Lucky Bitch Is Out
Yes, that’s right. I released my latest novel, ‘Lucky Bitch’ over the weekend. Lucky Bitch is out. Woo- hoo! You should start seeing it in your favorite book reseller sight in short order. Be sure to check it out.
I’m relieved that’s done. But, whenever is the work ever done?
No, I have three more projects in the works right now. There’s so much to do. I wish I could do it all in short order, but I can’t. That doesn’t stop me from trying. I was even writing during the sports match last night that kept me up late.
Lucky Bitch

‘Lucky Bitch’ is the third book in the Mona Bendarova series that began with ‘The Taste of Honey.’ Mona, the title character, finds herself in a situation she never prepared for or trained to handle. In short, she’s broken through the glass ceiling, becoming the Master of her own estate. Master? No, that’s Mistress. It doesn’t matter. She has the same responsibilities as any Head of Household throughout her community. Her previous Master is now her peer, and she misses that old relationship tremendously.
Conflicted, not everyone is happy with her ascension to the mastery of a house-estate, including Mona. She has hundreds of mouths to feed and doesn’t wish to continue as everyone expects. She doesn’t want to feed her stable from within. As a result, her stable starves and they suffer. It pains her to admit, but she relents to work towards a better solution for tomorrow.
Her ascension conflicts the established order of community. What once was a peaceful community is dividing into two factions. One hangs on to the past while the other seeks to make radical changes. What was once a bipartisan community is now two, each obstinately opposed to the ideals of the other.
Mona is the center of this divide. She’s left out in the cold to sink or swim. Read the series to find out what she does about it.
My current projects
The first is to publish ‘Angry Bitch,’ book four in the series. It’s written and back from the editor. Now I need to format it into a publication-ready product, with cover and interior for both eBook and printed formats.
I am also working on a second edition of ‘The Taste of Honey,’ the story that started it all. More on that later.
Last, I am writing the early draft in the next book in the Consortium series. Frankly, Avril is tired of hanging around, waiting for someone to cut her some slack. The noose is tightening around her neck, and she wants to get cut down. I’ve written several chapters in her story. Still, there’s more to write. Plus, it’s only a first draft. My fellow writers out there know how much work it involved after the completion of the first draft. I expect to complete the first two in short order, and book 4 in the Consortium series by late fall 2020.
The Taste of Honey
I discovered something when working on ‘Lucky Bitch.’ I knew ‘The Taste of Honey’ needed some touch-up. I’ve learned a lot since those early days. When I reviewed the very first chapter, I learned just how much work it required. I was unpleasantly surprised, and perhaps horrified to find out how it needed.
At the time I published ‘The Taste of Honey,’ people told me it was good. When maybe the story, plot, and creativity were good, but that’s about it. In my humble opinion, the writing was awful.
There, I said it. The book was awful. I am fixing that.
I’m surprised at how many good reviews I got on the story. Well, that’s about to change. I am working on a new edition of ‘The Taste of Honey’ with updated editing, storylines, new material, a new cover, and updates that will bring it in line with Mona’s story developed in subsequent books. In essence, I’m writing a whole new story. I’m looking to get it out at the same time as ‘Angry Bitch.’ Whether I do anything with ‘Broken Steele’ remains to be seen.
I hope everyone has a pleasant holiday season. And don’t forget. Lucky Bitch is out. Look for it. I look forward to hearing from you in the coming year. Have a great day and a better tomorrow.