Exposure arrives

Exposure Arrives

Exposure arrives. After a tough quarter, I finally got Exposure: Hunters become the Hunted, is book 5 in the Consortium Series, published. Whew!


What will you do after the Consortium takes you and sells you at auction?

Can you imagine your new life as owned property, with no hope of ever returning to your old life? To suffer and die at the whim of your owner.


Can you fight back? Can you escape, or can you get help? What if aid came unexpectedly? What if the world learns of the Consortium? How can you help them help you before they kill you? Does the world even know you’re still alive or not?

Operating in the shadows, the cabal known as the Consortium finds themselves in a quandary between satisfying their cruel behaviors and their very survival. The wolf in sheep’s clothing suddenly finds themselves hunted rather than the hunters. They now scramble for their very survival. The Consortium exposure to this suspenseful and gripping dark tale threatens their existence.

Never in anyone’s memory had the Consortium run up against its greatest challenge. They’ve kept knowledge of their existence and their activities hidden from the horde they prey upon.

That’s all changed.

A flock of birds exposed their presence to the world. Now they scramble to camouflage their existence and resume their activities.

Determined to end the Consortium, two professional investigators join Heather and her father to hunt down and bring the scourge on humanity to an end.

Can Sir find a path to save the Consortium? Or will they go the way of the dodo bird?

Exposure arrives, finally

It was a hard three months to get it done. I finished the draft in September, and turned it over to my editor for a through clean and polish. It took over two months to get that done. It turns out my editor had a number problems to overcome, including the destruction of a computer. Weeks going by while I fretted, until it got replaced and software and files transferred.

Suddenly, the holidays fell upon me, and I struggled to get it all done. Since the first of October, I feel like I’ve been running a constant marathon, decorating, de-decorating, hosting friends and family. I’m exhausted.  For a while I was mentally blocked, so much of the delay was also my fault.

Through all this, I worked on the cover design. I can’t tell you how many versions I tossed away as my results did not match my vision for the cover. I finally figured out something, and finished it just before Christmas.

That’s when I realized, my goal of getting it out in the fall wasn’t reached. Back in August, having done this many times before, I figured getting it out by December 21st was a no brainer. I was wrong.

But it’s finally out. I uploaded it to Amazon yesterday, and I see some of my readers have already found it. I hope you are all happy with the results.

Please send me a note. I’m always interested in what you have to say.

One thought on “Exposure arrives

  1. Carolyn Reply

    Only comment I can give you now is that I just found out that this book came out. I was waiting and did not know- February 22, 2022. Don’t know how I missed it but I had 2 spinal surgeries And out of it most of 2021. Can’t wait to dive in! I will render my vote after I am finished!

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