Picking up my computer

Would you believe this is the first time I’m picking up my computer in almost two weeks? Really? Yes, it is true. I’ve been under the weather since a week ago Monday. I’m also drinking my first cup of coffee in all this time as well. Those that know me, know that if I’m not drinking coffee, I’m sick.

How it started

It all started with what I thought was a sinus infection. I’d bend over and pain shot through my head, which went away as soon as I stood up. Uh, oh! The next morning, Tuesday, those symptoms disappeared. I breathed a sigh of relief. I was wrong. But then, I started feeling a malaise, a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or uneasiness whose exact cause is difficult to identify. That triggered a ‘uh oh’ in my mind, and I paid a lot closer attention to what was going on with me. By Wednesday, I knew I was getting sick, but I could still go to work and do my job.

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