My Quandary

My Quandary

The Trafficking Consortium Front Book Cover
Copyright (c) Richard Verry 2016

I’ve sat here, at my desk, or messing around the house trying to decide on what to write today. It’s not the Word of the Day. I can do that. It’s the My Take section that takes so much time. And right now, time is a commodity that is very expensive.

So, I’m going to slow down on the Word of the Day for the rest of the holidays. I’ll publish them, but as time allows or an interesting word captures my interest.

Why am I in a quandary? I’m working hard to put to bed my latest novel ‘The Trafficking Consortium.’ Between getting ready for the holidays, which for me has already started, working with the editor to clean up my manuscript, cover design, website work, and all things related to indie publishing, it’s just a lot to deal with, and I hope you don’t mind the intermittent Words of the Day. It’s good to do, but the novel is so much more fun.

Till next time, this Richard Verry, getting back to work.


Book Cover Reveal

Book Cover Reveal

The Trafficking Consortium Front Book Cover
Copyright (c) Richard Verry 2016

Announcing the cover of my latest novel, ‘The Trafficking Consortium.’ Comments and critiques are welcome. There is still time to make minor changes before the release, scheduled in a couple of weeks. If you liked my earlier works, you will love this new one. I am very proud of this story. It’s more mainstream that my other works but still maintains their flavor.

The Trafficking Consortium in 85 words

Imagine, coming to the attention of an international human trafficking ring just by getting your annual physical. Consider what happens after they take you, ship you off, and sell you into a life of slavery. Can you imagine your life as a slave, suffering cruel torments? Can you imagine being forced to choose between a long, torturous, and painful life or a quick but excruciating death? Avril Gillios doesn’t have to imagine it; she has to live it. The question is, can she survive it?

Latest update, it’s been a whirlwind

Latest update, it’s been a whirlwind

Hello, everyone. I hope today finds you well and at peace with the world.

The last forty-eight has been rough. Two nights ago, I went to bed thinking all was well in the world. Well, in many respects, it was. Just not with my website. Maybe that’s why I didn’t sleep well that night. Maybe those problem tendrils were reaching out from the void and tickled my brain to say, “Hey Bro,” I’m having a problem. Which I ignored. After all, I already had a decent headache going.

When I woke up and after making coffee, I logged onto my site. Only, it was barely responsive. The admin page was for all intents and purposes, unresponsive. The public page rendered only once out of maybe six times. Shit! What the hell was going on?

Eventually, I called my hosting provider for support, only to be told, yes, it was slow but that I had too many plugins installed. Well, I hadn’t added any recently, but I did have about ten that were inactive. They recommended that I delete the inactive ones.

Now, I had them installed because on occasion I would activate them for a short time, perform their magic, and then deactivate them. I didn’t want to have to search for them every time I needed their reason for existence.

Long story short and hours later, I called support again, only to be told, “Oh, yes. We are having a problem on the cluster your site resides on. The estimate is about twenty-four hours before it gets resolved.”

Oh, great! Couldn’t they tell me that when I called the first time? Of course, it took at least another hour on the phone the second time before they acknowledged that they were having a problem. What is it with these people? So, now that I knew that it wasn’t me, I put the site aside and went on to other things.

the-trafficking-consortium-book-coverWhich is the good news. After being forced to ignore the website, I went about to create the cover for my new novel. It’s pretty much done. After much research, I decided that the title will, in fact, be my tentative title after all. It’s called…drum roll, please.

‘The Traffic Consortium’

I’m quite happy with the overall look of the cover though I may tweak it a bit before I finalize it. Let me know what you think?

Gifts for readers like you

Gifts for readers like you

If you liked my books, your friends and relatives may like them too. All of them are available on my website,,, or from your favorite eBook store.

Most are available to read for free with Amazon Unlimited.Free button

Several are also available in paperback; perfect for under the tree.

Thank you for your support.

To read the reviews by readers like you,
click on any of the book covers for more information.

The Taste of Honey
The Taste of Honey

Broken Steele book cover 3D
Broken Steele

The Breakup Upright Book
The Breakup
Mermaids Irresistible Curiosity book cover 3D
A Mermaid’s Irresistible Curiosity

Her Client Trilogy book cover 3D
Her Client Trilogy

Her Client Book 1 cover 3D
Her Client

Her Overseer Book 2 cover 3D
Her Overseer

Her Essentia Book 3 cover 3D
Her Essentia

The Trafficking Consortium
The Trafficking Consortium

Perfect Prey
Perfect Prey



Since my books are different and other musings

Broken Steele book cover 6x9 The Taste of Honey book cover 6x9First off, thank you to the fine folks who purchased my books, ‘The Taste of Honey’ and ‘Broken Steele’ in the past week. They were purchased right after I saw stars and suffered a significant concussion. I’ve been offline a lot since then, so I missed it. Thank you. I hope you are enjoying them. Be sure to look for the third book in the series ‘Lucky Bitch’ due out very soon.

Speaking of seeing stars (details will be found in a post I did earlier in the week), I resting as I recover. Frankly, it’s driving me crazy, sitting around being so inactive. Normally, I have lots to do, my day filled with activity. Until a day or so ago, even sitting at this computer and writing was problematic. But, just so you know, I’m on the mend and I’m looking forward to getting back to a normal life.

What I really want to write about today is how my books are different. In my last post, I wrote how I hoped my books were different from others on the market. That was my intention when I wrote them. I wanted to find my niche in the market. I believe I have succeeded.

However, being different and unique is a blessing and a curse. While I love writing these stories, marketing them is another story. First, though, let me give you a little background as I understand it. I could be mistaken in some of my understandings so I welcome comments correcting me.

The publishing industry is going through significant changes, just as the music industry did. The jury is still out on how it will shake out. For me, and thousands like me, this is a good thing. We authors are not dependent upon a relative few to publish our work. We can publish them ourselves, market them ourselves, and earn royalties on our creative works.

I find the indie-publishing aspect relatively easy. It took a while to figure it all out but with six unique selling published works, I’ve figured out the formula for getting them published.

I can write a book, I can publish a book. Two down, one to go. Marketing a book.

This I find is the hardest of all. Even though I am a college grad with a Master’s Degree, I did not learn much about marketing. I suck at it and I know it. Which is why I depend on others to help me.

The biggest problem I need to figure out how to overcome focuses on targeting a specific audience. That means, how do I find you? If you are reading this post, I’m ecstatic. It means I have already found you. But how do I find more like you?

Word of mouth is ‘the’ thing that everyone agrees with. So, I ask you. Will you help me? Will you spread the word, talk to your friends, neighbors, coworkers, the waiter who pours your coffee, and every man or woman on the street you come into contact with? Can you get people to like my website and my facebook page? Ask them to follow me on facebook (richardverryauthorartist), or twitter (@richverry), or my blog ( Thank you.

Next time, I hope to write about how I think my books are different and how to categorize them into the slots the publishing industry places them in. It’s a murky road, fret with thorns and brambles. Perhaps you can help me there too.

Feel free to write me and share your opinions.

Spread the word.

Trafficking Consortium

This book has everything in it. It can happen and most likely DOES happen. You will hate and love Sir. He’s so complex. There has to be more. — Gail Dagmar (Aug 1, 2017)

The Trafficking Consortium
Copyright (c) Richard Verry 2016

Available now at Amazon for your Kindle or Kindle Reader.

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Suitable for all readers 18+

Honestly, I need to find a real man … one who can control me

Be careful of what you wish for. You may just get it.

The Trafficking Consortium
Copyright (c) Richard Verry 2016

Available now at Amazon for your Kindle or Kindle Reader.

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Suitable for all readers 18+

Avril discovers the world of human trafficking …

The problem is … it’s from the inside.

The Trafficking Consortium
Copyright (c) Richard Verry 2016

Available now at Amazon for your Kindle or Kindle Reader.

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Suitable for all readers 18+

Be careful with whom you share your personal information.

 You may not like what they do with it.

The Trafficking Consortium
Copyright (c) Richard Verry 2016

Available now at Amazon for your Kindle or Kindle Reader.

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Suitable for all readers 18+