Happy Halloween 2023

Witch flying on a broomstick with a full moon.

Happy Halloween 2023. For those worldwide who celebrate this holiday, from me to you, please enjoy it. It is my favorite, and I enjoy it, free from any doctrinal or contemptuous connotations.

Mermaid Witch underwater on a broomstick. Happy Halloween 2023.

I don’t know why I enjoy it so much, but I do. It stems from my childhood when I heard and read stories of the Headless Horsemen, popular in New England. Here, I can combine it with my other favorite mystical beings, mermaids. And, what is my favorite Halloween movie? 1959’s ‘The House on Haunted Hill’ starring Vincent Price. Yep? As an adult, I realized while it is a horror film, it’s also a murder mystery, where the owner of the house sets out to murder his wife by dropping her in a bath of acid.

It’s a fun holiday where one can let go and enjoy themselves in settings free from the norm and day-to-day lives. Enjoy it with your kids and even without. There is no age limit to having fun on this holiday.

And… if you’re not into Halloween, perhaps you’d like to read a book. May I suggest one of mine on Amazon? or for more information, check out my stories’ webpage.

Happy Halloween 2023

Follow-up on Amazon banning Her Client

Follow-up on Amazon banning Her Client

I think it is important to give you, my readers, a follow-up on Amazon banning Her Client. After I made my last on the subject, I received several comments from many of you, supporting my contention that Amazon made an error of judgement. I know of other books that are just as brutal and even more so. So why was my book singled out?

I continue to contend that Amazon’s increasing use of AI algorithms to decide these questions is the fault here.

In the old days, a human would review the newly published work and decide. With so many authors are uploading self-published work coupled with Amazon’s need to watch costs and the bottom line, did they move too aggressively into the world of AI? Did they tailor these algorithms to more PC rather than letting the author’s creativity take precedence?

more “Follow-up on Amazon banning Her Client”

Amazon banned Her Client

Amazon banned Her Client

Yes, my faithful readers. This morning, I received an email that Amazon banned Her Client, the first book in the ‘Her Client Series.’ I don’t get it. It initially published and offered for sale on Amazon eight years ago, but suddenly, they reviewed it and chose to ban it.

The same thing happened in September of 2021 when they banned the second book in the series, leaving 1 and 3 in place.

Why they suddenly decided to unpublish the book on me is unknown. Amazon claims it violates its “content guidelines for appropriateness.” Yet, I know it passed those guidelines at least twice when I first published it and again a year later. I don’t remember exactly when the second review occurred, but that’s okay.

I learned over the years that there is no appeal process for this ruling, and without lots of sales, it’s impossible to get it published again without a major rewrite. In my opinion, a rewrite that will pass their guidelines with strip the story from the emotions of the characters. My readers know what I am talking about. I strive hard to get inside the heads of my characters, protagonists and antagonists alike. It’s the why they do what they do.

more “Amazon banned Her Client”

Happy New Year 2023

Happy New Year 2023

OMG, it’s here. It’s 2023. Is it here already? Where did the time go, anyway? Happy New Year 2023 Everyone.

May the coming year bring out the best in each and everyone of you, and especially to all my readers. You have made the past year a happy one for me. I am looking forward to bigger and better things for the future.

P.S. and yes, I’ll have the next book in the Consortium Series out, ready to fill your minds with thrilling awe, as I weave Avril’s tale into deeper levels of debauchery and acts of bloodshed and cruelty. Will the Consortium survive? Will Sir get what’s coming to him? Even I don’t know yet. The story goes where it wants to go as I put fingers to the keys.

Happy New Year all.

A Wild Couple of Months

A Wild Couple of Months.

Yes indeed, it’s been a wild couple of months.

Retribution: The Noose Tightens

First off, sales of my latest book, ‘Retribution’, are doing well. Thank you all who spent their valuable time reading it, and all of my new readers who are reading the entire Consortium Series. So many of my readers wrote me the nicest comments about the book. Some wanted me to end the Consortium all together. Others were glad I didn’t, although they were delighted that I put the hurt on them. Yes, Virginia. There is a Santa Claus and there will be a book 7 in the series. I’ve already started writing it.


Complicating my life and adding more memories were a series of events that complicated my wild couple of months. As many of you know, we are deep into the holiday season here in the U.S. It starts with Halloween, then into Thanksgiving, then Christmas and ends with New Year’s Eve and Day.

For me, I was so fatigued that I had zero energy to do much with Halloween, my favorite holiday. I now live in a 55+ community and they mostly don’t celebrate it much. More to the point, no one goes trick or treating in my neighborhood, so what’s the point? Fortunately, this will give me ample opportunity to go to the various haunted houses, hay rides through the dark forests where ghouls and goblins live, and maybe a party or two. But, I just took a tangent.

more “A Wild Couple of Months”

Retribution is out

Retribution is out

That’s right; Retribution is out. Retribution is book 6 in the Consortium Series. Published on October 13, a few of my readers found it before I could announce it. As of this writing, 84 readers like you have already read it. That’s only ten days. OMG. What’s even cooler is that I have already received nothing less than a couple of 5-star reviews.

Thank you, readers. I love you and appreciate you sticking with me.

I’ve also received some comments on the book on my website. One commenter starts they were very disappointed that I didn’t end the series but went on to say they are happy to find out there will be a book 7 in the series.

Yes, there will be another book, Virginia. Sorry, I used the phrase from the popular holiday story, Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. I’ve already begun work on it.

How to read Retribution.

If you’ve missed it, it’s available to read for free on Kindle Unlimited. Shhh! You don’t need a Kindle to read it. You can read it on your phone, tablet, and computer by downloading the app to your device. I read all my books on either, using them as the situation fits. I usually use my android phone to read my books. It’s small, compact, always charged, and always with me.

However, sometimes an actual book comes in handy, and I’ll read it that way. A regular book is often better suited when riding the bus or train to work and back. That’s what my father did his entire career. There’s no need to charge the device, and it fits neatly in most briefcases, purses, and handbags.

more “Retribution is out”

Last Month Today

Hello friends, welcome to Last Month Today, a quick update on what’s been going on with my writing.

Before I continue, let me say that the title of this update is, without a doubt, a nod to John Oliver’s multi-Emmy-winning show, ‘Last Week Tonight with John Oliver,’ which airs weekly on HBO. If you’ve never seen the show, I urge you to check it out. It’s funny but deals with serious topics affecting our lives. It’s roughly 30 minutes a week. Come on, try it, you will like it.

Last Week Tonight

Last Month Today

It’s been over a month since I last wrote to you. Well, it’s been a busy one. Doing my initial edits and working with my editor on my latest book, ‘Retribution,’ takes time. I’m happy to report that we’ve completed the editing, and I’m moving on to the final stages of getting it published.

more “Last Month Today”

Writing My Ass Off

Writing my Ass Off

It’s true. I’ve been writing my ass off. But what does that mean? It means that I’ve been working on finishing Book 6 in the Consortium Series. I wrote at every opportunity and every weekend for two months. I got so into the story that I needed to find out how it ended. Therefore, writing my ass off to finish this book was very fulfilling.

Throughout this period, I kept thinking of you, my loyal readers. I wanted to update you on my progress. However, I got so involved with the story I figured you would forgive me. 

But I know you want to see where this comment is leading. Yesterday, I finished the draft of the book, and now it is off to editing. Yeah!!!!

Consortium Series
more “Writing My Ass Off”

I’ve been on a Bender

That’s right, I’ve been on a bender.

I don’t mean drinking or the Futurama character, although there are days I miss the drink. No, the bender I mean is writing, putting quality time into research, putting words down and writing a story.


Last week, I took several days off from work as a staycation. And I put it to good use. I won’t take the time to count the words written, but I assure you, it was well over ten thousand words among five chapters for the next book in the Consortium series. My readers know it can take too long to release the next book. Sorry about that. I sometimes think that as well. However, I don’t want to sacrifice quality for quantity.

It’s funny. When I first sat behind my writing desk, I stared at the screen, down to my keyboard, and back up at the screen. I didn’t know where to start. I knew where I wanted the book to end up. It was getting there where I struggled.

more “I’ve been on a Bender”

Moderation by Amazon, again; follow-up

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about my recent experience with my advertisement for my Consortium series and suffering a Moderation by Amazon. With this article, I’d like to report on Moderation by Amazon, again; follow-up. ?‍♂️

Rinse and rewind

To those who might have missed my last post, I wrote about mother-effing Amazon moderating an advertisement I had run on their Kindle platform for years. And by moderation, they mean discontinuing distributing the advert. Suddenly, they discontinued running the ad, stating that it ‘does not comply with our current Creative Acceptance Policies.’

Their message went on to say, 

‘Please ensure your ad does not contain erotica, pornography, or explicit sexual practices or preferences.’

more “Moderation by Amazon, again; follow-up”