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How I see the universe? I observe as much as I can and explore that which interests me. I see the universe we live in as a living entity. Life is everywhere. Recently, I discovered that my view of the universe had a name… Animism.
Surprise! I did not know that there was a name for it. So I looked it up. Sure enough, it’s in the dictionary.
Definition: noun
- the belief that natural objects, natural phenomena, and the universe itself possess souls.
- the belief that natural objects have souls that may exist apart from their material bodies.
- the doctrine that the soul is the principle of life and health.

Animism in action
Do I believe in Mother Nature? Absolutely, just as I believe she has a soul. Her ancient name dating back tens of thousands of years is ‘Gaia.’ I think of her frequently and use her name in my stories. And yes, I think of her as female.
The spirit of life lives in each of us. Life exists within the flowers and trees outside my window and in the rocks we step on. It permeates the stars in our sky and throughout the entire universe. We humans and everything around us comprises star dust. If you ask me what I believe, I will tell you.
“We are not alone.”
Gaia, Mother Nature, exists. Can you see and feel her?
She’s there, supporting and caring for us, even as we trash all over her.
Please care for and nurture her.
We cannot exist without her.
Mathematically, it is improbable that we lowly humans are alone in the universe. I hope that humanity matures enough when we answer the question, ‘are we alone?’ Yet, I suspect we will not and, as a result, act foolishly, putting us all at risk for extermination.