After more that a week trying to turn this new site live, it’s finally here. The usual problems surfaced but in the end, I think I have a great product for your enjoyment. I hope you will agree.
It’s hip! It’s trendy! It’s HOT! It’s sexy!
Please leave me a comment. We both would love to know what you think about the site. I look forward to reading your comments.
The site has a brand new look and a new brand. I’ve replaced the brand I built over the years to one that is truly suitable to whom I am. The site also is geared to both my blog and my books. I urge you to buy and read them. I believe you will find them an excellent read.
I must give thanks to my web designer, Leah Hart of CreativWriter.com, who worked tirelessly on the site and was my ‘bitch’ for more than a day. It was a learning experience for both of us. The pic in this post is an homage to her. I truly hope she takes time out for herself and relishes the cup(s) of coffee she so loves.
It has not escaped my notice that she drank coffee to remain awake and alert as she worked on my site as well as take care of her other clients, her husband, her kids and her family. I don’t think I can keep up with you. Enjoy the fresh aroma Leah. You earned it.
Please know I am very pleased with the work you have done for me. I look forward to a long-term relationship building my business. I happily recommend Leah Hart and CreativWriter.com services for your business ventures. If you need help in boosting your endeavors, please hire Leah. I believe she will work as hard for you as she did for me.
In the meantime, please check out the site, its new look and buy a book or two. I have three more going through editing, a sequel to Mona’s story and I woke up with a brand new idea for a new book.
I’ve got to get back to writing. All this web redesign shit has taken away from writing. So, until next time. Salute.