day: hoick

Hoick: (verb) HOIK


: to move or pull abruptly : yank


buck, hitch, jerk, jolt, twitch, yank, hike


“to move or cause to move with a sharp quick motion” <hoicked up his pants and hastily waded into the water>

“Occasionally he hoicks up the waistband of his trousers when he thinks no one is looking.” — Elizabeth Day, The Observer, 24 Feb. 2015

“The flutist … looks forward, unfolding a retinue of futuristic techniques—sounds that purr like a cat, pop like a cork or hoick like a spitball—on the way to a final improvisation….” — David Allen, The New York Times, 29 Mar. 2016

Did You Know?

Etymologists suspect that hoick is an alteration of the verb hike, which is itself akin to hitch. According to the evidence, hike entered the language during the first decade of the 19th century, whereas hoick appeared near that century’s close. The word hoick can be used for any type of abrupt pulling movement but is commonly used for the sudden pulling back on the joystick of an airplane; a rough, jerky movement when rowing; and a jerky, elevated shot in cricket. In fox hunting, the word hoicks is used to call attention to a hound that has picked up the scent and to bring the pack together.

Hiking up her dress
Source: webphoto.co

My Take

Hoick is an interesting word. To yank, to pull up, to hike up, to pull abruptly are just some of the synonyms for the word. I like it.

Especially when applied to pulling up trousers, hiking up one’s dress or adjusting one’s bra. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen a woman absent-mindedly pull up on her bra straps because her breasts were pulling hard on the cups, forcing the bra-strap to ride her her back. I’ve never commented when it happens, yet I’m strangely drawn to watching her do it. It is over in a blink of an eye, but I smile inside never-the-less. I do the same to adjust the boys when they get jammed between my legs. It’s uncomfortable if not painful. So, I understand ladies. I do.

Source: investinyourchest.co.uk

In researching this word, I did not know that it is also the proper name for many people as well as a band and it’s heavily used in the game of cricket.

When I think about it, it is a word I can use in my books. Already, several scenarios are evolving in my mind in thinking about the Mona Bendarova Stories. In book two ‘Broken Steele,’ I might have utilized it when Jewel competed in her first dance competition. Of course, I published that book last year, so I can’t. However, dance competitions are common in these stories, so look for it in future stories. By the way, spoiler alert, Jewel ties for first place.

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Word of the Day: colubrine

Source: www.pinterest.com/cachratt/snake-girl/

Word of the Day: colubrine

colubrine (adjective) KAHL-yuh-bryne


1 : of, relating to, or resembling a snake

2 : of or relating to a large cosmopolitan family (Colubridae) of chiefly nonvenomous snakes


The trellis’s latticework was covered with colubrine ivy.

“Most of the colubrine snakes are entirely harmless, and are the common snakes that we meet everywhere.” — Theodore Roosevelt, Through the Brazilian Wilderness, 1914

Did You Know?

Colubrine may be less common than other animal words—such as canine, feline, and bovine—but it has been around for a good long while. Ultimately derived from the Latin colubra(“snake”), it slithered into the English language in the 16th century. (Cobra, by the way, comes from the same Latin word, but it entered English through Portuguese.) Some other words for “snakelike” are serpentine (a more common alternative) and ophidian (from the Greek word for snake: ophis).

My Take

What’s sexier than a naked girl? Answer, a naked girl holding a snake. Admit it, people, we love seeing a girl, naked or not, draping a snake over their shoulders, displaying them as necklaces, or simply wrapping the snake around their bodies and between their legs. Is it because they could be considered a phallic symbol, poking their noses in all sorts of places?

Throughout the ages, there are many painted or written scenes depicting women and snakes. Is there a correlation? I won’t speculate on that. I value my relationship with my girlfriend and my balls way too much.

Kiss the Girls by James PattersonI do know I am turned on by the thought of a girl with a snake. In searching for an appropriate image for this topic, I found hundreds of portraits, depicting snake/girls of all ages, from babies to young children, to young women, mature women, to elderly women. All presented as half human and half snake.

There are the written works as well, too numerous to do justice to them all. One that does stand out in my mind is ‘Kiss the Girls’ by James Patterson. Cut from the movie version; the book includes a scene comprising the tormenting of a girl with a snake. Check out Chapter 54. Titillating in print but horrific in reality.

Perhaps I’ll write my own scene in a book involving a girl and a snake. It can’t be in the Mona Bendarova Adventures though. Why? There are no snakes on the planet, anywhere. If you’re curious as to why, read the books. Free chapters are available on my site.

Many people despise snakes. I’m not sure why? Very few are dangerous to man. I see them as beneficial to our environment. Their primary food sources are rodents. You know, rats, mice, moles, and a host of other smaller mammals. Without snakes keeping their numbers in check, we would be overrun with rodents, invading our homes and ravaging our crops.

Please share your comments. I’m sure we would all enjoy reading them.

By the way, if you tweet this page using one of my twitter buttons, you’ll get an even sexier photo of a naked girl with a snake. My gift to you for sharing this page via twitter.

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Word of the Day: jacquerie

Word of the Day: jacquerie

jacquerie (noun) zhah-kuh-REE


: (often capitalized Jacquerie) a peasants’ revolt


une nouvelle jacquerie fiscale à l’horizon
Source: contrepoints.org

“There were no bloodthirsty sansculottes preparing to erect guillotines; nor were farmers, however angry about government excise taxes and other matters—as Shays’s Rebellion suggested—ready to burn down the manorial estates of their feudal overlords in some version of an American jacquerie.” — Steve Fraser, Wall Street: America’s Dream Palace, 2008

“The thicker the masonry, the more likely the fortress would withstand the anticipated Jacquerie.” — Michael Knox Beran, National Review, 7 Sept. 2009

Did You Know?

The first jacquerie was an insurrection of peasants against the nobility in northeastern France in 1358, so-named from the nobles’ habit of referring contemptuously to any peasant as “Jacques,” or “Jacques Bonhomme” (in French bonhomme means “fellow”). It took some time—150 years—for the name of the first jacquerie to become a generalized term for other revolts. The term is also occasionally used to refer to the peasant class, as when Madame Defarge in Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities tells her husband to “consider the faces of all the world that we know, consider the rage and discontent to which the Jacquerie addresses itself with more and more of certainty every hour.”

My Take

As I reflected upon what to write regarding the word Jacquerie, I struggled to apply the term to the world I live in today. Yes, I know. Jacquerie usually refers to the French peasant’s revolution in 1358, and a subsequent one in England a few years later. Amid the Hundred Years War, the Black Plague, and serf oppression by landholders, unrest and worry ran rampant as nobles waged their battles, using ordinary people as pawns in their games. Eventually, they revolted.

I can’t help wonder if we in America, not to mention around the world, aren’t gearing up for our own revolution. The population of our country had our differences, problems, and issues to work out. What I see in the 21st century is unbelievable. The partisan lines are growing apart every day. America was never supposed to have a class system, yet our founding fathers must be spinning in their graves watching one develop unimpeded, stampeding out of control, worsening every day.

Are we heading for a new jacquerie? Science fiction writers of the past have touched upon this subject many times. I have believed since high school it would eventually happen, though I always thought it would happen centuries from now. I’m not so sure now. It could even happen within the next couple of decades.

Please share your comments. I’m sure we would all enjoy reading them.


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