The Trafficking Consortium, third edition

The Trafficking Consortium, third edition

The Trafficking Consortium, third edition

I’m especially proud of The Trafficking Consortium, third edition. I ran into an issue with writing the last couple of chapters of book 8. I know how I want to end it, yet I didn’t know how to transition from story to it. So, I took a break. What did I do? I wanted to issue an audiobook version of the first book in the Consortium series.

That led to a rewrite of the entire book, a dozen or more edits using several sources, and perhaps five walk throughs of the audiobook. And before any of you ask, I have several people reading and editing it, just in case something got missed. I wanted to get the cadence just right, and it provided me an opportunity to delve deeper into the mindsets of the characters. Overall, it’s the same story. And as you can see, while I was at it, I gave it a new book cover. Frankly, I was bored with the original one.

more “The Trafficking Consortium, third edition”

Moderation by Amazon, again; follow-up

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about my recent experience with my advertisement for my Consortium series and suffering a Moderation by Amazon. With this article, I’d like to report on Moderation by Amazon, again; follow-up. ?‍♂️

Rinse and rewind

To those who might have missed my last post, I wrote about mother-effing Amazon moderating an advertisement I had run on their Kindle platform for years. And by moderation, they mean discontinuing distributing the advert. Suddenly, they discontinued running the ad, stating that it ‘does not comply with our current Creative Acceptance Policies.’

Their message went on to say, 

‘Please ensure your ad does not contain erotica, pornography, or explicit sexual practices or preferences.’

more “Moderation by Amazon, again; follow-up”

Moderation by Amazon…again

Yep, earlier this week, I was hit with a moderation by Amazon…again. Mother effing Amazon. This time, it was for an advertisement for The Trafficking Consortium running for years. Why now? I have no idea.

Of course, they have rules and regulations on appropriate content. The advertisement followed them and stayed within the boundaries of their rules. I even paid a consultant who was well versed in their rules and practices to write the ad. I even got Facebook and Twitter copy I could use, although I don’t use their advertising services very much due to cost. The ad should have been safe. 

Think again. 

At first, they just shut down the ad and notified me with a stupid generic moderation statement. Amazon’s message did not identify what was specifically wrong with the ad. I had to file an appeal to the moderation to dig into it. I ended up speaking to an Amazon Advertising Service Representative on the phone. After reviewing the ad, he agreed with me that it did NOT violate their rules and regulations. He then forwarded the appeal to someone up the chain.

more “Moderation by Amazon…again”

Amazon’s Kindle Quality Notice Update

Amazon’s Kindle Quality Notice Update


Amazon’s Kindle Quality Notice
Copyright (c) Richard Verry 2017-2020

I’ve published a second edition of ‘The Trafficking Consortium,’ fully revised and edited, along with a bonus of new material for my reader’s enjoyment. Thank you to everyone for your patience while I set aside my other responsibilities to take care of dealing with Amazon’s Kindle Quality Notice. Not only did Amazon approve my #kindle version of the book, but they did the same for the paperback version. Read #TheTraffickingConsortium today, knowing you are getting some of my best work.

To catch you up

If you read my last couple of posts, you know I received notice from Amazon of defects in my book, ‘The Trafficking Consortium.’ The news shocked me initially, but then as I reviewed the reported flaws in the story, I realized, whoever wrote them, was spot-on correct. They were apparent, and between my editor and I, we should have found them four years ago before I published the book. more “Amazon’s Kindle Quality Notice Update”

A Ring of Truth

A Ring of Truth

After I wrote my story, The Trafficking Consortium, I started looking over my shoulder, wondering I had stumbled upon a ring of truth. Was I being watched and followed. I can’t tell you how many times I debated with myself whether to finish the story and then again, to publish it. I may not fit their profile of acceptable prey, but I believe that if I get too close to the truth, they may want to remove me as a threat. more “A Ring of Truth”

Avril’s Story

Avril’s story

In writing Avril’s story, I wrote an article on my research into missing adults. You might find it interesting. Here’s the link to the article.Avril's story, Missing Person, Adult Female

I struggle with the idea so many people go missing each year. Honestly, I still look over my shoulder. Am I getting too close to the truth? Is someone watching me?


After reading ‘Perfect Prey,’ I left you with unanswered questions in Avril’s story. You know, of course, I do this on purpose. I dangle hooks to entice readers to continue reading my stories. I intentionally leave some things unresolved. However, I will respond to some questions readers like you have asked.

more “Avril’s Story”

Writing up a storm

Writing up a storm

For the last three weeks, I’ve been writing up a storm. One thing you don’t know is that I am back from a vacation in the sun, mild warm temperatures, and dips in the pool. It sure is nice to get away from the brutal snow and frigid temperatures.

I wrote while enjoying the blue skies in my shorts and t-shirt. Writing up a storm, I got a lot done. I’m working in the third book in the Consortium Series. I only have a few more chapters to write to finish the draft. It’s time to build up to the exciting climax, and of course the hook to bring you back for the next installment.

I haven’t given book 3 a title yet, but it will come. Right now, I’m using the working title of ‘Consortia,’ but I very much doubt I will use that. Working diligently, writing up a storm, I hope to have it out by early summer.

more “Writing up a storm”



Last week, my girlfriend gave me a refrigerator magnet with the definition for Coffeegasm written on it. I had never heard the word before, nor the meaning. Still, I loved the gift. Without a doubt, it’s me.

The definition reads.
Coffeegasm {noun}: that little rush you feel after the first sip of good, strong coffee.

CoffeegasmIt’s not a real word but so what. It’s an accurate depiction of what I feel when I take that first sip of coffee.

more “Coffeegasm”

Perfect Prey cover reveal

Perfect Prey Book Cover

Perfect Prey Cover Reveal

Book 2 in the Consortium series

Hello, all you readers out there, I am proud to show you the Perfect Prey Cover Reveal, book #2 in the Consortium series.

Nice huh? Okay, I am excited. Namely, this latest book is in the final stages of pre-publication. It’s been a lot of work, but hey, I don’t care. I enjoyed writing it. I can’t wait to get it out so you, my readers, can enjoy it as well.

Perfect Prey cover reveal

Check out the synopsis and download the first chapter at my website page. more “Perfect Prey cover reveal”

Perfect Prey, are you being hunted?

Are you being hunted?

Is someone following you? Are you being hunted? Can you feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up on end? Are you their perfect prey?

Perfect Prey, read it today.

Available now at Amazon for your Kindle or Kindle Reader

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Suitable for all readers 18+