Hello all, my faithful readers, I want you to know I just finished the first draft of book 7 in the Consortium Series. I know it’s been about six weeks since my last post, and I’m sorry about that. Well, maybe not. You see, I’ve been on a roll, writing nearly every morning while my partner sleeps.

pen and notebook
Photo by Jess Bailey Designs on Pexels.com

I get up at around 7am and she gets up at around 11am. This gives me several hours of uninterrupted time to write.

I really like how this story developed, and I hope you do too. It’s odd. I did not know how the book would turn out, but as I got into it, things fell into place. I’m very proud of this first draft of book 7 in the Consortium series.

There is the usual snatch and grab of the victims for the Consortium, pain, and pleasure, and most definitely, the sex. The story is mostly told from Raven’s point of view. This is because Sir and Avril knock on her door at the end of book six. Sir needs a place to stay after the destruction of Sir’s home. We learn more about Raven, her predilections, her way of life and how she likes to live it.

Sir and Avril’s relationship develops as Raven looks on, shaking her head in disbelief and disgust at the direction it is taking. Although Raven supports her brother, in this case, she hates the idea of prey becoming a member. She ignores the precedence set centuries ago, and stands by her traditional values she grew up with.

However, Raven and Sir agree to work together in moving forward after the destruction of his home and the auction center, ‘Cavea.’ They have to find ways of resuming the supply of prey to members. While Raven is hellbent on seeking revenge against those who attacked the Consortium.

So what’s next for the first draft of book 7 in the Consortium Series? As I wrote, it’s a first draft. Next comes reading it again, trying hard to ignore the spelling and grammatical errors and looking for continuity issues. Next, comes fixing the spelling and grammar problems. After that, review and read the book again, looking for continuity issues. When I feel it is as good as I can get it, I’ll put the book down and give it to my beta readers to look for spelling, grammar, and continuity issues. While they work on that, I’ll work on book cover design. It’s a vicious circle. Only then and after fixing anything they find, it’s on to formatting it for publication.

While the first draft of book 7 in the Consortium series is done, there’s still a lot of work to do. I can’t tell you how many times I wish I could get a contract with a publishing house that can do all this followup work. It’s a lot. But I don’t mind, so long as I get to write and make my stories available to you to read.

Have a wonderful day and a better tomorrow. If you know an agent, please, have them reach out.

Such is the life of a self-publisher.

One thought on “

  1. Gail Reply

    I think it is a very good summary of what the book is about. I like that you mentioned some thoughts of the characters. Also, what else needs to be done before the book is available. Readers do not always know what is involved before it reaches their hands.

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