Football and the ‘Her Client Trilogy’

Football and ‘Her Client Trilogy’

FootballIt is playoff weekend as the teams begin their hunt to the Super Bowl. Most of the teams are sitting on the sidelines watching and waiting for the big finale. This ritual got me thinking how this relates to Richard Verry’s, ‘Her Client Trilogy’.

The words that come to mind are: dominance, hunt, aggressor, tied, victim, surprise, tension,  fumble, pass, fan, tackle, mind game, injured, winner, loser, touchdown, coach, snap, chilling, receive, tight end, shotgun, touchdown, first down, chill in the air, cold, hard, chains, knee, time-out, panic, suck, ball, screen pass, run, interception, squeeze play, clock winding down, fourth down, fourth and long, two-minute warning, goal, first and goal, broken play, sack, interference, holding, illegal contact, roughing, offense, defense, pocket, opportunity, fantasy, handed off, time out, bowls, bowl game, hall of fame, rout, blown opportunity, huddle, dropped, down and out, route, champ, mascot, and shit!

Her Client Trilogy book cover 3DI am sure you can add more yet the point is all this is acceptable in the game of football. Culturally, it has become the norm to read, watch and/or participate in this activity.

How is this different from what the author is conveying in his books and novellas? To me, the answer is simple. The majority of our culture has not accepted this as the norm. Will it ever? I don’t know. I hope not.

Overall, we have grown as a society yet there are still issues that we can’t accept or are willing to accept. Still, we hunt, torture and inflict brutal violence against one another. It is a game for some and a lifestyle for others. Yet for Jolene and I, we will fight to the bitter end. We will not lay down and give up.

We may have fourth and long to go, time is running out and we are out of time outs and yet we will keep our wits and fight to the bitter end. We will not be the victim to be hunted and tackled to the ground. We may be injured and on the verge of being routed. Yet, while there are still seconds on the clock, we will not take a knee. We’ll run the screen pass and make a play for the end zone and a win.

See if you agree with my thoughts. Write me a comment and let me know, one way or the other.

A Reader’s Perspective.

A Reader’s Perspective

by Janet Maggio

I ask myself why readers are buying the ‘Her Client Trilogy’ en-mass compared to the ‘Mona Bendarova Adventures’?

1-Her-Client-3DThe ‘Her Client Trilogy’ are short novellas depicting a woman, Jolene who is tortured, brutalized and sold into Human Trafficking. Is it because this subject is relevant to today and the Mona Bendarova Adventures are depicted in a futuristic setting?

I hear from the author, Richard Verry, that his latest book in the Mona Bendarova Adventures, ‘Lucky Bitch’ deals with terrorism on Mona and her household. That is relevant in today’s society with what is going on globally and for some in our own city.

The Taste of HoneyI also believe that Mona herself represents today’s woman. She is powerful, independent and dominant in her own right. She may not realize it in the first book, ‘The Taste of Honey’ yet as the reader reads through her adventures, it becomes apparent that is what the author had in mind for Mona. She doesn’t recognize it early on as some women in today’s society don’t yet they don’t call us the stronger sex for nothing!

Do you feel the same or have a different perspective?

Read the ‘Her Client Trilogy’ and the first two books in the Mona Bendarova Adventures, ‘The Taste of Honey’ and ‘Broken Steele’ and compare them.

Afterwards, I encourage you to share your thoughts by commenting on the author’s website,

What would you do?

Have you ever found yourself in a situation in which you had absolutely ZERO control? You wake up in the morning, refreshed and ready to take on the world, only to have the day end with you being assaulted, clinging to life and barely able to hold on?

Generally, you look upon life with optimism and faith in your fellow man. Sure, there are ups and downs but overall, life is good. You make a decent living, earn an honest wage and live life to the fullest.

In this scenario, a woman works hard, tries the best that she can and makes the best of life. She’s attractive and knows that her goods looks has helped her in advancing her career. Not that she has abused the power she has but realized when she was a young girl that others made it easy for her. All in all, she tries to live a good life and insists upon living by the morals taught to her as a child.

Then, someone comes into her life and turns it upside down. WTF does she do then?

0-Client-3DThat is what happens to Jolene, the heroine in my latest books, ‘Her Client Trilogy’, available everywhere, including Amazon and my website

One day, she returns home to kick off her shoes, drink some wine and relax in the privacy of her home. From the moment she walks in the door, her world is shattered.

She is beaten, sexually assaulted, brutalized and sold into the dark world of human trafficking. A world in which she realizes that they have no intention of letting her live, let alone escape. Through her brutal torments and trials, the innocence she once had is ripped from her forever. Her torturers hurt her and one of them even leaves her for dead.

What emerges is a hardened, vengeful woman. A woman who no longer recognizes herself when she looks in the mirror. What she sees is beyond comprehension.

Follow her journey into the dark world of human trafficking and slavery. Feel with her, every torment, every ache and pain, every evil that can be inflicted on a body.

Can you survive? Can you manage to find an exit on the other side? Find out if Jolene does and if so, how she does it.

It’s a scary thought yet , remember ,what happened to Jolene could happen to anyone … it could even happen to you!

Her Client Trilogy, an editor’s viewpoint

0-Client-3DAn Editor’s Viewpoint

by Janet Maggio

After editing the novellas included in ‘Her Client Trilogy’ I found that I look forward to editing Richard Verry’s stories. I see first hand what a great author he is becoming, especially with character development.

As in any book, I like to define myself with one of the characters. ‘Her Client Trilogy’ was difficult for me. It identifies with one of my greatest fears against the female gender and it is so timely with what is happening in the world today, Human Trafficking.

I like reading and editing with Rich. Those sessions have created heated discussions and since Richard knows I am impatient, he keeps telling me to hang on and “you will feel better” after reading ‘Her Essentia’. I hate to admit it yet he was right! I do feel better.

I hope you enjoy the series too. Please read all three and I implore all women to get through them all. It is now available on his site,

As I write this passage, I couldn’t help wonder what those of you who are contemplating on reading this trilogy but haven’t taken the plunge on what you think. I welcome your thoughts. Please post a comment on this blog and let me know what you think. I am looking forward to reading and commenting on them.

Her Client Trilogy, an editor’s viewpoint

0-Client-3DAn Editor’s Viewpoint

by Janet Maggio

After editing the novellas included in ‘Her Client Trilogy’ I found that I look forward to editing Richard Verry’s stories. I see first hand what a great author he is becoming, especially with character development.

As in any book, I like to define myself with one of the characters. ‘Her Client Trilogy’ was difficult for me. It identifies with one of my greatest fears against the female gender and it is so timely with what is happening in the world today, Human Trafficking.

I like reading and editing with Rich. Those sessions have created heated discussions and since Richard knows I am impatient, he keeps telling me to hang on and “you will feel better” after reading ‘Her Essentia’. I hate to admit it yet he was right! I do feel better.

I hope you enjoy the series too. Please read all three and I implore all women to get through them all.

It is now available on his site,

A Woman Reader’s Perspective on ‘Her Essentia’

3-Her-Essentia-3DFrom a reader regarding ‘Her Essentia’

Revenge is seen as a negative characteristic yet I was cheering for Jolene in the third story, ‘Her Essentia’. Again, as I finished the story, I needed time to reflect on what I read and think beyond the applause of Jolene getting revenge on her “takers”.

I believe the experience she went through changed her persona. The nice, friendly woman became a killer and maybe even a vigilante if the author, Richard Verry continues Jolene’s story. Once I thought of those ramifications for Jolene, it made me feel sorry for her as well as feel a sense of loss. A loss in the sense that her resurrection may have created a new monster. Poor Jolene, we will never know really how this experience changes her world.

I am happy that she got revenge for the torture she endured and hope killing her attackers will give her some peace in her new world.

Janet Maggio