Lucky Bitch

woman holding flogger behind neckLucky Bitch

With all of the posts of late regarding ‘The Taste of Honey’ and my new series, I would be remiss in mentioning that the third book in the Mona Bendarova Adventures, ‘Lucky Bitch’ will be coming out early next year.

Mona’s story continues right after the end of ‘Broken Steele’ when she takes possession of the Mastery of her own House. She struggles and has to do deal with various issues, including a prevalent distrust by her own household members as well as the community at large.

The distrust stems from the simple fact that she is a woman. She is a woman who has risen to a position of power in a world where the female gender serves in a subservient role. It can be compared to a woman here, in the United States, achieving the highest public office. It’s just not widely acceptable. Therefore, it makes sense that the women of her own house are uncertain whether they like the idea of her new role.

25758923_s-coffee cups and natural beans and nutsIn the early months of her ascension to Mastery of her House, she has to deal with revamping the services her house offers the community. There is distrust by her community, family, sabotage and even terrorism when several of her household are brutally murdered for simply talking to her one pleasant afternoon.

Mona becomes stronger as a result but still has to deal with uncertainties in her own mind as to whether she made the right decision.

Be sure to read this follow-up book that drives right to the heart of some of our problems that we are experiencing today. I’m looking forward to finish writing it. I want to find out, like you the reader, how she fares in a new world where she is the one everyone looks to and everyone distrusts simply for being a woman in power.

Say hi and tell me what you think. I want to know.

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