Tits and Nipples

Tits and Nipples

For as long as I can remember, tits and nipples fascinate me. I even have memories of admiring well-endowed chests on women of all ages before I hit puberty. I didn’t quite understand it then. As I grew older and retrospected my earlier life, I realized I didn’t know what others knew about me. Through and through, I am a boob man.Boobman

I always considered myself as a leg man, enjoying a well-trimmed ankle sitting on top of a tall pair of stilettos. I still do. more “Tits and Nipples”


Polarizing Stories

I recently came across the term polarizing on one of the few television shows I watch. In the program, the main character mentioned that he was a polarizing figure. You either liked or disliked him. There was no middle ground, and that view of himself pleased him.

Polarizing stories
your way or my way differing opinions

The way the character talked about his polarizing personality rang true with me. While I don’t consider myself to be polarizing, I know that my books and stories are. I know that they are not for everyone. They are not the feel-good stories that many prefer. Instead, they deal with uncomfortable situations and violence.

more “Polarizing”

Announcing: Perfect Prey arrives today

Perfect Prey arrives todayPerfect Prey arrives today on Amazon for your Kindle or Kindle reader. Yep, that’s right. It’s out. Perfect Prey is Book 2 in the next suspenseful, thrilling chapter in the Consortium Series.

Announcing Perfect Prey arrives today

Check out the blurb on the book page at Amazon.

“Are you being hunted? Are you their perfect prey? What will you do after the Consortium takes you and sells you at auction? What happens after they sell and transport you across the world like cargo? Can you imagine your new life as owned property, with no hope of ever returning to your old life? To suffer and die at the whim of your owner. After you read this novel, you will never, ever stop looking over your shoulder.”

Scary, huh?

more “Announcing: Perfect Prey arrives today”

Can you trust negative reviews?

Why you can’t really trust negative reviews


Hello to all my friends and readers. I’m very interested in reviews, including negative reviews.

In preparing for the imminent release of my newest book Perfect Prey, the sequel to The Trafficking Consortium, I’ve kept my eyes and ears open to anything that might apply to you, my readers, and all readers alike about why one buys and reads books.

more “Can you trust negative reviews?”

Perfect Prey cover reveal

Perfect Prey Book Cover

Perfect Prey Cover Reveal

Book 2 in the Consortium series

Hello, all you readers out there, I am proud to show you the Perfect Prey Cover Reveal, book #2 in the Consortium series.

Nice huh? Okay, I am excited. Namely, this latest book is in the final stages of pre-publication. It’s been a lot of work, but hey, I don’t care. I enjoyed writing it. I can’t wait to get it out so you, my readers, can enjoy it as well.

Perfect Prey cover reveal

Check out the synopsis and download the first chapter at my website page.
https://richardverry.com/stories/consortium/perfect-prey/ more “Perfect Prey cover reveal”

Perfect Prey first draft done!

Perfect Prey first draft

Perfect Prey first draftThe ‘Perfect Prey’ first draft is done! Whoo Hoo! I’ve also completed reading it for continuity and fundamental grammar mistakes, etc. Now I’m on to preliminary editing before I turn it over to my editor for in-depth review and corrections.

It’s been a long and weary battle, trying to get this book from concept to reality. I released the first book in the series last summer. I hadn’t intended to write a sequel, but honestly, my readers overwhelmed me with the feedback I received from my readers and followers, asking for more.

more “Perfect Prey first draft done!”

Perfect Prey, are you being hunted?

Are you being hunted?

Is someone following you? Are you being hunted? Can you feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up on end? Are you their perfect prey?

Perfect Prey, read it today.

Available now at Amazon for your Kindle or Kindle Reader

Buy at Amazon

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Suitable for all readers 18+

I Feel Fortunate

Happiness is relative

I feel fortunate this is not meThat’s right; I feel fortunate. In fact, very fortunate. Why? Worldwide, this year’s flu season is a particularly nasty one and depending upon your authoritative source, with the flu shot being only 17% effective.

During the second half of January, I was laid up with a nasty upper respiratory virus infection. Commonly called a cold, I was very cautious, looking for signs that I can the flu, such as fever, nausea, and dizziness.

I took my temperature several times a day and didn’t once register an elevated temp. I did get my flu shot back in October, but frankly, I was worried I might be hospitalized.

I’m happy to say; I successfully steered clear of the flu. My cold did migrate to the early stages of bronchitis which I am still dealing with the aftereffects. My doctor fixed me up quite nicely. Thanks, Doc.


U.S. Virologic Surveillance:Still, I am astounded by the volume of stories and news reports regarding flu-related hospitalizations and deaths. Some are quite tragic, such as a healthy mother going to the ER and sent home a short time later with a flu diagnosis and appropriate medicines only to die a few hours later at home. 63 children have died from the flu. WTF?

In researching this article, I visited the CDC.gov websites related to the flu. I didn’t know that there are so many varieties of the virus out there. I thought that there were relatively few but each had multiple strains due to mutation. Was I ever wrong. Oh, my heavens.

The following numbers relate only to the United States. World-wide, the numbers are even more staggering. To keep it simple though, let’s just look at the 2017-18 flu season, beginning Oct 1, 2017, to Feb 3, 2018. In the past week alone 16,641 confirmed tested cases were documented, bringing the seasonal total to 666,493 cases using samples tested by clinical laboratories. Among public health agencies, add 1453 new incidents for the week and 27,667 for the year. In the state where I live, each week we break a new record for the number of confirmed cases.

The long and the short, I feel fortunate?

I wonder when the virus might let up. I wonder more whether this is just the beginning for the human species. Are we in for a long stint dealing with out of control viruses? I’m happy that what I caught was just a cold. Actually, I feel fortunate to only have caught a bad cold. These influenza statistics are just too unreal. Maybe I should rewrite my ‘Taste of Honey’ books to use the Flu as the catastrophic event rather than my fictional protein purge plague.

Daydreamer and a Night Thinker

Daydreamer Night Thinker

Hello, my readers and fans of my books, I’m going to write about being a daydreamer night thinker. But first, I have to say this. I’ve been thinking about you a lot, knowing that I haven’t reached out to you lately. I’m sorry about that. I could tell you several reasons why but really, do you care? I doubt it. Besides still recovering from the holidays, dealing with my post-concussion syndrome (yes, it’s still an issue), and other things, I have been working hard on finishing up the sequel to ‘The Trafficking Consortium.’ I have maybe four or so chapters to write in the first draft.The Trafficking Consortium

Of course, you writers out there know that a book doesn’t stop there. The author must go through it many times cleaning up action sequences, dialog, inconsistencies, and basic grammar. Then, it’s off to an independent editor who will do it all again, shredding it and putting it back together. While that is going on, it’s getting your beta readers to read it and give you feedback. Once done, then it’s on to formatting the manuscript into something suitable for submission. It all takes time. Anyhoo, I’m working hard, and hopefully, I can finish the first draft this month. Knock on wood.

Daydreamer and a Night Thinker

My incredible girlfriend, patient as she is (not), supports my writing efforts and looks for ways to help me when she can. Over the years, she has heard the stories of how I wake up in the wee hours of the morning, dreaming up dialog and scenes to incorporate into my stories. She also is well aware of the imagery that flows through my head during the day, as I try them out on her or when they end up on my canvas or drawing pad.

Daydreamer Night Thinker

She found and gifted me for Christmas a pillow that has the phrase, “I’m a daydreamer and a night thinker” on it. How appropriate.

This is precisely who I am. By day, I’m the mild manner daydreamer, dreaming up stories, scenarios, and images that I can incorporate into my writing and painting. At night, I’m a night thinker. In my half away, half-asleep state, I write dialog in my head, fitting it into the scenes I daydreamed about over the past.

The pillow sits on my bed after I make it in the morning, and when I am asleep, it sits next to me on the floor where I can see it when reflecting upon my storylines in the middle of the night.

Honey, I love the sentiment and the journey it took to come to me. Thank you.

While I’m in a thanking mood, thank you also to my beta readers, and my friends that encourage and otherwise support me.


Of course, while I was searching for an appropriate image, I discovered that this phrase is used quite commonly across the globe. Of course, in my little corner of the world, I had never come across it. Damn, now I have to be careful I don’t plagiarize someone. I hope I got it right. You’ll forgive me if didn’t. Right?

Of course, check out my companion site, maggicalexpressions.wordpress.com where I display my visual representations of my daydreaming night thinking turned into reality.


I Write for Myself

Inspiration by Kingsley Amis

I write for myselfI write for myself, and I’m all the happier for it. Writing gives me a sense of joy as I dream up the scenes my characters must navigate. Over the years, many have asked me how I can write such horrific stories where brutality rules. Honestly, I don’t know, except that I tend to get bored with stories that gloss over the human condition and only deal with those seeking to resolve the event.

Yes, I write for myself, and it makes me happy. The other day I stumbled upon the following quote. Instantly, just like one of my characters, I was captivated.

“If you can’t annoy somebody, there is little point in writing.” – Kingsley Amis

I love this quote. Why? I feel in tune with the sentiment. Anyone who has read my books knows that I don’t usually write feel-good stories and there is always a twist to them. They are not for everyone. Nor can I envision ever writing stories that appeal to everyone.

I learned a long time ago that you can’t please everyone. You’re lucky to please most people, which I define as 51% of the population. Fifty-one percent is usually just enough to get a bill passed by our legislature and signed into law. Even then, I don’t believe that most people are happy with the result but are resigned to accept it as it probably better than the alternatives.

So, I don’t write to please everyone. I write to please me, all the while knowing that many will not. Hopefully, others will like what I write, especially if lots of people like my stories.


So, the question begs, since I write for myself, how can I know whether someone likes my stories or not?

Sales help a lot. I sell lots on a regular basis. Do I foresee one of my books making the New York Times best seller list? How about some producer picking up the option to turn one of my books into a movie? Not anytime soon, I grant you. However, I am hopeful. In fact, I feel that at least one of my books might make the cut and get optioned. Of course, I’m probably wrong. I just need to get the story noticed by at least one producer.

How does that happen? Usually, it’s word of mouth. That and also an agent. I don’t have an agent. I don’t even know how to get one. I’ll work on that one day. In the meantime, it’s word of mouth, which I do use via various means, including advertising.

Besides sales, reviews and email are what I use to determine the direction of my writing. While I post all of my reviews, comments, and direct messages weight more heavily in my decisions on whether to continue a series or write something else.


Case in point, my ‘Her Client’ and ‘Consortium’ series.

Her Client‘Her Client Trilogy’ sells well, despite the horrific circumstances of the main character and protagonist. Jolene suffers terribly at the hands of her attackers and turns the tables in the end. Yet many of the comments sent to me by my readers ask the question, “What will Jolene do next?” or they just ask me to continue her story. I seriously considered extending her story, but at this time, I’m not going to. I have too many other stories in my head waiting to get out.

The Trafficking ConsortiumIn the ‘Consortium,’ I originally wrote it as a stand-alone novel, not intending to write further books about Avril. Well, my audience has spoken in both sales and comments sent to me. There is an overwhelming interest to read more of Avril saga and what she can do to overcome her situation. My readers will be pleased when I release the sequel to ‘The Trafficking Consortium.’ I am well into writing the follow-up book, hoping to release it by spring 2018. Knock on wood. (Ouch)

I Write for Myself

Whether you like my stories or not, I write for myself first and my audience second. I suspect that with this mindset, I may not make my millions but I don’t care. I know many authors who write based on their audience. That may be the path to financial success.

I’ve considered changing my style, and I finally have an idea for a feel-good story, one the general public probably buy and enjoy. But first, I need to finish the ‘Consortium’ series. I have two more books outlined, and I’m too into Avril’s story to bow out. I can’t wait to see how it all turns out.

Stay tuned and find out how it goes.

This is Richard Verry, signing off for now, needing to get back to work. Have a great day and the happiest of new years.