Taste of Honey

Second Edition

Yesterday, I published the revised edition of ‘The Taste of Honey.’ I love this new version. I completely rewrote it from the ground up. It’s the same story but revised and updated to fall in line with the later books in the series.

Why might you ask?

Taste of Honey

The Taste of Honey book cover 3DThis book was my first ever full-length novel. When I wrote it, I never thought it would ever get published. When I shared it with friends and acquaintances, to a person, they pushed me to get it published. I was shocked and their suggestions started me on a path of being an author and writer. I’ve never been one to sit on my ass. The more I looked into it, the more I realized that I might never find an agent and publisher. What I found was an avenue to become a self-publisher.

When I finally got around to publish the third book in the series, I realized I had to go back and take care of the details. The first edition of the book wasn’t as polished as it could be, and most of you noticed. When I went back to it years later, it horrified me at finding the many grammar errors and inconsistencies throughout the book. I had to fix it.

After taking months in rewriting the story, it spent more time in the editing stage. Then it was time to give it a whole new look and feel with a new cover. I am particularly proud of this new version.

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I hope you like ‘The Taste of Honey’ as well. It’s now available free on Kindle Unlimited and in paperback. Get your copy today. Suitable for all readers 18+.

Please send me a note. I’d welcome it, just as I appreciate you, my readers. Have a great day and a better tomorrow.

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