Lucky Bitch Cover Reveal

Lucky Bitch Cover Reveal

At long last, I’m about to publish my latest novel in the Mona Bendarova Series, called ‘Lucky Bitch.’ Here is the long-awaited Lucky Bitch Cover Reveal. That’s right. Book 3 in the Mona Bendarova Series will be out soon, as early as next week. I’m so looking forward to getting it done. I have too many projects in the works.

Book 4 in the series, titled ‘Angry Bitch,’ will follow suit in about four weeks. I might get it sooner, but with the holidays upon us, that will be a tough sell. Fans of the series will have to wait with bated breath. It won’t be long, you’ve all waited too long as it is.

In the meantime, here is the book description.

Book Description

Lucky Bitch Cover RevealBorn and bred as a submissive to serve her Master, Mona found herself the Mistress of a house she never wanted. It’s a role she was ill-prepared. Lost and alone, she struggles to support and feed the multitude within her house.

Working tirelessly, exhausted, and more cross day by day, Mona struggles to safeguard her stable from conversion. The problem is, they are starving. It’s an irreconcilable quandary. Convert her own so the rest can eat or go hungry and starve off humanity’s slow extinction. Succumbing to the immediate needs of her house, Mona submits, trusting the greater good will make it all worthwhile.

Mona is not the only one unhappy. A few of the other houses are not happy that the Community gifted her as a House Mistress. Fighting to remove her, Mona must fend off terror attacks from agents within her house.

Mona struggles to rise above the prejudice and anger prevalent around her. The attacks are unrelenting, and she’s feeling the pressure. Is Mona strong enough to protect her stable? Can she fulfill her destiny?

Can Mona reverse the decline of humanity racing towards extinction?

Closing Comments

Merry Christmas 2019

As always, comments are welcome. I’d love to hear from you. If you’re not a subscriber to my blog, I encourage you to sign up. I post something every few weeks, so I won’t be overloading your inbox.

Happy Holidays everyone. I hope it is a good one for everyone.

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