Pandemic and the Purge Plague

Parallels of Covid-19 and the Purge Plague

The parallels of the Covid-19 Pandemic and the Purge Plague are eerily similar. Granted, the Purge Plague is a fictional pandemic, conceptualized in my Mona Bendarova novels. The Purge Plague marked the beginning of the societal changes that shaped Mona’s community in ‘The Taste of Honey’ series. The Purge Plague was an unstoppable pandemic that ended up killing everyone and everything. Mother Nature corrected the imbalance we placed upon her.

more “Pandemic and the Purge Plague”

Angry Bitch Is Out

Angry Bitch

Yeah, that’s right. I published my eleventh novel, ‘Angry Bitch‘ over the weekend. Woo- hoo! It’s available now on Amazon for your Kindle, Kindle Reader, and in paperback. Oh, did I mention that you can read it for free on Kindle Unlimited? You can and you should. Be sure to check it out and let me know what you think.

I’m relieved that’s done, however, whenever is the work ever done?

Now I can get back to Avril’s story. I left her hanging around with a noose tightening around her neck as she tries to figure out how to escape the clutches of the Consortium, or die trying.

Besides Avril and Mona, I have a couple more projects in the works, and ideas and notes for dozens more. There’s so much to do. I wish I could do them all, but I know I can’t. There’s not enough time in a day to get it done before another idea pops into my head. That doesn’t stop me from trying.

Angry Bitch

Angry Bitch 3D book coverIn the fourth installment of Mona’s story, called Angry Bitch, Mona comes into her own, as a Mistress of a House, and a peer within the Community dominated by males.

Not everyone is happy about Mona as a Mistress of a House and a peer of a Community dominated by men. Mona must fight to keep her more “Angry Bitch Is Out”

Reading while Homebound

Reading while Homebound

I’m stuck home because of the onset of the world-wide Coronavirus Pandemic, so reading while homebound is now something I can do. I noticed lately that people reading my books are up. So what can I do? I can help other authors and read a good book. I have a whole stack of them on my bedside table, which I have to dust off whenever I clean house. more “Reading while Homebound”

The Taste of Honey

Taste of Honey

Second Edition

Yesterday, I published the revised edition of ‘The Taste of Honey.’ I love this new version. I completely rewrote it from the ground up. It’s the same story but revised and updated to fall in line with the later books in the series.

Why might you ask? more “The Taste of Honey”

Happy New Year 2020

Happy New Year 2020

To all my fans and readers of my books, Happy New Year 2020. I hope it is a good one for you and yours. 

Do you make New Year’s Resolutions? I’d love to know what they are. As for me, I don’t. There’s so much I want to do, I can’t prioritize them into a resolution. more “Happy New Year 2020”

Lucky Bitch Is Out

Lucky Bitch Is Out

Yes, that’s right. I released my latest novel, ‘Lucky Bitch’ over the weekend. Lucky Bitch is out. Woo- hoo! You should start seeing it in your favorite book reseller sight in short order. Be sure to check it out.

I’m relieved that’s done. But, whenever is the work ever done?

No, I have three more projects in the works right now. There’s so much to do. I wish I could do it all in short order, but I can’t. That doesn’t stop me from trying. I was even writing during the sports match last night that kept me up late. more “Lucky Bitch Is Out”

Lucky Bitch Cover Reveal

Lucky Bitch Cover Reveal

At long last, I’m about to publish my latest novel in the Mona Bendarova Series, called ‘Lucky Bitch.’ Here is the long-awaited Lucky Bitch Cover Reveal. That’s right. Book 3 in the Mona Bendarova Series will be out soon, as early as next week. I’m so looking forward to getting it done. I have too many projects in the works.

Book 4 in the series, titled ‘Angry Bitch,’ will follow suit in about four weeks. I might get it sooner, but with the holidays upon us, that will be a tough sell. Fans of the series will have to wait with bated breath. It won’t be long, you’ve all waited too long as it is.

In the meantime, here is the book description. more “Lucky Bitch Cover Reveal”

A Fresh New Look

Before I get into what I mean about a fresh new look, let me tell you about what I am up too. It’s been almost two months since I last wrote. Ouch! Yes, I know. I’m neglecting you, my fans and readers. Will you accept my apologies? Not that I am making excuses because I am not. I do have an explanation.

UnderCurrents and a Fresh New LookAfter I released my last book, ‘UnderCurrents,’ I looked at all of my projects in the works, and especially the books I wrote just before my head injury. While I wrote several chapters for the next book in the Consortium series, I knew that I wasn’t doing Mona any justice. Mona is the main character in the Mona Bendarova Series and the languishing Books 3 and 4. more “A Fresh New Look”

I am a Writer

I am a writer

I am a writer, living in imagination to survive in realityI am a writer, and I am proud of it. Despite the controversial topics of my stories, I am happy with what I write.

I read a quote recently that triggered this blog entry.

I’m a writer, and I live in imagination to survive in reality.
— anonymous

more “I am a Writer”

Writing up a storm

Writing up a storm

For the last three weeks, I’ve been writing up a storm. One thing you don’t know is that I am back from a vacation in the sun, mild warm temperatures, and dips in the pool. It sure is nice to get away from the brutal snow and frigid temperatures.

I wrote while enjoying the blue skies in my shorts and t-shirt. Writing up a storm, I got a lot done. I’m working in the third book in the Consortium Series. I only have a few more chapters to write to finish the draft. It’s time to build up to the exciting climax, and of course the hook to bring you back for the next installment.

I haven’t given book 3 a title yet, but it will come. Right now, I’m using the working title of ‘Consortia,’ but I very much doubt I will use that. Working diligently, writing up a storm, I hope to have it out by early summer.

more “Writing up a storm”