Free Pass

Free Pass

What would you do if you had a free pass?

Can you just be with one person or if you have the chance to have a free pass, would you take it? Most of our contemporaries are comfortable being in a monogamous relationship. Our culture dictates that as the norm but could it be different in another world? What if it was acceptable in that culture?

Bette Midler interviewMy partner and I have had discussions about this and we have given each other a free pass. It appears unlikely either will be used yet that is why we have a mind to fantasize, to ask ourselves, what if?

For me, it’s Bette Midler. I find her fun, bawdy and an interesting free spirit. Bette however, as free-spirited she is, has been in a committed monogamous relationship far longer than I have been.

Ah, it’s fun to dream and fantasize.

Bette Midler mermaid on pianoIn the books, ‘The Taste of Honey’ and ‘Broken Steele’ , Mona has no such constraints. She lives in an environment that is open-minded and sexual activity is about enjoying each others bodies and desires. The community believes in a culture of no restrictions when it comes to enjoying the joys of life.

Open liaisons are common in Mona’s world and it’s not unusual for such activity to occur during a business meeting or a social gathering.  Her family and community are people who know how to enjoy sex and may use it for more than simple fun. They see it as a fantastic way to ease stress and tension or to cure illness and similar maladies.

I do think about the differences in the two worlds. I enjoy and love being in a committed relationship yet I do admit the thought of a free pass makes me think more of Mona’s world. I would love to live in a world of open sexuality where it is considered normal without judgement. Both cultures have their pluses and minuses.

What do you think? I encourage you to chime in on the discussion.

Say hi and tell me what you think. I want to know.

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