Finished Book 8 draft
Well, well, good news; I finished Book 8 draft of the Consortium series. Yes, the first draft is done. Now it is time to edit. I know it took a long time. Honestly, it took longer than I expected. I struggled with the last 25% of the book. I knew how I wanted to end it, but getting there was more difficult than I expected. But I got there. Whew!

While I finished book 8 draft, there is much more work to do. I even struggled with the book’s title. I considered several options, but I liked none of them. So, I went to the Internet. Nope, I still didn’t find one. Then, I went to my trusty thesaurus. I believe I have found the perfect title, ‘Counterblow.’
Def: Counterblow – a blow given in return or retaliation, as in boxing.
This seems the perfect title, although I plan on a first edit of the book before deciding. After that, I’ll turn it over to others for further editing. From the title, you can guess that the story is one counterblow after another throughout. In the end, I love how it all came together. I’m feeling uplifted and eager to get it to you.
I’d love it if you had any other suggestions.
Other things I’m doing
During those months of trying to figure out how to connect book 8 to its ending, I started a few other projects to give my mind a break from the story. First, I decided to re-edit book 1, The Trafficking Consortium, and make it suitable for audiobooks. That took a lot longer than I thought. Three to four weeks, as I recall. It’s now available on Amazon.
Next, I did the same for Shadowed Inheritance, which took another two weeks. It is also available on Amazon.
I learned a lot about turning them into Audiobooks. Not only are they audiobooks, but they are better books to read. They give the reader more insight into the characters and make the story flow better.
Promotional Trailers
I hired a video producer to make trailers for my books, The Trafficking Consortium and Shadowed Inheritance. Two of them are now available for viewing on my website. Check them out and let me know what you think.
Four more videos are in the works. These are videos promoting reviews of the books, all taken from public sources. Maybe you’ll see one of yours. Thank you for posting them.
In researching these trailers, I spent a lot of time going back years and reading the reviews. Many were four- and five-star reviews. Others were one- and two-star reviews. Almost none were three-star reviews. That tells me my readers either loved or hated my stories. There is no in-between. At first, I struggled with the negative reviews. Then I realized that all writers have them. The worst thing that could happen to a writer is discovering that all the reviews were negative.
Thank you
Thank you for being patient, following my career as a writer, and giving me your honest reviews; good and bad.