Reading while Homebound

I’m stuck home because of the onset of the world-wide Coronavirus Pandemic, so reading while homebound is now something I can do. I noticed lately that people reading my books are up. So what can I do? I can help other authors and read a good book. I have a whole stack of them on my bedside table, which I have to dust off whenever I clean house.

Working while homebound

Curling up with a good bookI work outside the home in a real job that pays the bills. I write novels on the side to exercise my brain and utilize my creative side. My employer sent me home for now with pay, on a week to week basis. I don’t have to work from home, which gives me paid time off to do other things important to me.

I presume that will change soon enough, but while I have the freedom to do other things, I plan on finishing up and publishing my latest novel, Angry Bitch, book 4 in the Mona Bendarova Series, and reading while homebound is at the top of my list.

Since I can’t go to the gym, yep, my gym is closed for now, I’ll work on my body at home and walk the neighborhood alone. I’d like to go out to dinner occasionally, but my county mandated restaurants to offer pickup and home delivery only. So that’s out. I can’t even hangout in a bar. Yep, they’re closed too. I hope there’s a plan to keep their employees paying their bills.

Respect and responsibility

I recognize the danger in this virus and will respect it. Halting its spread is why they are doing it, and also why so many are panicking. We need not panic. We only need to take proper precautions and respect this virus. Overall, the risk to me is low, even if I get it. What I don’t want to do is pass it on if I do get it. I will respect my neighbor and act responsibly.

So, I will write and curl up with a good book, reading while homebound is the plan. What’s yours?

Reading while Homebound and the CoronaVirusFor more information on Covid-19 and the Coronavirus pandemic, check out the CDC’s website for updates.

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