I’ve been on a Bender

That’s right, I’ve been on a bender.

I don’t mean drinking or the Futurama character, although there are days I miss the drink. No, the bender I mean is writing, putting quality time into research, putting words down and writing a story.


Last week, I took several days off from work as a staycation. And I put it to good use. I won’t take the time to count the words written, but I assure you, it was well over ten thousand words among five chapters for the next book in the Consortium series. My readers know it can take too long to release the next book. Sorry about that. I sometimes think that as well. However, I don’t want to sacrifice quality for quantity.

It’s funny. When I first sat behind my writing desk, I stared at the screen, down to my keyboard, and back up at the screen. I didn’t know where to start. I knew where I wanted the book to end up. It was getting there where I struggled.

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