What would Mona do?

Mona just found out about a catastrophe in a neighboring community. Turns out it’s the same community that her bed-mate Renee has been getting those terrific custom-made heels that both she and Mona love. The question on their minds are whether her shoe maker who creates these wonderful shoes that everyone raves about survived the catastrophe. Information on just what happened is sketchy but apparently lots of people were involved with an unsanctioned killing spree.  Up-to-date Information is sketchy at best but what they do have is that a small group of people crashed a community celebration systematically went around killing the celebrants.

Broken SteeleHer housemates in shock, Mona puts aside her disbelieve and organizes the house in a show of support for the survivors. The tragedy they suffered ripples throughout the land and everyone vows to find and put down the perpetrators. Gathering her housemates together, just as she would do to honor one of their own recently departed, she calls them into action. Before long, a memorial is planned, a house colors are temporarily transformed to the those of the stricken community and moments of silence are scheduled for repeating days at the hour of the tragedy.

Enlisting the aid of her investigative team, she re-prioritizes her staff to stop whatever they were doing and focus on determining whether their own communities vulnerability to a similar attack. Additionally, she charges several of her key investigators to find the perpetrators and report back to her. Uncharacteristically, she warns them that they must find them, even to risk their own lives. They agree knowing that there must not be a repeat occurrence of this tragedy.

After sending them on their way, she meets with Master Charles and together, they put together a plan to take out the perpetrators. Their ire inflamed, they both feel that this is something they must do in order to protect entire community. Not something either of comfortable with, they both believe it must be done.

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