Infiltration is near, Consortium book 4


Book 4 in the Consortium Series

Infiltration is nearThe next chapter in Avril’s story among the Consortium, arrives on March 1, 2021. 

Hello, my friends and readers. Although I am giving my beta readers one last go at the final product, the formatted manuscript is ready for eBook publication. I finished the book cover as well. What’s left is formatting and creating the book cover for the paperback version. It’s close, everyone. It’s all coming on March 1, 2021.

Are you ready to cringe at the Consortium’s newest games, sympathize with Avril doing what she must do, and Sir’s passions dealing with crisis after crisis? Infiltration is the fourth book in a dark human trafficking series suitable for ages 18 and over. Read on, there’s more.

Infiltration: Consortium Book 4
Infiltration: Consortium Book 4

Infiltration Description

A striking woman. A secret cabal of torture. Lambs among wolves led to slaughter.

After centuries of feeling safe and confident in taking whatever they want without consequence, is Sir the only one who believes their lifestyle is under attack? Will their complacency lead to their downfall? Are they so sure of themselves that they are immune to the forces closing in around them? Are they watching their back?

Meanwhile, desperate to survive in the world of maiming, torturing, and killing, Avril joins the hated Consortium to buy time to plan her escape. Avril will use her access on the inside to find their weaknesses and plot their downfall.

She remains determined to end this horror and escape forever from the ruthless clutches of her captors. Clinging to Sir’s arm, she avoids those hell-bent on killing her.

Sir may not understand what it means to love a woman, but Avril knows he loves her. Avril may love him in return, threatening her goal of freedom.

How can she destroy a man who loves her? If she does indeed love him, how can she tear down everything important to him? Can she orchestrate the Consortium’s downfall and still save Sir? More importantly, should she?

The Hook

Infiltration is the fourth book in a dark human trafficking series suitable for ages 18 and over. If you like disturbing details, interweaving plot lines, charming villains, and desperate heroes, you’ll love Richard Verry’s unnerving thriller that will leave your stomach churning with butterflies. Read Infiltration and encase yourself in sadistic suspense today!

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