

It seems I am very prolific this week. I took time off from work to burn some vacation time. You know the saying, ‘use it or lose it.’ Since I don’t want to lose it, I’m using it too great success in working on Book 5 in the Consortium series.

You, my readers, will be happy to know that so far this week, I’ve written several chapters totalling twenty thousand, four hundred twenty-four words. That’s 20,424 in case you need the numerals. And I still have four days to go until I must return to work. I wonder just what I can accomplish in that time.


According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of the word prolific is:

pro·​lif·​ic | \ prə-ˈli-fik \ adjective.

1: producing young or fruit especially freely: FRUITFUL
2: archaic: causing abundant growth, generation, or reproduction
3: marked by abundant inventiveness or productivity, a prolific composer.

Prolific Time of my Life

Working on this book over the past six days has been fun. I go to bed the night before, and I wake up knowing exactly what the next chapter or two will entail. Then, it’s just writing… writing… and more writing fleshing out the scenes and incorporating the dialogue and injecting the emotions appropriate to the moment.

prolific progress on Consortium Book 5

I’ve gotta say I’m having fun with this book. The action is getting intriguing. Of course, it’s as hot as ever, incorporating a couple of sexual scenes that will make you blush. But isn’t that what all my books incorporate.

The story picks up with Sir and the Consortium forced to deal the crash of their cargo plane full of new prey to auction off and the exposure of their cabal. Sir discovers he cannot contain the media and lost control of the situation. Never in his life has he not been in control of something important to him, and it frustrates and tortures him. I say, ‘Good!’ Serves him right.

The media, discovering the crashed plane’s cargo of naked humans spread across the crash site, sensationalizes the public. National and global media outlets pick up the story, tantalizing their viewers, and awaking powerful people world-wide not affiliated with the Consortium into action.

Can you imagine how the world would react if this happened for real? A violent riot stays fresh in the media for weeks and months. What would you do if you knew that your missing cousin, son, or daughter were among the victims? Would you sit back and say, “Oh well.” Of course not.

I know you’re eager to read this next installment. Rest assured, it’s coming and at a faster pace than the last book. I can’t wait to see how it turns out.

Okay, I’ve got to get back to writing the story. I’m too excited to leave it alone for longer than necessary.


I want to thank everyone who wrote me, in response to my post, ‘Quite the Ride.’ You shared stories dealing with medical issues and trauma similar to what I experienced over the past month or so. I appreciate you sharing your heartaches, and I strove hard to write to everyone thanking them for their well wishes. Some of those that wrote me had it even harder than I did. I feel for you; I do and I’m sorry, and you are all in my thoughts and prayers.


2 thoughts on “Prolific

  1. Eve Reply

    Hey Richard,
    I’m very glad you’re taking some time for yourself. It’s a good thing…rewarding yourself I find it’s an excellent way to give brain a rest and have it focus on new stuff. I hope “prolific” means that you’re getting lots of new ideas for the Consortium series. Your mind works in mysterious ways.
    Take care and RELAX!

    1. Richard Verry Reply

      Thanks, Eve. I have lots of new ideas. Many will likely make it to the book or ones in the future.

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