Who is Honey?

Who is Honey? Hmm … Let me tell you about her.

Honey is an intelligent, complicated woman and a bit naïve. She sees the good in everyone. She has no concept of others having self-centered personal agendas. As a result, it gets her into trouble at times, yet it doesn’t stop her from believing in others. She holds no animosity towards those that transgress against her. She is quick to forgive and forget.

The Taste of Honey

In a society that has forgotten the past and had to rewrite all the societal rules in order to survive as a species, Honey embodies the concepts of love, family, honor and service. She is a sharing woman, happy to help when called upon.

Her goal in life is to live forever in the bodies and cells of her family and close friends. By living on in them, she hopes to help, advise and assist whenever they are in need or in trouble.

Honey is approximately 29 years old. She is a tall high-waisted, blonde with green eyes. She has a good figure, exercises regularly and cares for herself as well as her family. She’s a lusty bitch who never gets enough sex from either gender. She prefers giving pleasure rather than receiving it.

On the surface, she may seem superficial yet when you get to know her, it becomes apparent that there is much more to the woman than meets the eye. She is open and approachable. People gravitate to her as they feel warm and happy just by being near her. No one seems to understand why but they simply accept it.

She is a respected senior member of her house and leads by example rather than by direction. The junior members look to her for guidance of their own fates.

She is a spiritual person, believes strongly in life after death, but only in the right circumstances. In a society where spirituality is an extinct concept, others don’t understand her spiritual belief. No matter, Honey has the confidence to believe what she believes and will not force her beliefs upon others. If asked though, she will be open and honest in expressing her values.

She loves her Master. He is the love of her life. Like most people in the community, the concept of a binding love is foreign to him. All she knows is that she loves him and will do whatever she can to make him happy.

She has a vision for the future of the human species, contrary to the rest of the community that she keeps to herself. It’s not until she meets Mona, that she finds a kindred spirit and a key instrument in bringing her vision to reality.

So, why is the book entitled ‘The Taste of Honey’? I invite you to read the book and find out. I look forward to reading your comments.

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One thought on “Who is Honey?

  1. Janet Maggio Reply

    Enjoyed the book and highly recommend it!

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